We make cream at home. Homemade cream desserts recipes: jelly, souffle, ice cream, cocktail


Natural products are more than just useful, but also amazingly tasty, also not very expensive. Many have already become accustomed to baking bread, biscuits, and gingerbread at home; there are also those who grow greens and even vegetables on the balcony. So why not make cream at home?

This product is quite common in many recipes. But finding quality high-fat cream in stores is not always possible. And if, nevertheless, some recipes can be adjusted for existing products (milk or cream with a low fat content), then there are also dishes that simply cannot be prepared without high-quality cream.

Or, for example, whipped cream - delicacywhich both adults and children adore. But those that we are offered in stores have an too intrusive smell and a cloying taste, moreover, most often the product comes across plant origin. But to make whipped cream yourself is much easier than it seems, and most importantly, you can add spices and spices as you wish and not doubt the quality of the product.

We make cream at home from milk and butter - the principles of preparation

The method of preparing cream at home:

To do this, you will need only two products - a pack of butter of at least 80% fat content (200 grams) and 350 ml of milk. The main thing to consider: products must be fresh and of high quality.

So, put the pan in a quiet fire, pour in the milk, put the butter cut into pieces. Heat, constantly stirring, the mass until the oil is completely dissolved. Remove the mass from the heat, pour into a clean, dry bowl of the blender, beat for at least ten minutes. Pour the whipped mass into another dry clean glass container, cover the neck with a paper towel or gauze. Put the cream container in the refrigerator for 20-24 hours. After the time has passed, remove the cream from the refrigerator, if the mass remains homogeneous, then the product is a success. Stir the cream with a spoon, then whisk lightly, but do not overdo it, so as not to get oil again.

Making whipped cream at home - cooking principles

In order to cook this delicacy, you need to purchase, and it is best to do it yourself according to the above recipe, fat cream. Cream with a fat content of less than 30% is not even worth trying to whip, get wet, but in the end you will not get the desired result.

First of all, the original product, that is, cream with a fat content of more than 30%, should be cooled for several hours in the refrigerator. Never put cream in the freezer to speed up the process. The refrigerator and only it, otherwise instead of a dessert with whipped cream, you will have to eat a sandwich with butter, because frozen cream will make only butter.

Also, be sure to thoroughly wash, wipe dry the container in which it is planned to whip the cream, and a whisk. They will also need to be cooled. Keep in mind that whipped cream is cooked at home using a whisk. It makes no difference whether it is manual or mechanical, only this device is able to make lush, delicate, airy cream.

Pour the chilled cream into the chilled dishes, and start whipping at the lowest possible speed. Slowly increase the speed. Beat until stable peaks - the mass should stand, and even when the container is turned over, it should not drain. Now without stopping the whipping process, slowly reduce the revs and speed. The main thing is not to overdo it, and carefully monitor the process.

If you need to sweeten the cream, sugar should be added in the process of whipping in small portions. But it is best to use powdered sugar, because the sand may not have time to dissolve if the cream quickly gets the necessary consistency. In addition, thanks to powdered sugar, the structure of the finished product is more tender and smooth. The amount of sugar completely depends on why you make whipped cream at home. Usually the proportion of sugar is about 50-60 grams per 500 ml of cream.

To add flavor, you can add vanillin, for color - food colors.

Whipped cream at home can be made from milk, only in this case, you should definitely use a thickener, it can be:

Gelatin. It is pre-dissolved in water for swelling, and then slowly poured in the process of whipping.

Protein. This ingredient is added as well as gelatin gradually, without stopping whipping.

Confectionery thickener. How to use it is written in the instructions, you can purchase this product in specialized stores.

Recipe 1. Mint ice cream from homemade cream "Refreshing"


• 400 ml of homemade cream;

• 160 grams of powdered sugar;

• 4 yolks;

• mint leaves (5-6 pieces);

• 10 ml of green tea.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and then remove from heat.

2. In another container, mix the icing sugar with the yolks.

3. Pour 300 ml of hot cream into the yolks with a thin stream. You need to work carefully, the trickle must be thin, the mass must be constantly stirred so that the yolks do not curl.

4. Put the cream on the quietest fire, cook, stirring until thickened. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise the mass may curl up, so during longing it is better not to be distracted and carefully monitor the process.

5. In the remaining hundred ml of cream, put the crushed mint, insist for five minutes.

6. Pour green tea into mint cream, mix, warm the mixture over medium heat so that the cream absorbs the aroma of mint as best as possible. We filter.

7. Mix the cream with cream, cool.

8. The cooled mass is poured into a special container for freezing, put in the freezer until completely solidified. The first couple of hours, the mass will need to be removed and mixed vigorously.

9. Put the finished ice cream from home cream in portioned bowls specially with a spoon. Garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Recipe 2. Ice cream "Eating" from homemade cream


• 600 ml homemade cream;

• 100 ml of milk;

• three eggs;

• 80 grams of powdered sugar;

• 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with icing and vanilla sugar with a whisk, and even better with a mixer. The foam should be very magnificent.

2. Pour milk into a small saucepan, bring to a boil, add egg mass in a thin stream. Stir until thickened, not forgetting to stir the mixture so that it does not boil.

3. Cool the prepared mixture of eggs and milk.

4. Beat cream in a mixer until thick stable peaks.

5. Connect both masses together. Gently stir.

6. Put the ice cream in a mold for freezing, bring to readiness in the freezer.

Recipe 3. Delicious cream for cakes from home cream "For all occasions"


• 200 ml of homemade cream;

• 60 grams of powdered sugar;

• 10 grams of gelatin;

• a pinch of vanilla sugar;

• 110 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. Soak gelatin for 20 minutes in cold water, bring to a boil, then cool.

2. Whip the cream until a thick foam.

3. Quietly pour powdered sugar in the process, pour vanilla sugar.

4. Pour gelatin into the finished mass from home cream, beat the mass thoroughly again.

5. The cream is ready.

Recipe 4. Almond cocktail of homemade cream "Temptation"


• 60 ml of liquor;

• 80 ml of rum;

• 60 ml of chocolate liquor;

• 100 ml homemade cream;

• ice;

• 20 grams of chopped almonds.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the alcohol in a shaker.

2. Add homemade cream, chopped nuts, beat at the smallest speed with a mixer.

3. Fill 200 ml glasses in half with crushed ice, pour a cocktail of homemade cream.

4. If desired, the drink can be decorated with grated chocolate ...

Recipe 5. Homemade cream milk souffle


• 100 grams of white chocolate;

• 100 grams of dark chocolate;

• 500 ml of homemade cream;

• 10 grams of gelatin;

• 150 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. First, soak the gelatin in 130 ml of hot water. Ten minutes later, the gelatin will swell, mix it and bring to a boil. After cooling.

2. Melt individually dark and white chocolate. Also cool.

3. Whip cream and sugar.

4. Divide the sweet creamy mass into two parts: put the gelatine mass and white chocolate in one half and the remaining gelatin and dark chocolate in the other. Mix both masses.

5. Spread a spoon in a bowl or any other suitable utensil in layers, first a white mixture, then a chocolate mixture, until both ingredients are over.

6. Before serving, cool the souffle. Decorate at will.

Recipe 6. Chocolate jelly with poppy seeds from homemade cream "It is impossible to resist"


• 100 grams of milk chocolate;

• 20 grams of gelatin;

• 60 ml of milk;

• 50 grams of poppy seeds;

• 300 ml homemade cream;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• water;

• a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin with hot water, stir and set aside for some time to swell. Dissolve the cooled mass in a water bath.

2. Boil poppy and grind in a mortar.

3. Melt the chocolate, add a third of the gelatin and milk. Tomim for a couple of minutes.

4. Pour chocolate jelly into molds, filling them half, put them in the refrigerator, cool.

5. Beat cream with sugar, add poppy seeds, the remaining gelatin, vanillin, whip again.

6. Pour poppy jelly over the cooled chocolate jelly.

7. Again we remove the dessert from the homemade cream in the refrigerator, now until it completely hardens.

Recipe 7: Irish Coffee with Home Cream


• two tablespoons of sugar;

• two tablespoons of coffee;

• 50 ml of homemade cream;

• 50 ml of whiskey;

• 100 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. Boil strong coffee in a Turk or in a coffee machine.

2. Pour hot coffee into a tall, slightly warmed 300 ml glass, add sugar, mix.

3. Pour in the whiskey.

4. Dip the knife into the coffee and pour the homemade cream on it with a neat, even trickle.

5. Serve coffee without mixing cream with the rest of the ingredients.

Making cream at home - some cooking tricks

• Typically, 2 to 7 minutes are enough to prepare whipped cream, it all depends on the creaminess of the cream. The fatter, the faster the whole process goes.

• You can flavor the cream by adding vanillin, whiskey, anise, also chopped zest or nuts.

• If you get butter instead of cream during whipping, do not be discouraged. Separating the mass from the resulting whey and slightly warming up in a water bath, the product can be whipped in a mixer. Thus, you will get a great thick oily cream.


Watch the video: Fruit Cream Indian Dessert Recipe video by (June 2024).