Leonid Yakubovich believes that fools invented on March 8


Permanent presenter of "Fields of Miracles" Leonid Yakubovich has been happily married for over 20 years. The artist shared with journalists the principles that guide him in his relationship with his wife. Yakubovich argues that the main thing in the relationship with a woman is to show the significance of certain dates. Romantic and expensive gifts are far from essential, what matters is what a person remembers.

Leonid is convinced that you should always give flowers and kiss the hands of your beloved woman, it should be in any man to the level of the reflex.

The TV presenter believes that at any meeting a woman should come with flowers, making this a real celebration. Yakubovich harshly remarked that the International Women's Day on March 8 was invented by fools, because every day with his beloved should be as bright and joyful as the one that men, often quite indifferent, are noted in early spring.


Watch the video: Баку. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 Russian, English subtitles (June 2024).