Gauze diapers for newborns - is it possible? How to make and what to sew gauze diapers for newborns


The advent of disposable diapers has made the life of a young mother much easier.

However, reusable gauze diapers should not be forgotten. They will come in handy more than once, besides they will help to save the budget.

It will not be superfluous to learn how to sew gauze diapers for newborns.

Can gauze diapers be used?

Every mother strives to choose the best for her newborn. With the advent of disposable diapers, hygienic and comfortable, some moms prefer to forget about reusable diapers. They are not only uncomfortable, but also harmful. Can gauze diapers be used, or is it really worth giving up?

To make the right decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons, that is, objectively evaluate a reusable diaper. Stitched from gauze, it has the following disadvantages:

• the gauze diaper needs to be changed immediately, since moisture immediately seeps out;

• along with the diaper, you will have to wash all bedding and clothes;

• if you leave the baby in a wet diaper, painful diaper rash will appear on the skin, and in the future - dermatitis;

• a baby’s and mom’s night sleep will not be complete, as you will have to constantly (5-6 times per night) wake up to change a soiled diaper;

• you can’t walk in a gauze diaper in the cold season, in any case, far from home;

• gauze diapers before use must not only be washed, but also ironed. It takes precious strength and a lot of time.

There is a danger of catching a baby on a walk or provoking skin problems, and concerns have been raised among young mothers about whether gauze diapers can be used. In addition, reusable diapers are uncomfortable for babies after a month of age. As soon as the child begins to move actively, it is almost impossible to keep the gauze napkin in the right place. The use of safety pins, practiced earlier, is extremely dangerous.

However, a gauze diaper has many advantages:

• it will cost a penny compared to diapers, haggis and other disposable diapers, and you can use it for a very, very long time;

• gauze is a natural fabric that allows the skin to breathe, provides airflow;

• diapers are easy to wash and instantly dry;

• when urinating, the gauze does not heat up, so that the baby’s body does not overheat;

• Gauze does not cause allergies, unlike industrial disposable diapers.

So reusable napkins do not pose any danger to the crumbs, provided that basic hygiene is observed. To the question whether gauze diapers can be used constantly, the answer is unambiguously positive. Again, if the mother will change them in a timely manner and will not allow the appearance of diaper rash. Moreover, in some cases, such a diaper is indispensable.

In which case you may need a gauze diaper

Disposable diapers for industrial production are very convenient, but expensive. In addition, there are situations when it is impossible or undesirable to use them:

• if the child has a temperature (overheating in a disposable diaper for baby boys is especially dangerous);

• if it is very hot outside (for the same reason);

• if the mother wants to check whether the baby has enough milk, and for this purpose counts the number of urinations.

In all these cases, decades-old, completely safe gauze diapers for babies come in handy. Of course, they will have to be washed after each use, but this is unlikely to be a big problem for a modern woman. Automatic machines will do everything for mom. The main thing is to prepare more gauze diapers.

How to make a gauze diaper: folding techniques

In order to make a gauze diaper, you will need a pack of gauze, which you can buy at any pharmacy. From gauze, diapers can simply be rolled up or sewn (manually or by typewriter). There are several ways to fold gauze diapers for newborns: with a scarf, a rectangle and in a special way (Hungarian technique).

Diaper - "scarf"

Fold a piece of gauze in several layers so that a square of 90 * 90 cm is obtained. Fold it diagonally. Spread the resulting "scarf" on the changing table angle down.

Put the child on the diaper, wrap the corner of the fabric up to the tummy. The ends of the "scarves" wrap the stomach, secure the tips from the back.

Rectangular diaper

Take a piece of gauze measuring 60 cm in size. Roll it several times until a rectangle-napkin 20 cm wide and 60 cm long is obtained.

Place the diaper on the changing table vertically. Bend the napkin from one edge. If the diaper is designed for a girl, a denser edge should be placed under the back, if for a boy - in front. Skip the second edge between the legs, fasten the diaper with a thin diaper

Hungarian folding option

Fold a piece of gauze in 3-4 layers so that a square with a side of 60 cm (or more, depending on the age and height of the child) is obtained. Spread a gauze napkin on a table and fold it in half horizontally with a fold towards you. Extend the upper left corner to the upper right corner. On the top layer of fabric the rectangle turned out.

Turn the whole structure on the back side, like a pancake in a pan. If you raise the square of the fabric up, you can see the "airplane" with triangular "wings" on the sides. The square center should be folded three times with an accordion. The result is a diaper, a "scarf" with a dense vertical gasket in the center.

How to sew a gauze diaper

Self-made reusable diapers are sure to come in handy, so they need to be prepared in advance, before the mother and newborn return from the hospital. If you use diapers from gauze constantly, for one day they will require from 18 to 22. If the apartment is cool, the baby will urinate more often.

How to sew gauze diapers for newborns? After they are folded, the napkins will only have to be sewn using a machine or manually. It is important that the seam does not turn out to be rough, otherwise it will rub, causing concern to the baby.

The folded fabric is sewn along the edge of the product and smoothed. The only purpose of the line is to keep the diaper in shape when cutting, so that the newcomer does not fold the gauze again. In addition, the ties can be sewn to the edges of such a diaper. They will fix the napkin on the baby’s stomach.

If you use the product carefully, there is no need for edge processing. Yes, at first the ends of the gauze cloth will sprinkle. But after the first wash, the edges of the gauze will fix, and it will cease to crumble.

Incidentally, you can sew reusable diapers not only from gauze. Moreover, the current pharmaceutical fabric is much worse in quality than the one from which diapers were made 20 years ago. It was tender, soft, retaining a fine-meshed structure after repeated washing. The current one stray into strips of scars, can be rough and not very pleasant for the baby’s delicate skin.

For the manufacture of home reusable diapers, Madapolam is suitable. It is a lightweight, breathable natural fabric that is very similar to gauze. In addition, very pleasant and well-absorbing diapers are obtained from old bedding. From frequent washing, the fabric becomes soft, delicate. The edges of woven diapers, unlike gauze, need to be sewn over.

How to wash gauze diapers

It’s not enough to know how to sew gauze diapers. It is important to learn the rules for caring for them.

Caring for gauze diapers for newborns is simple, but takes time and effort. If the napkin is wet, you can just rinse it thoroughly in clean water so as not to accumulate dirt, or throw it in the wash with diapers.

However, if the diaper is dirty, it will have to work with it, it hurts carefully. Each time you can manually wash the diapers, but it is tiring and long. Therefore, there is another option. You need to prepare a bucket with a tight lid and dissolve a little baby powder in it.

Rinse the soiled napkin under running water and put in a bucket. Do the same with other diapers. Everything that has accumulated during the day, before washing in a typewriter, you need to rinse once again, and rub the soiled places with ordinary household soap. If you do this, then no stains after washing will remain.

Dry gauze diapers for newborns must be ironed with a hot iron on both sides.
