Is it possible to treat adenoids in children at home? The best recipes for treating adenoids in a child at home


The most common problem that ENT doctors diagnose in children is adenoids. The disease cannot be ignored, since it has a prolonged course, in the absence of treatment, serious consequences are possible.

The treatment methods for this disease are different. We will consider how to treat adenoids in children at home.

Causes of adenoids in children

Adenoids become inflamed and enlarge when the child is often sick, often in cold and damp weather. Adenoiditis is called such a disease. The reason for it may be:

• allergy;

• violations;

• chronic tonsillitis.

When adenoids begin to increase in size, they become a hotbed for fungi, infections, viruses. Due to inflammation, air enters the lungs without going through a purification step or moisturizing.

There are three types of adenoids:

• 1 degree. Despite the fact that the child fully breathes day and night, when it occupies a horizontal position, it becomes much more difficult for him to breathe.

• 2 degree. In the afternoon, the child is forced to breathe through his mouth, and during sleep begins to snore.

• 3 degree. Since inflamed adenoids greatly increase in size, they prevent a person from breathing fully. For this reason, the child has to breathe through the mouth throughout the day.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with a child breathing through his mouth. But in fact, this leads to a variety of infectious diseases, such as tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, laryngitis.

What may be the consequences of advanced adenoiditis

The fact that adenoids prevent the child from breathing normally is not the only problem that occurs in the case of this disease. Adenoiditis can affect hearing, and later it can get worse. In addition, there are:

• frequent SARS;

• purulent otitis;

• hearing loss;

• violations in the structure of the facial skeleton, up to external changes in the shape of the face;

• speech impairment sometimes occurs: nasal arises, some soft sounds clearly do not sound;

• Inhibition of mental development is observed.

If this problem is not given importance, later the child grows up gloomy, closed. He does not want to communicate with peers. Due to psycho-emotional disorders, such children develop enuresis and laryngospasms.

The most dangerous is night apnea syndrome, when breathing stops during sleep, which can lead to death.

Treatment of adenoids in children with drugs

If you decide to get rid of adenoids with a medical method, you must strictly adhere to. Doctors for this purpose prescribe the following medications:

• antibacterial - antibiotics, (prescribe them when the patient also has infectious / viral diseases);

• immunocorrectional. Their use is necessary because the immune system now requires strengthening;

• vitamin. This may include vitamin C or another set of vitamins.

In the case of this disease, the use of homeopathic remedies is important. But they should be prescribed by a doctor and they should be drunk strictly following the appointment.

Is it worth doing an adenoid removal operation

Adenoids from the point of view of natural functioning are no longer perceived as a disease, but as a protective reaction for hyperventilation of the lungs.

In the case of their increase to the sizes that prevent the child from breathing, using the operation you can get rid of the problem, but the root cause does not go away. The body continues to deceive itself, the consequence of which may be the emergence of new sores.

In addition to surgical intervention, modern medicine treats adenoids with the help of homeopathy. But the use of homeopathic medicines is not the best option, since it often causes side effects. Alternative medicine in this case is welcomed by the ENT doctors themselves, since they have a large arsenal against adenoids, and with the right dosage and preparation of medicines does not cause side effects.

How to recognize the presence of a disease

In order to accurately determine whether a child has a disease, there is only one way out: consult a doctor.

First of all, doctors conduct a patient examination for the presence of inflamed lymph nodes in the neck. The tonsils and pharynx are also examined. They do this in order to exclude other infectious diseases.

Next, adenoids are examined using a special small mirror with a long handle. His doctor enters the nasopharynx and thus examines the condition of adenoids: their size, the presence of purulent plaque. An experienced ENT doctor will conduct the examination very carefully, without causing discomfort to the patient.

So that the doctor can determine the structure of the overgrown tissue, you will have to endure the palpation procedure.

The most accurate diagnosis of the proliferation of adenoids is possible with the help of endoscopy of the nasopharynx. At the same time, not only doctors, but also parents can see the overall clinical picture.

Adenoids are a pathological enlargement of the tonsils. In fact, such a phenomenon is not a disease, but it can cause a lot of side effects, therefore, it needs size adjustment. More often they use surgical intervention, but it is possible to cure the disease with less painful methods. These include the method of treatment of adenoids in children at home that we examined.

How to treat adenoids in children at home

It happens that adenoids in children can pass on their own, without interference from the outside. But if inflammation does not allow breathing normally, including during sleep, you can turn to methods of treating adenoids in children at home. The natural components that are used in them do not harm the body. And yet, before you begin to engage in treatment at home, it is better to consult an ENT doctor. In addition, it must be borne in mind that only a disease that is not in a neglected form lends itself to such treatment.

Beetroot juice with honey

Treatment with beetroot juice has no contraindications for patients of any age. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a small beetroot, grind it on a grater and squeeze the juice with gauze.

Beetroot juice in equal proportions should be mixed with flower honey and mixed until a homogeneous mass. Keep refrigerated.

Treatment should be carried out exactly following the schedule: instill 5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day at regular intervals. The course is 2 weeks. After a month, the course of treatment can be repeated.

We use aloe to fight adenoids

Aloe is used to treat adenoids in children at home, as this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For the procedure, cut off an aloe leaf, put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Then, with a knife, make incisions and squeeze the juice with gauze. If the child is small, it is diluted with boiled water 1: 1. Older children bury their nose with undiluted juice. Fresh juice is used for each procedure.

Propolis Ointment

You can apply propolis to children from five years old if they are not allergic to such products. To prepare the ointment, you need to take a teaspoon of propolis, 10 teaspoons of butter. Glassware can be used glass or ceramic. In it, put the mentioned products in a water bath, wait for complete dissolution. All should be mixed and allowed to cool. The ointment is ready. It must be stored in the refrigerator, put on the mucous membrane of the nose twice a day with a cotton swab.

Hypericum and celandine oil

St. John's wort grass is crushed, melted butter (4 parts) is added to one part. Now you should pour celandine juice with the calculation of 10 drops per 10 ml of the mixture. The resulting product is placed in a tightly closed container, shake in it until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Instill 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.

The emulsion can be used both for the treatment of adenoids and for their prevention.

Flushing is an effective method of getting rid of adenoids

Adenoids in children can be cured by washing the nose with salt water. To do this, add a third of a teaspoon of salt or soda to a glass of warm water. For washing, use the entire solution. If the nose is so heavily blocked that it is impossible to rinse, before that you can drip with naphthyzine and wait 15 minutes.

You can rinse every other day. In total, you need to carry out 10 procedures, after which take a break for a week. Often, to reduce the size of the adenoids, 3 courses of washing are enough.

Note! You can not use this procedure when the child has a curved nasal septum, as well as nasal injuries, nosebleeds.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid Enlarged Adenoids in Children at Home without Crying ! (June 2024).