How to grow hair fast at home: Rapunzel's secret hair! We grow hair quickly: massage, masks ... what else?


What kind of hair a person will have is decided by nature even before he is born.

Color, shade, straight or curly, dense or not very, lush or dutifully lying - all this is laid in the process of intrauterine formation of the human body.

When a person reaches adolescence, he has an irresistible desire to experiment with his own appearance, to create images.

This is especially true, of course, for girls who like to dye, curl, straighten, cut, and then grow their hair back.

And this addiction to reincarnation remains, perhaps, forever.

How to quickly grow hair at home: an integrated approach

The part of hair that we used to care for is the dead part. The source of life of each hair is under the skin. We often use a large number of different shampoos, conditioners and masks, with the desire to nourish the hair with useful vitamins and elements, for their better appearance and general condition. Of course, it is necessary to clean the hair from dirt. But to give them vitality, strength and health is possible only from the depths of the body. And in order to make it grow, it is necessary to act just on the hair bulb, located deep in the epidermis.

The hair bulb receives nutrition through the blood vessels that come into contact with it. They supply her with nutrients, vitamins and reflect hormones. Under the influence of this, bulb cells begin to multiply. Each hair flake that forms is called a cuticle. One by one, the cuticles are superimposed on each other like tiles, turning into dead tissue. This is how hair grows. This is the first "active" stage of hair growth. Its duration is from 2 to 4 years, depending on genetics.

If you want to quickly grow hair at home, you need to influence the activity of the first phase of growth. This should be done only with an integrated approach. First of all, need to rethink your diet, remove junk food, replacing it with products useful for hair growth:

• Fish of fatty varieties - rich in protein, vitamin B12, contains iron and omega3. If you dislike fish, it will be useful to eat 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. It can be added to salads or drunk in its pure form;

• Poultry - a source of protein;

• eggs;

• Legumes - beans and lentils;

• Green vegetables - broccoli and spinach are sources of calcium and iron, vitamins A and C;

• Nuts - make up the lack of zinc, omega3 and selenium in the body;

• Dairy products - a source of calcium and protein;

• Carrots - Vitamin A.

If you want to strengthen your diet with additional vitaminspurchased in a pharmacy, it is best to choose a complex drug. But you should pay attention to the composition, which should preferably include: B2, B5, B6, B8, B9, C, D, D2, D3, E, F.

Having secured proper nutrition and a good vitamin base, it's time to think about how to make the supply of all the substances necessary for hair growth more active. How to make blood vessels more and more voluminously nourish the hair bulb? The answer is primitively simple - we need to increase the blood supply to these vessels and increase the flow of blood to the scalp. This can be done with massage and masks.

How to grow hair fast at home: massages and mask recipes

Head massage significantly increases blood flow to the vessels of the skin. At the same time it is easy to do it yourself. Head massage is more effective in combination with neck massage. Movements should be rhythmic and smooth. The direction is always towards the crown of the head. The task of massage is to warm the scalp, thereby increasing the flow of blood to it. You can also use a hair brush made from natural bristles. Comb your hair evenly. Although this method is less effective than just a manual massage.

Today available for purchase apparatus darsonval. With the help of a scallop nozzle, you can comb your hair, affecting the scalp with discharges of impulses. This activates the vessels, expands them, and the blood flow through them increases.

Effective and mask for fast hair growth at home. The main condition here is that the basis of such a mask should be an annoyingly warming component. The role of it is usually red pepper or mustard. An important rule when applying such masks to the scalp is that the mixture should not get on the face:

Red pepper mask - the simplest of all possible. And at the same time, perhaps the most effective. You can buy tincture of red pepper in a pharmacy and rub it into the roots of your hair. And you can buy just ground red pepper, dilute it with warm water until a liquid slurry forms and apply to the scalp. It is necessary to withstand such a procedure within an hour;

Castor oil, red pepper tincture and hair balm - mix all 1: 1 and apply on the head, changing the parting by parting so that the mask penetrates well onto the skin. Tolerate for about an hour and rinse with warm water;

Mustard, Cooking Oil, Sugar and Hot Water - mix all the components of 2 tablespoons each. Apply to skin near hair roots. Then you need to put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. Leave to act for an hour. Such a mask will help accelerate hair growth and save them from excessive fat content;

Dimexide, castor oil, burdock oil, vitamins A and E - Dimexide and oil mix for 1 tsp each. Add 5-7 drops of vitamins to the mixture. Apply to hair roots and wait 1 hour. Then rinse off as usual;

Onions, cognac, lemon and honey - one grated onion is diluted with 1 tablespoon of brandy, pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add 1 tablespoon of honey. All this is thoroughly mixed, applied to the scalp at the very roots of the hair. A special hat and towel are wrapped well around the head. After an hour, rinse with warm water.

Each of these masks can be applied 1-2 times a week. After 2 months, the hair length will increase by 2 cm.

How to grow hair fast at home: tips for using styling products

Each hair consists of many cuticles. The denser each of them is adjacent to the previous one, the stronger the hair. The surface of the hair from the evenly and integrally arranged cuticles reflects more light. Thus, the hair looks shiny and healthy. Under the influence of the environment and electrical appliances for styling hair, the cuticles are destroyed, leaving gaps between them. This leads to the fact that the hair grow dull, become brittle and split. In such a situation, even masks that accelerate hair growth will be powerless. Because the hair will break in the middle and no length in the end will not work. Of course, proper nutrition minimizes the risk of destruction of the hair structure. But there are also styling products. Using them wisely, you can protect your hair, which will, in the end, quickly grow hair at home.

There are a lot of stacking tools. Each of them has its own purpose: to straighten hair, give volume, structure, give shine and so on. Whatever tool is used, it must have a protective function for each hair. If it does not provide such a task, then a protective serum is applied on top of it. Such a tool envelops each hairline, creating a shell for it, which will protect it from the hot air of the hair dryer, from the thermal attack of irons and ploes and from all kinds of weather conditions.

It is advisable to clean hair from styling products at the end of each day or at the end of an important long holiday. It is advisable to do this with warm boiled water with the addition of soda (1 hour spoon of soda in a bucket of water). Few people want to complicate the shampooing in this way, but if you still try this method, then after a few procedures it will be possible to evaluate the beneficial effect of softened water on the hair. They will become more voluminous, shiny and flowing.

How to grow hair fast at home: causes of failure

If you want to quickly grow hair at home, you should still be patient. It is important to understand that all methods work only in combination. If you just make a mask with pepper once a week, forgetting about proper nutrition, it will not soon produce results.

Do not also try to fool time. If the mask is recommended to be done no more than 2 times a week, then you should adhere to this recommendation. It is also dangerous to increase the dosage of ingredients. Such hasty mistakes can cause scalp burns. This will entail profuse hair loss.

If you eat right there is no time, money or desire, it is quite possible to enlist the support of pharmacy complex vitamins.

Even in the light of a huge selection of styling and protective equipment, it is worth trying to completely abandon the heat styling of hair. There are many ways to let them dry naturally, while doing the styling. For example, after your hair is washed and dried with a towel, you can braid a lot of small braids. They will not interfere with a comfortable sleep, and in the morning you will get pretty curled curls.

Of course, today there are many ways to fool others' eyes. You can grow long hair that blends perfectly with your own. And you can buy overhead curls and create hairstyles with or without them with their help. But nothing can be better than your own luxurious long hair exuding health. Moreover, it is quite realistic to grow hair quickly at home. All that is needed is a drop of patience to observe systematic measures and procedures.
