Lemon jam: how to cook lemon jam


Lemon Jam - General Description

Exotic refreshing taste of unusual lemons will bring true delight to true connoisseurs of sweet-sour shades. Not only delicious, but also extremely healthy jam preserves almost all the beneficial properties inherent in fresh fruits. Tea with a spoon of this delicacy will certainly cheer you up and energize, because the huge content of vitamin C that supports the immune system makes lemons a truly unique and valuable food product that protects you from colds in the winter and autumn-spring periods.

Lemon jam - tableware

Lemons are quite good preservatives, especially in combination with a sufficient amount of sugar, so clean jars and plastic covers for jam from lemons will be enough to rinse well in a warm solution of baking soda (one teaspoon of soda per liter of water), then scald with boiling water and dry strictly to dryness. In order for the jars not to crack or burst from hot jam, they must first be prepared by placing in a preheated oven (up to 100-110 degrees).

In order not to spoil the color, the shape with jam, it should be boiled in wide, low basins made of copper or stainless steel, stirred with a wooden spatula, and the foam removed with a slotted spoon from antioxidant materials.

Lemon Jam - Fruit Preparation

For cooking lemon dessert, it is best to choose dense, large and juicy fruits with smooth skin. When buying, give preference to firm and firm to the touch lemons with a freshly cut stalk. The quality of the prepared jam will directly depend on the quality of the raw material. Whatever delicacy recipe you choose, the bones from the pulp should always be removed.

Lemon Jam - Recipe 1

Ingredients: lemons - 2-3 pieces of medium size, sugar (granulated sugar) - 1 kg, pumpkin - 1 kg.

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, cover with sugar and set it aside until the pumpkin gives juice. While the process is going, take lemons, free them from the zest with a fine grater (we will also need chopped zest). Cut lemons finely or chop in a blender, do not forget to remove the seeds from the pulp so that future jam is not bitter.

So, when the pumpkin gives juices, put it on a slow fire and keep boiling, then add with chopped zest and lemons, let it boil for 3-5 minutes. The jam is done! Put it in jars and close them with tight sealed lids.

Lemon Jam - Recipe 2

To make jam, we need a kilogram of lemons, 400 ml (two glasses) of water, one and a half kg of sugar.

Take juicy bright yellow lemons, free them from the skin and lower them whole in boiling water for twenty minutes. Then rinse the fruit in cold water and cut into slices, discarding all the bones. Next, you need to prepare a thick syrup from water and sugar. To do this, we put the mass on the stove, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then we lower the sliced ​​lemons, gently stir with a wooden spoon and bring the lemons jam to a boil. When bubbling bubbles appear on the surface, immediately remove it from the stove until it is completely cooled, and then bring it to a boil again and cool again. It is enough to carry out this procedure twice and a delicious, original dessert is ready.

Lemon Jam - Recipe 3 (with Peel)

Ingredients: lemons - 6, 7 pieces, sugar - 1 200 g., Cold water - 1 200 ml, vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Select large lemons, preferably with a thin skin, wash them and throw in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then remove and, after cooling a little, cut into thin half rings, remove the seeds. Then pour water into the jar for the jam, put the lemons there, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook for about 40-45 minutes on low heat. At the end of this time, add sugar to the lemon jam and cook for another hour. After the jam is cooked, pack it hot in jars, tightly close. We advise you to turn the cans upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely, after which the jam can be removed in a specially designated place for storage.

Lemon jam - recipe 4 (with spices)

Ingredients: unpeeled lemons - 1.5 kg, icing sugar - 0.8 kg, star anise - 2 gr., Cinnamon - 5 gr., Vanilla pod - 2 gr., 7 large eggs, butter - 300 gr.

Rub the zest with lemons on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Put the chopped zest in a bowl, pour it with freshly squeezed juice, add sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and star anise. Cut the butter and melt it to a liquid consistency, and then add to the common dish with other ingredients. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and mix them with a whisk, and then pour the half-beaten eggs into the total mass.

After mixing all the ingredients, put the future jam on the fire, and cook for twenty to twenty-five minutes from the moment of boiling, constantly stirring it with a wooden stick. When the jam is cooked, let it cool a little and put it in jars. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator for two months.

Lemon jam - useful tips from experienced chefs

1. Lemons should not be overripe, since such fruits will fall apart during the cooking process and provide the jam with a not very presentable appearance.

2. Lemon jam should not be cooked on too high a fire.

3. Be sure to remove all the foam, since its remaining particles can shorten the “life” of jam, it will quickly deteriorate.

4. Lemon jam should be stored in cool and dark rooms at a temperature of + 9 ... +15 degrees in jars with a capacity of 500 ml to 2 liters. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time.


Watch the video: Lemon Jam Recipe. Lemon Marmalade (July 2024).