Scientists named the country where the best husbands live


Want to find a beautiful husband? For this purpose, you can use the information provided by the staff of the University of Oxford, who conducted a study and identified the countries where the most attractive men for marriage live.

They compiled a rating of countries according to such a basic indicator, in their opinion, as the degree of domestic help, including participation in raising children, assistance in washing dishes, cooking, washing and caring for the home.

The rating includes 12 countries. These are the so-called egalitarian countries, where equality of spouses is assumed in decision-making and distribution of responsibilities.

So, ladies, going in search of a husband, take your passport with you, because the best husbands live in Sweden. In this country, equality between men and women is very high. The index of egalitarianism in Norway is slightly lower, followed by the United Kingdom, USA, the Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand. The most useless husbands on the list are Australians. They are preceded by Austrians, Germans, Japanese.

As you can see, unfortunately, Russian men were not included in this list. As the head of the experiment, Almudena Seville-Sanch, noted that if women prefer men who would readily clean and wash dishes, then the men themselves are not so passionate about women who expect all the housework to be shared between spouses.

Conclusions were drawn from interviews with 13,500 men and women aged 20 to 45 years in each of these countries.


Watch the video: Multiple Husbands. National Geographic (June 2024).