Causes of abdominal cramps in men, women, pregnant. How to treat and diagnose abdominal cramps


Among all the complaints that patients turn to doctors, the most common are abdominal cramps.

Spasm is muscle twitching, genitals, esophagus or other organs.

At the time of spasm, a temporary narrowing of the lumen occurs.

Spastic pain can not only lead to terrible pain, but also signal you about the presence of many diseases.

Abdominal cramps - causes

An abdominal cramp can annoy anyone, regardless of the age and gender of the patient. The main reason for its appearance is considered to be muscle contraction in the abdominal region. A painful cramp can cause a sensation of pain. However, they may occur for other reasons.

A qualified specialist can diagnose a spasm in the abdomen, after a full medical examination. Therefore, you do not need to do self-diagnostics, when the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. Indeed, many causes that cause pain can be a direct threat to human life:

1. The occurrence of spastic pain due to improper functioning of the digestive system. This is affected by malnutrition, abuse of bad habits, frequent stress and overwork.

2. Diseases of the internal organs.

3. Cider pain from spasm can cause renal colic.

Blood vessels located in the abdominal cavity often suffer from cramping. Most people have had spastic pain at the time of an attack of appendicitis.

Many women of reproductive age experience abdominal cramps every month, at the start of the menstrual cycle. But this phenomenon is easily explained, because there is a temporary change in the hormonal background, this helps to reduce muscle in the uterus. Moreover, even the muscles of other organs located nearby are contracting.

At present, irritable bowel syndrome is characteristic. The disease affects cramping in the abdomen, people at a young age. This is due to the fact that the younger generation is subject to frequent stressful situations. In addition to abdominal cramps, they feel sweating, tachycardia, severe headache.

Since each person is individual, the causes of abdominal cramps are different for everyone. Identify them, as mentioned above, can only be an experienced doctor.

Abdominal cramps - diagnosis of possible diseases

Abdominal cramps can be the result of serious illnesses that require immediate medical attention.

A lot of factors can provoke the appearance of spasms:

• severe inflammation of the appendix;

• obstruction in the intestines;

• colic in the kidneys;

• infringement of a hernia;

• aggravation of adhesions.

Each of these diseases requires mandatory intervention.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancyneed to be considered separately. Before the third trimester, cramps are a sign that she may break off at any time.

The danger lies in the fact that blood or fluid begins to stand out from the vagina - this means that amniotic fluid is leaking. All women with these symptoms should be hospitalized.

But sometimes, abdominal cramps during pregnancy do not indicate the likelihood of premature birth. In this condition, pain may occur during urination, this indicates cystitis, pyenolephritis.

In any case, if such spasms occur, you need to contact specialists in order to be sure that nothing threatens the baby and mother.

The appearance of severe spasms can provoke gall bladder and liver problem. There is a violation of the excretion of bile in the bile ducts. As a result of this, not only the muscles in them are spasmodic, but also all the muscles in the surrounding tissues.

Similar symptoms can occur with urolithiasis, only cramping in this case will provoke the movement of calculi in the ureter. The patient feels pain not only a visa of the abdomen, they are given to the diaphragm, perineum, rectum.

Strong enough spasms in the body cause intestinal colic. It occurs with improper nutrition, intoxication of the body, diabetes.

The clinical manifestation of colic in the intestine is somewhat reminiscent of an acute condition that requires immediate surgery. But there are still some differences:

1. Pain occurs periodically.

2. There are no protrusions in the form of a tumor.

3. If you click on the stomach, the pain will stop.

4. The abdomen is soft enough, the front wall is not tense.

Often intestinal colic occurs with diarrhea or constipation.

Severe cramping in the lower abdomen occurs in women a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. Many do not pay attention to this, believing that such a state is quite natural. It also happens. But it should be examined with severe pain. Since this can talk about chronic gynecological diseases, or the occurrence of a neoplasm. Once again, it should be noted that in some, pain is a simple reaction of the body to menstruation. The exact answer can only be given by specialists after the examination.

Stomach cramps in men, can talk about the development of inflammation in the prostate gland.

Regardless of the etiology, cramping is always painful enough. Sometimes a patient cannot find a place; the only relief is a state of rest. With renal colic, everything is a little different - the patient cannot lie, he constantly walks.

Abdominal cramps can occur with severe stress and neurogenic malfunctions. Often they can be accompanied by diarrhea. In the people, this disease got its name "bear disease".

If pain of a spastic nature constantly appears in the abdomen, it is necessary to find out the cause of their appearance. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of an acute inflammatory process of internal organs, one should not take drugs until the diagnosis is fully established.

Treatment methods

With a sharp occurrence of pain, the patient cannot even straighten up, and his first question is what to do with spasm in the stomach. People enter their question into the search engine, get a lot of answers to it, basically they are all connected with traditional medicine methods. Many will put them into practice, since there is no desire to go to the doctor and stand in line before the appointment.

In many cases, the methods do pass, and a person recalls them after a few years, being in the oncologist’s office. In other cases, the pain becomes unbearable. One can’t do without a visit to a doctor. But what is all this connected with?

In fact spasm is just a symptom that appears with various diseases. Cramps always have a different nature of severity and location.

You do not need to look for ways to eliminate the spasm, if together with the pain you feel at least one of the following symptoms:

• vomiting

• dizziness;

• diarrhea with blood;

• the appearance of yellow on the skin;

• loss of consciousness;

Helpful advice! After severe pain, call an ambulance. If the spasm was caused by a strong blow, it is possible that the spleen ruptured.

In what cases can you postpone a consultation with a specialist:

1. If the pain began to appear after recently suffered stresses. This is especially true for children who are prone to frequent experiences, stomach spasm in this case, most likely suspicious. If this condition was only once and no longer occurs, you can postpone a visit to the doctor.

2. The development of pain is provoked by errors in the diet. For example, on an empty stomach, you drank coffee, or ate a lot of food before going to bed.

3. If the pain did not last long, and there were no concomitant symptoms.

Actions that can not be harmed

So, you are convinced that no dangerous symptoms were observed, and you can postpone the visit to the doctor for some time. But why for some? It is possible that gastric cancer manifested itself with spastic pain. The tissue was destroyed to a certain depth, causing spasms, but now the disease will be asymptomatic. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude organic pathology, in which the structure of the organ is destroyed.

Your next steps

1. Count your pulse, it should not exceed one hundred beats per minute at the time of pain. Measure your blood pressure, normally it should be 100/60. Also measure your body temperature, up to 37.3 is normal. If any parameters do not match, and are much higher than normal, or vice versa underestimated, call an ambulance as soon as possible.

2. If everything is normal, you can lie on a sofa or bed, and attach a warm heating pad to your stomach.

3. With high blood pressure, it is recommended to take antispasmodics, or use the same drug, but in the form of a candle.

4. You can also drink a pill that you have been prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Folk remedies

These recipes can be used for any causes of spasm:

1. Take 2 teaspoons of mint and pour one glass of boiling water. For 30 minutes, insist. Then dilute it in a 1: 1 ratio with water and drink once a day instead of tea.

2. Take 2 tablespoons: nettle, hypericum, meadowsweet. Place them in a bowl and pour 0.5 l. boiling water. Insist for an hour, then drink one glass immediately. Take the rest during the day. If the body does not accept such a tincture, discard it.

Doctor's actions

When you visit the doctor, he will examine you, ask the appropriate questions, gently palpate the stomach. It is possible that additional research will be carried out - laboratory and instrumental. Based on the results obtained, individual treatment will be selected.

The only thing that is allowed to be taken independently, before a visit to the doctor, is an anesthetic. Since the pain is strong in nature, and it is simply impossible to bear it.


As a preventive measure, a series of sequential actions can be carried out. They will not only help reduce the occurrence of spasms, but also relieve pain.

Self-abdominal spasm can be removed by pressing in the center of pain. Blood circulation will increase, and the muscles will thus relax.

If cramping occurs frequently but is not accompanied by severe pain, massage is recommended. Moreover, it is better to carry it out after taking a bath. It, like pressure, improves blood circulation and relaxes muscles.

Quite often, a spasm catches the patient by surprise, there are no hospitals or pharmacies nearby. In this case, you need to try to relax and sharply tighten the muscles, do so up to 10 times. Due to this, lactic acid will be released and relax muscle tissue. Cramps often appear in the cold season. That is why the sore spot should be rubbed with massage or sesame oil.

It’s good to drink warm milk. It reduces acidity in the stomach.

It is possible to relieve abdominal cramps on your own, but it is better to constantly follow all preventive measures: abandon bad habits, not be nervous, temper, perform physical exercises.

No need to put off visiting a doctor. In order for your body to be healthy, you need to monitor it, as well as treat the arising diseases on time.


Watch the video: Abdominal Pain: Signs, Examination & Diagnosis Emergency Medicine. Lecturio (June 2024).