Flying taxi: myth or reality? Someone may soon fly through eternal traffic jams!


The sensational news that Britain was about to switch to flying taxis excited the whole world. Is this possible in the 21st century, or is it another duck of the press?

New technologies in Britain

The country of foggy Albion is ready to switch to modern technology. British cities are choking on carbon emissions. All local airports operate non-stop.

The British government said that in a few years, due to the unusual flying design, it will be possible to significantly facilitate the operation of domestic airlines and reduce the emission of harmful substances into the air.

According to Euromag, such a commercial device was also developed in the plans of the aerospace development company to begin its operation closer to 2022 after the necessary safety certificate has been received.

Future prospects

In the future, the developer guarantees the design of unmanned models capable of flying at a distance of at least 700-800 km. A trial model that has already been created and passed testing will be able to deliver from two to four passengers at a distance of 140-150 kilometers. Equipped with a flying taxi with four screws.

Its maximum speed can reach 300 kilometers per hour. The light carbon fiber of which the aircraft is made allows to save on production. To produce this type of vehicle will be much cheaper than the same helicopters.

And in the photo below, a prototype of a flying taxi from Rolls-Royce luxury car manufacturer, a fully capable model of which is planned to be released in 2020

We believe this is really good news. Today, cities no longer cope with a huge stream of cars. Getting to work is becoming a problem for a modern resident of a big city.

We hope that after England, a flying taxi will appear in Russia. For Moscow and the region, such urban transport would be an excellent solution to the problems associated with movement around the city and beyond.


Watch the video: Day 1: Uber Elevate Summit 2019. Uber (July 2024).