A review of effective methods to eliminate and prevent a hangover. The opinion of a practitioner


Christmas, New Year, weddings, birthdays and other holidays are days filled with alcohol. If gatherings do not cost 1 glass of wine, in the morning there is a "bouquet" of hangover symptoms: headache, indigestion and thirst. The easiest and healthiest tip is to limit your alcohol intake.

What to do in the morning for those who want to walk and drink a lot?

Why does a hangover syndrome occur?

The reason for the hangover is the substances that are formed during the breakdown of alcohol by the liver: methanol, acetaldehyde and polyphenols. When they decompose, they also produce various toxic substances for the body.

A hangover is more common in women than men, because the male liver processes and decomposes alcohol more efficiently /

ATTENTION! It has not been proven that mixing various alcoholic beverages increases the symptoms of a hangover.

How to prevent an unpleasant hangover?

The main method of prevention is the long interval between the consumption of alcoholic beverages. During the festive feast, it is recommended to drink enough water. Mineral water taken at bedtime helps prevent possible dehydration.

Nicotine and ethyl alcohol are incompatible substances.

ATTENTION! A large number of smoked cigarettes make the hangover worse. There is a hypothesis in the scientific community that most symptoms of the disorder are caused by nicotine poisoning rather than alcohol itself.

Fatty foods must be taken before or during drinking alcohol, as it slows down its absorption. With a longer stay of ethanol in the stomach, part is destroyed by alcohol dehydrogenase. As a result, a lower concentration of ethyl alcohol enters the bloodstream.

Table sugar and carbon dioxide accelerate the absorption of alcohol. Mixing vodka with beer or champagne is strictly prohibited. Chocolate bars, sweets, biscuits and sweet puffs should be set aside during the festive feast.

The choice of alcoholic beverages also plays a crucial role in the development of a hangover. Cognac, whiskey or dark rum often contain a particularly large amount of toxic alcohols. Many cocktails and sweet wines (especially mulled wine) cause a very strong hangover due to the high content of fusel oils and methanol.

Hangover Breakfast

Breakfast should consist of a large amount of water, as well as protein and fatty foods. Herring, sauerkraut or rollmops - Ideal options containing a lot of salt, acid and liquid. However, the effect of fish and acid is indirect, since both of them lead to a feeling of thirst.

From a medical point of view, it is proved that alcohol blocks the hormone vasopressin, which retains water in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use a "hungover breakfast", rich in nutrients and fats, to restore the lost water-salt balance.

What home remedies will help you forget about a hangover?

Cold compresses will help against headaches, which must be applied for 3-5 minutes to the temples. The pain in the stomach is effectively eliminated by the consumption of fatty foods and tea from lemon balm.

Modern painkillers effectively reduce the intensity of headaches. However, the use of acetylsalicylic acid is associated with an increased risk of stomach damage due to possible bleeding.

ATTENTION! Paracetamol is an additional burden for the liver, so it is not recommended by doctors.

Ibuprofen - One of the safest drugs in the hangover syndrome. It does not significantly affect either the liver or the blood coagulation system. The drug is recommended to be combined with vitamin supplements and minerals.

Alcohol lowers blood sugar, therefore the use of sweet fruits, chocolate or honey in the morning accelerates the recovery of the body.

ATTENTION! Uncontrolled drinking is a common cause of death for all causes, according to the WHO.

The only way to completely prevent a hangover is to give up alcohol. If you can’t completely refrain from alcohol, you need to limit its consumption to 10 g for women and 20 g for men. We are talking about recalculation of drunk on pure ethanol.


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