Tartlets are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook tartlets.


The art of cooking delicious dishes does not end with the fact that you have correctly entered all the ingredients, withstood all the instructions in the cooking process, correctly added all the spices and made your note in the process, relying on the taste needs of your loved ones, relatives and guests. A tasty dish can become even more delicious if you learn how to properly present your masterpiece, decorate it beautifully, place it appropriately to the table, so that the taste of your creation is beautifully combined with those dishes that you served before, or you will serve it later. Well, if you decide, for example, to serve only one dish, into which you poured all your soul? Here, too, an important role is played by his pitch to the table.

World chefs have developed some interesting ideas that will make your dish even more interesting. One of these culinary creations is called tartlets. You, probably, not once heard that all the decorations on the table should be edible. After all, indeed, it is not very pleasant to watch such a picture, when your guests on their plates begin to select one or another decoration, knowing full well that it is impossible to eat it. Or even worse - you presented, for example, a beautiful dish decorated with artificial decor, but your guests did not correctly understand your idea and decided to present it to your mouth. Your response to such a movement will be unequivocal: "This can not be eaten, it is only for decoration." Naturally, you yourself become unpleasant, especially in an uncomfortable situation will be your guests. To avoid this, today we will learn how to make tartlets, which not only look beautiful on the table, but also decorate your dish, emphasize its taste. For tartlets, you can make any filling at your discretion, the main thing is that it is not liquid and does not soften the dough of your tartlets. Original obtained tertoletki made from hard cheese. When you have already learned how to bake tartlets well, I recommend that you add chopped greens when mixing dough. In this case, the taste of your products will turn out even more piquant and refined.

Recipe 1. Dough for tartlets

Ingredients Required:

- margarine or butter - 200 g;

- wheat flour - 2 glasses;

- eggs - 2 pcs. or 4 egg yolks;

- and salt.

Cooking method:

If you need white tartlets, then we recommend using eggs entirely. For yellow tartlets it is better to use only yolks. So, with all the ingredients we knead the dough, which strongly resembles the dough for dumplings. Roll the dough into a bun, cover it with baking paper and put it in the fridge for half an hour. While the dough is infused, prepare metal forms for tartlets. Grease them with oil, pay special attention to the corrugation so that the tartlets do not stick and split. Sprinkle with flour. Dough for tartlets need to roll a thickness of at least 0.5 cm and cut circles the size of your molds. You can cut it into squares and lay out on top of the mold. Rolling with a rolling pin and the dough will take shape on its own, and the excess will remain on the table. (just like we make dumplings on dumplings). Finger smooth the dough into molds. Pour some dry peas or beans on the bottom of the future tartlets so that the dough does not rise during baking, and send them to bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Tartlets with fish filling

Ingredients: tartlets cooked according to the recipe №1.

It now remains only to prepare the filling. To do this, prepare the fillet of any marine fish, Korean carrot semi-sharp, onion, garlic, mayonnaise and lemon.

Cooking method:

Dip the fish in salted water, add spices to the fish, be sure to 3 large lemon slices, which will successfully remove the smell.

From the finished fish remove the skin and cut it into small pieces. Fry onion in butter and add it to the carrot. Through the garlic we miss a few cloves of garlic. We introduce to the fish a little lemon juice, garlic and mayonnaise. Mix and fill the finished tartlets. Decorate the top with a mesh of mayonnaise and a slice of lemon.

Recipe 3. Tartlets with cheese

A great option for the "Swiss table".

Ingredients Required:

- flour - 100 g;

- butter - 4 tbsp. l .;

- salt, cold water - 2 tablespoons l .;

- yolk - 1 pc.

For salad:

- cream - 300 g;

- egg - 1 pc .;

- egg yolks - 3 pcs .;

- Feta cheese - 120 g;

- olives, rosemary, pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Prepare molds. Sift the flour twice and add oil and a little salt to it. Knead the dough with our hands and roll the ball. Cover with a towel and let it stand for half an hour in the fridge. Then roll out the dough and do with it the way we described above. From this test you should make 12 beautiful tartlets. We bake in the oven for 15 minutes, just do not forget to chop the dough and put the beans on the bottom.

Tartlets are baked, and we will prepare the filling. In a cup, mix egg yolks with an egg, pour in cream and beat with a mixer.

Feta cheese cut into cubes. Spread the cheese on tartlets, pour the mixture. Top with sliced ​​olives and sprinkle with rosemary. Send the tartlets again in the oven for 15 minutes, and we can serve.

Recipe 4. Tartlets with caviar

Prepare tartlets first. Take the dough recipe for tartlets from the first recipe.

For filling:

- red caviar - 150 g;

- shrimp - 400 g;

- eggs - 6 pcs .;

- champignons - 200 g;

- mayonnaise - 200 g;

- vegetable oil 1.5-2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Wash the champignons and cut them into small pieces. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes on low heat. In a separate saucepan, we need to boil the eggs (10 minutes after boiling) and immediately move them into cold water. Clean and grate. Boil the water and dip the shrimp in it for 2 minutes. Immediately drain the water and cool the shrimp. Peel, remove the central vein and cut them into small pieces. Put all prepared products in one bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add mayonnaise and mix. Stuffing for your tartlets ready. It remains only to fill them and decorate them with red caviar.

Recipe 5. Tartlets with mushrooms

Ingredients Required:

- champignons - 500 g;

- cheese - 100 g;

- onions - 2 pcs .;

- ground black pepper and salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Clean the prepared mushrooms, wash them well and dry. Then peel the onions and cut into small pieces. Mushrooms cut in half and cut into slices. Put the chopped onion in the frying pan, and when it becomes transparent, add a little salt and add the mushrooms. Mix, bring the mushrooms and onions to readiness - this is about 20 minutes. Pepper mushrooms and, if necessary, add salt. But attention! If you use salted cheese, then it is worth considering - do not overdo it! Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Take aside 1 tbsp. cheese - we need it for decoration. When the mushrooms have cooled, mix it with cheese and fill your sand tartlets with the resulting mass. Each tartlet stuffed sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

A great addition to these tartlets - green crunchy lettuce and pickled olives!

Recipe 6. Chicken Tartlets

Learn to cook cheese tartlets. Prepare: hard cheese - 300 g and starch - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

We rub cheese on a fine terke, add starch to it and mix. Heat the griddle with a thick bottom. Place a tablespoon of cheese mass in a frying pan and cover with a lid. We need the following result - the cheese at the bottom should be slightly browned, but only on top melt. While the cheese pancakes are preparing, prepare a glass - turn it upside down. Open the lid, and if the result is already obvious, quickly lift the cheese pancake with a spatula and turn it over with the melted side to the bottom of the glass. Use your fingers to press the edges of the cheese pancake to form a beautiful tartlet. When the cheese has cooled slightly, remove it from the glass. So keep baking all the other portions.

Now for the filling:

- Chicken fillet - 250 g;

- champignons - 300 g;

- bow;

- mayonnaise;

- greenery; pepper and salt, cheese tartlets - 20 pcs.

Carefully chop the chicken fillet into small pieces. Lubricate the bottom of the pan with oil and send it to roast the meat. The frying process should last 10-15 minutes. During this time, we finely chop the onion, and when the meat is ready, add the onion, cover the pan with a lid and continue the process.

Wash the mushrooms, dry them and cut into small pieces. Add to the chicken with onions, mix and continue cooking under the lid until the mushrooms absorb all the liquid they release. Season with salt and black pepper, mix. To taste, you can add to the chicken and mushroom stuffing a little fragrant greens. When the mass has cooled down a bit, fill the prepared cheese tartlets, pour the sour cream or mayonnaise on top, garnish with green parsley leaves and can serve to the table.

Recipe 7. Julien in tartlets

For this dish are ideal puff pastry tartlets. To do this, you can buy ready-made yeast-puff pastry, defrost it and bake it in the usual way in tins.

For Julien we will prepare:

- champignons - 8 pcs .;

- cheese - 50 g;

- sour cream - 100 g;

- onions - 0.5 pcs .;

- Pinch of Provencal herbs, salt and vegetable oil.

I think that many of you know that Julien, translated from French, is a way of cutting vegetables into straws. First prepare the ingredients. Grind onions. My champignons, dry and cut into strips. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and send chopped onion. After 2 minutes, add champignon straws and mix. Add spices, cover and cook mushrooms until tender. In the end - salt it. Now add sour cream to the mushrooms, and mix again. Put the finished tartlets on a baking sheet, fill with stuffing, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send them to the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 * C. Decorate the tartlets with julienne with a sprig of rosemary and serve immediately hot.

Recipe 8. Pizza in tartlets

You think that pizza can be served only in the usual way for us. And here and there - the original pizza in tartlets in our recipe.

Ingredients Required:

- butter - 50 g;

- flour - 250 g;

- sour cream - 100 g;

- salt;

- smoked sausage - 200 g;

- cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs .;

- thick tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l .;

- hard cheese - 100 g;

- parsley.

Cooking method:

First prepare the dough for tartlets. Knead soft and elastic dough from sour cream, flour and butter. Be sure to add salt to the dough, otherwise your pizza will lose its taste. Ready dough send for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, then roll it into a layer and cut circles in the shape of your molds. Grease with butter and place the dough. Press it with your fingers and place some beans on the bottom. Bake pizza tartlets for 15 minutes at 1802 degrees. During this time, they you should not be reddened, and stay white.

Choose the dough from the molds and grease each of them with a thick tomato.

Cut the sausage into rings, as usual we do for pizza. Put them on tomato paste. Sprinkle sausage with grated cheese on top. Cherry slices and put them on top of the cheese. Again, put your already filled tartlets on a baking sheet and in the oven for 10 minutes - bake until done.

Decorate the pizza tartlets with greens and serve.

It is not only tasty, but also original.

In the same way, you can cook a pizza with any other filling on your own.

Tartlets - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- When preparing a filling for tartlets, pay attention to its consistency. The filling should be soft and thick.

- When preparing dough for tartlets, you can use any spices and herbs that will give the baskets their original appearance and highlight the taste of their fillings.

- Tartlets - this is the perfect way when you make a "Swiss table" on the buffet tables. In the event that you decide to serve tartlets at a picnic, then we recommend not to fill them at home. Better on a picnic, bring the fillings in separate containers, and fill the tartlets on the spot and let them soak for 10 minutes. After that you can serve them to your guests.

- Decorate each tartlet with cheese, greens, caviar, cherry tomatoes, etc.


Watch the video: The BEST Fruit Tart Recipe (July 2024).