Kurnik with rice - a traditional hearty pie. The best recipes for making a henhouse with rice, mushrooms, cheese


Chicken pie is a famous Russian pie, which was prepared by our distant ancestors. Baking is very tasty, despite the ease of preparation.

Chicken with rice - the basic principles of cooking

A traditional chicken coop is made from yeast dough. However, there are recipes that use shortbread or puff pastry. Yeast dough is kneaded in warm water or milk, with the addition of vegetable or cream fat.

The filling is prepared from chicken. To do this, use the whole bird. It is pre-boiled, then it is cooled and the meat is separated from the bones. They take any rice: long-grain, round or even wild. The cereals are pre-boiled until tender, then they are thrown back onto a sieve and left to get rid of excess fluid. Then chicken is combined with boiled rice, salted and seasoned with spices. Mixed. For juiciness, raw or fried onions, chopped with thin half rings, are added to the filling. You can diversify it by adding mushrooms, cheese, boiled eggs or vegetables.

There are two ways to make a pie. In the first case, the dough is rolled out and laid out in the shape, making high sides. Spread the filling into it and cover it with a second layer of dough, tightly fastening the edges in a circle. In the second case, the dough is divided into several identical parts and a pie is formed, alternating layers of rolled dough with filling.

Recipe 1. Rice cooker


100 g of flour;


1.5 stack warm water;

freshly ground black pepper;

10 g of white granulated sugar;

ground paprika;

10 g dry yeast;


10 g of starch;

a bunch of green onions;

half a stack. vegetable oil;

two onions;

two chicken thighs;

stack boiled rice;

three chicken eggs.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour into a deep cup, combine it with yeast and other dry ingredients. Pour in warm water and vegetable oil. Knead a dense elastic dough, roll it into a bowl, place in a bowl and let it warm in a warm place, covering it with a towel.

2. Prepare the first filling. Boil chicken thighs until tender. Then take out the meat, separate the fillet from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Chop the onion finely. Pass it until golden brown in vegetable oil. Combine chicken with onions, salt, season with pepper and paprika. Stir.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and chop finely. Boil rice until cooked. Combine rice with finely chopped eggs and chopped green onions. Add mayonnaise to the mixture, pepper and salt. Shuffle.

4. Divide the dough: one part is the largest, two are medium-sized and one is the smallest. Grease a baking dish with butter. Roll out most of the dough and put it into the mold, making small sides. Lay out the rice filling and smooth.

5. Thinly roll out one of the pieces of medium size, cover it with the filling. Spread chicken and onion filling evenly on top. Cover it with a thin layer of dough. Fashion jewelry from a small part and lay them on top of the cake. Lubricate the surface with a beaten egg. Bake at 200 ° C for forty minutes.

Recipe 2. Kurnik with rice and porcini mushrooms


three stacks. flour;

meat broth;

1 1/3 stack sour cream;

table salt;

130 g drain oil .;

freshly ground pepper;

4 g of soda;

a third of lemon;

kg of chicken;

a pinch of nutmeg;

stack rice;

seven eggs;

five sprigs of parsley;

100 white mushrooms.

Cooking method

1. Boil the chicken until the meat is ready. Salt in the end. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the chicken without removing it from the broth. Separate the meat from the bones and disassemble it into fibers.

2. Sift flour into a bowl, beat in two eggs, salt, add a glass of sour cream and soft butter. Knead elastic soft oil. Put in the refrigerator for an hour. Boil the rice until half cooked, fold it into a colander, rinse.

3. Pour into a stewpan one and a half cups of broth and boil. Put rice in it and simmer over low heat until cooked. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and chop finely. Fry the finely chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil. Add chopped parsley, a third cup of sour cream, pepper, salt and stew for another five minutes.

4. Roll out three quarters of the dough into a round layer, half a centimeter thick. Put it on a baking sheet. Put half of the boiled rice in the middle, leaving the edges of the dough without filling. Put half the eggs and chicken on the rice. Repeat the layers in the same sequence.

5. Roll the remaining dough into a circle, cover them with the filling. Fasten the edges. Make a small hole in the center and pour some broth into it. Give the conik a conical shape. Smear the surface of the cake with a beaten egg. Put in the oven, heating it to 220 C. Bake until cooked. If the chicken can be moved with a spatula, then he is ready.

Recipe 3. Kurnik with rice from puff pastry


1.5 kg chicken carcass;

two yolks;

150 g of rice;

on a bunch of dill, onion, parsley;

400 g salty breasts;


two eggs;

freshly ground pepper;

seven pancakes;

on a root of a petrugka and celery;

three plates of puff pastry;

seasonings for the broth;

50 ml cream;

one carrot.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken, cut into pieces. Put in a pan with water, put the whole peeled carrots, bay leaf and celery and parsley roots. Cook until the meat is cooked. Be sure to remove the foam.

2. While the chicken is cooking, bake ordinary non-sweet pancakes. Rice cereal rinse and boil in salted water until tender. Fold in a colander and rinse under running water.

3. Two hard-boiled eggs, cool and peel and chop. Remove the finished chicken from the broth and cool. Separate the fillet from the bones, and cut into small pieces. Add finely chopped parsley and dill to the meat. Pour a couple of spoons of the broth and mix.

4. Combine boiled rice with eggs and chopped green onions. Pour in two tablespoons of broth and stir.

5. Peel the mushrooms and cut into thin plates. Roll out one layer of dough, cut a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the pancakes. Divide the filling in half. Put a pancake on the dough circle. Spread the rice filling on top, cover it with pancake. Lay the mushroom mixture on it and cover with pancake. Now put the chicken stuffing. Repeat the layers in the same sequence. The last should be a pancake.

6. Roll out the two remaining dough plates in a circle so that they can cover the whole pie. We cover them with our pyramid of pancakes and fillings and tightly connect the edges. Cut the excess dough. Wrap the edges nicely. Cut the decorations out of the leftovers and lay them on top of the cake. Make a hole on top.

7. Put the cake on a baking sheet, covering it with paper, grease the entire surface with a mixture of cream and yolks. Bake for an hour at 200 C.

Recipe 4. Rice cooker on sour cream dough


400 g flour;

fresh greens;

half a pack of plums. oils;

three eggs;

quarter stack. milk;

boiled rice - 200 g;

80 g sour cream;

400 g of mushrooms;

a pinch of soda:

kg of chicken.

Cooking method

1. Boil the chicken until cooked. Cool, separate the meat from the bones and cut into slices.

2. Combine sour cream with sour cream, egg and milk. Add a little flour and soda and knead a thick, soft dough. Put in the refrigerator for forty minutes.

3. Boil eggs and rice. Finely chop the greens. Peel the eggs and cut them into cubes. Combine faithful rice with eggs and herbs. Shuffle.

4. Peel the mushrooms, and fry with onions until light brown. Cool.

5. Divide the dough into two parts: larger and smaller. Roll a large one into a layer and place it in a mold. Lay out the filling in layers with a slide. Cover everything rolled out with a smaller part and staple the edges nicely. Make a hole on top. Bake at 180 C for one and a half hours.

Recipe 5. Kurnik with rice and cheese



a pound of flour;

50 g of flax flour;

olive oil;

130 g plums. oils;

a pinch of black pepper;

baking soda - a pinch;

5 g of sweet paprika;


two chicken breasts:

150 g of hard cheese;

150 g of wild rice;

white onion.

Cooking method

1. Boil rice until cooked, following the instructions on the package.

2. Chicken breast wash and cut into small pieces. Chop the peeled white onion in half rings. Fry the breast in olive oil until all the juice has evaporated. Add onions and continue to passer until light brown.

3. Melt the butter and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Knead elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

4. Lubricate generously with oil. Divide the dough in half. We roll out one part and put it into the mold, making the sides. We spread the boiled rice and level it. On top of it lay the fried chicken. Sprinkle with large chips of cheese.

5. Roll out the second part of the dough and cover them with the filling, tightly fastening the edges. We make a hole and drive an egg into it. Bake the cake for 35 minutes at 180 C.

Recipe 6. Rice cooker according to an old recipe



3 stack flour;

stack sour cream;

pachska butter drain .;


two eggs.


kg of chicken;

vegetable oil - 20 ml;

quarter stack. cream;

eight champignons;

a quarter of a lemon;

some parsley;

stack rice;

a pinch of nutmeg.

Cooking method

1. My chicken and boil until ready for an hour.

2. Rinse the mushrooms and finely chopped. Fry mushrooms in vegetable oil, constantly stirring, for about seven minutes.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, clean and finely chopped.

4. Take the chicken out of the broth, cool, remove the meat from the bones and cut into slices. We send the bones into the broth and boil until half of the liquid remains. Put meat in it and mix. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and chopped greens. Pour 1 ¼ cup broth, season with nutmeg and pour cream. Stir and leave to boil.

5. Boil rice until cooked, following the instructions on the package. We recline in a colander.

6. From the eggs, sour cream, salt, butter and flour, knead the soft dough. The fourth part is left for decoration. The rest is divided in half. We roll one part into a circle. We spread half the rice in the middle, level it. The edges should be left without filling. On rice, evenly half the eggs. Then chicken and mushrooms. Repeat the layers, forming a slide. Roll out the second part of the dough and cover it with the filling. We make decorations and lay them on the surface of the cake. Grease it with a beaten egg.

7. Bake the kurnik for forty minutes at 180 C. Then we leave the cake in the oven off for another half hour.

Kurnik with rice - tips and tricks

Boil the rice, following the instructions on the packaging, since the cooking time of different varieties is different.

To make the filling juicy, pour the broth into the hole during baking.

The pie will turn out even tastier if the chicken is marinated and baked in the oven.

You can bake a kurnik in a slow cooker.


Watch the video: Tender and Moist: Gentle-Fried Furong Chicken (June 2024).