Why dream of killing a man? Basic Interpretations: Why dream of killing a person with a gun or knife


Dreams are quite pleasant, but they can also tell of various kinds of incidents. When disturbing dreams - a person involuntarily begins to worry about his future.

Why dream of killing a man? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream of killing a person - the main interpretation

Dreams of murders are unpleasant. But dream books interpret them differently, in some you can find rather favorable forecasts for the future, but basically all dreams of murders are interpreted as harbingers of sad and very long incidents.

What you should pay attention to in a similar dream:

• Who committed the murder;

• Where the murder was committed;

• What was the murder weapon;

• Have you become a killer;

• What emotions did the dream arouse in you;

• What emotions did you experience during the dream?

If you dream that you became a killer - Such a dream rather warns you from rash acts and hasty conclusions about strangers. If you see that the murder happened in your house - such a dream portends you anxieties and losses and they will affect your close people.

If you dream that the murder took place in a completely unfamiliar place - Remember in which, most likely, some troubles will really be associated with it. Often, such dreams warn against committing fateful acts in the near future, from concluding expensive transactions, since they are likely to bring only loss.

If you dream murder weapon knife - This means that someone seriously hurt you with a word. If in a dream you see a gun as a murder weapon, you will have to change your plans due to a combination of circumstances.

If you dream that you killed the bandit who attacked you - such a dream means that you can with honor come out even of the most dangerous situation. But in order to make the right decision, you need to take a sober look at all those people that you have in your life. You are a rather patient person and therefore forgive your family a lot. They use this to your detriment, and even the most difficult situation that will happen to you soon will simply open your eyes to the truth.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotional coloring of sleep. Most likely, it will cause you anxiety. This is not strange, because killing scares many. But, if you woke up and felt anxiety for a long time - it’s time to think, perhaps you yourself feel guilty because of your actions.

Dream Interpretations recommend to interpret each dream event separately and only then collect them all together. Into a holistic picture of a dream. This is necessary in order to fully predict the future. It is also important to remember all the dialogs that visited you during sleep. It can be either a dialogue between the killer and you, or your conversation with the murdered one. Some phrases may seem quite familiar to you.

If lovers dream that one is killing the other - such a dream may indicate that their relationship has not been the same for a long time and there is a huge risk of a break. If a woman dreams that her opponent is killing her, she should seriously think about whether she is subject to excessive jealousy. Most likely, she is very jealous and thereby kills her relationship with a man in this way.

Why dream of killing a person according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that killing symbolizes the desire of a person to get rid of something bored, interfering. Such dreams should prompt a person to the idea that it is high time to reconsider his attitude to life, to his partner, to relations in general.

An important factor is also the murder weapon. Why dream of killing with a knife? Such a dream indicates a passionate relationship with a partner. Most likely, passion boils in a relationship and will only increase. On the one hand, this does not let partners get bored. On the other hand, it makes a break possible, since excessive passion leads to jealousy and scandals.

If you dream that you are strangling someone in a dream - you are bored with relationships and you need to diversify them. But you should not expect that at one point the relationship will become diverse and interesting, you must also make efforts to achieve the result.

Why dream of killing a person with a pistol? Such a dream can portend a speedy resolution of all problems of an intimate nature. Most likely, you will soon become a happy and happy person, so all insults should be left in the past.

If in a dream you witness a brutal murder - in reality, cruelty in intimate caresses is characteristic of you. It’s time for you to diversify your relationships not only sexually, but also spiritually.

Why dream of killing a person in an esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that killing can be a dream as a harbinger of various incidents in human life. If he dreams that he he himself becomes a killer - you need to seriously think about whether he hurts himself and his loved ones with excessive suspicions? Perhaps in his house there is always a tense atmosphere and quite a few scandals.

It is also important to remember whether unreasonable anxieties visit the person, does he fall asleep well? If recently a person has been overcome by anxiety and longing - he is subject to influence from the outside. This means that someone rather envied his well-being. Someone really wants to destroy his life and family.

It’s important to remember exactly who killed you in a dream. If this is someone you know, you should be careful not to share the most intimate with him. If it was a stranger to you - you should expect trouble at any time from the most unexpected place.

If you dream that you became a victim of unintentional killing - beware of rash acts and words. You yourself can provoke a negative attitude towards yourself with your behavior. Therefore, it is worth others to set their desires and needs above their own.

If a mother dreams that someone is killing her child - She must seriously deal with his health. If she dreams about how she herself killed her child - she too limits his freedom and therefore conflicts and lack of understanding are possible. But you can still change, you can still build relationships, you just need to think about the needs of your child.

If a woman dreams about how she kills her lover - she does not trust him too much, she is looking for reasons to ruin the relationship. If she dreams that he kills her in a dream - it is worth remembering his words. Moreover, most likely, it was in a dream that he would tell her everything that he had been silent for so long. It is possible that such a conversation will happen in reality.

Why dream of killing a person in other dream books

In the dream book of Zhou Gong a very positive interpretation of murder dreams is presented. So, if you dream about how they are killing you, you will soon be able to free yourself from everything that has bothered you for so many years. You will be able to resolve all the long-hanging situations and problems in the air.

If you dream that you are killing a person with a knife, and blood stains your hands and clothes - you should expect a significant profit. If you dream of repeatedly stabbing someone with a knife, such a dream means great joy and fun in reality, maybe even a feast.

If you dream about how you kill your wife or lover, such a dream means that you will suffer significant losses and will not be able to cope with emotions. You will have a hard time finding out the relationship.

In Loff's Dream Book it is said that killing in a dream symbolizes a person’s subconscious desire to get rid of something in reality. Perhaps it will be a different person. If in a dream you kill a stranger - you are tired of the shadow aspect of life, you are tired of secrets and hidden relationships. It’s time to tell the truth not only to outsiders, but also to confess it to yourself. If you dream about how you are constantly looking for someone, and this person eventually kills you, you yourself will incur trouble. Do not make dubious acquaintances. It is worthwhile to pull yourself together and bear responsibility for your life yourself.

Whatever appears to you in a dream - it is worth building your own life independently and independently bear responsibility for it, otherwise it will be possible to complain for a long time about fate and take offense at other people for their inattentive attitude.

The main thing is to accept life as it is and find only pleasant moments in it.


Watch the video: What does killing dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).