Melon compote for the winter - the taste and aroma of summer. The best recipes for melon compote for the winter: with apples, plums, watermelon, berries and others


Melon is a great taste, great aroma and a sea of ​​vitamins and minerals. Melon saturates, quenches thirst, cheers up, relieves stress. It includes vitamins of group B, PP, C, as well as phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium and more.

Unfortunately, you can enjoy it for a short time: in late summer and early fall. But, in order to feel the taste and aroma of a favorite product, it is not necessary to wait for the season at all, because you can prepare many preparations for the winter from melon, for example, jam, jams and, of course, melon compotes.

Melon compote for the winter - general principles of preparation

To make the compote really tasty and fragrant, choose a ripe melon, not very dense, but not soft, without obvious signs of mold and damage. The smell of the fetus should be pronounced, consistent with the melon aroma. Do not take the ripe melons, otherwise the pulp will lose its shape during cooking and turn into slurry.

Rinse and peel the selected melon, and then cut the pulp into pieces of any shape: squares, cubes, slices, slices.

If you want to diversify the taste of compote, feel free to add any fruits and berries to taste. Melon is especially well combined with watermelon, apples, pears, plums, strawberries, strawberries. Also, when cooking, you can add vanilla, honey.

Usually prepared melon and other components are placed in already cooked sugar syrup and boiled for several minutes. After being poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Recipe 1. Melon compote for the winter


• two liters of water;

• kilogram of melon;

• 1.3 sugar.

How to cook:

1. We carefully wash the melon, cut it. We cut the peel, remove the seeds, cut the pulp itself into small slices.

2. Pour sugar in a saucepan of a suitable size, pour water.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, lay out the prepared melon, cook the compote for 3-4 minutes.

4. Pour hot in a sterile container, roll up.

5. Cool at room temperature, store in a cool place.

Recipe 2. Compote of melon and plums for the winter


• a pound of plums;

• kilogram of melon;

• 1.55 kg sugar;

• 1.3-1.4 liters of water;

• two to three grams of citric acid.

How to cook:

1. In thoroughly washed plums, remove the seeds.

2. We wash the melon and cut the peel, remove the seeds. The pulp is cut not too small, but not large cubes.

3. Pour water into the pan, add sugar, bring to a boil.

4. Tomim the syrup for about 5 minutes to completely dissolve the sugar.

5. We transfer the plum into the syrup, cook for about 3 minutes, after which we add the flesh of the melon.

6. We stand the compote after boiling over medium heat for another 5-7 minutes.

7. Carefully transfer the melon and plum to a sterilized jar with a slotted spoon, pour citric acid.

8. Pour sugar syrup to the top.

9. Roll the jar with a metal lid, sterilize for 10 minutes, putting the container in slightly boiling water.

10. Cool, put away for storage.

Recipe 3. Stewed melon with spices for the winter


• 1.5 kg of melon;

• 2 liters of water;

• 960 g of sugar;

• 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon and cloves;

• 2 tbsp. l lemon zest;

• vanilla pod.

How to cook:

1. From two liters of water and a kilogram of granulated sugar we make sweet syrup.

2. We spread peeled melon pulp, peeled and peeled, cut into cubes. Blanch in boiling syrup for 3 minutes.

3. Put the vanilla bean, keep it on low heat for another 1-2 minutes, then remove the vanilla.

4. Transfer pieces of melon into sterile jars.

5. Sprinkle with cinnamon and cloves, add lemon zest.

6. Pour the ingredients in syrup, roll up.

7. We sterilize the compote on low heat for about 15 minutes.

Recipe 4. Stewed melon for the winter with the addition of fruits, berries and mint


• 800 grams of melon pulp;

• 350 g of apples of sweet varieties;

• 350 g of fresh or frozen strawberries;

• 600 g of granulated sugar;

• 1, 2 liters of water;

• sprigs of mint.

How to cook:

1. To begin with, we wash the apples, clean them from seeds and peels, cut into thin plates.

2. If the strawberries are frozen, let it stand at room temperature, fresh - just rinse.

3. Cook the syrup: pour sugar into the saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, let it boil for about 3 minutes.

4. Put apples in syrup, blanch for 1-2 minutes.

5. Add sliced ​​melon, blanch for another 3 minutes.

6. Put in a sterile container melon, apples and strawberries, add, rinsing, sprigs of mint.

7. Pour all the ingredients with burning syrup.

8. We sterilize the compote from the melon for 10 minutes, then roll it up.

Recipe 5. Compote of melon, plums and apples for the winter


• 500 g of melon;

• 500 g of apples;

• 300 g of plums;

• a pound of sugar;

• two liters of water.

How to cook:

1. I wash and clean the melon, cut the flesh into medium-sized cubes.

2. We wash the apples, cut them into cubes of the same size as the melon, removing the core when slicing.

3. Rinse the plums, dry, remove the seeds.

4. Cook from sugar and water syrup.

5. Put the apples in a slightly boiling syrup, cook for 3 minutes.

6. Add the plum, cook for another 3 minutes.

7. Lastly, put the melon, cook for no more than a couple of minutes.

8. Then we roll up hot compote into sterilized jars and roll up.

9. Leave on the table to cool, and then put it into storage in a darkened cool place.

Recipe 6. Compote of melon and watermelon for the winter


• a pound of pulp of melon and watermelon;

• a glass of sugar;

• litere of water.

How to cook:

1. Prepared the pulp of watermelon and melon, cut into cubes or not thin slices.

2. Pour sugar in a pot of water. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes.

3. Put melon and watermelon in syrup.

4. As soon as the compote boils, cook for another 2 minutes and immediately remove from heat.

5. Pour the drink into sterile jars.

6. Roll up and cool, turning upside down.

Recipe 7. Compote of melon and grapes for the winter


• 2, 5 liters of water;

• 2 kg of melon;

• a pound of grapes;

• a glass of sugar;

• 2-3 g of citric acid.

How to cook:

1. We wash the melon, peel the flesh from the peel and seeds.

2. Gently rinse the grapes and separate the berries from the twigs.

3. Cut the flesh of the melons into cubes.

4. We transfer the grapes and melon into sterilized liter jars so that the jar is 1/3 full.

5. Sprinkle a fruit with a pinch of citric acid.

6. We prepare sweet syrup from sugar and water, boiling, after boiling, for 2-3 minutes.

7. Fill the melon with boiling syrup to the top.

8. Immediately roll compote with sterile metal caps.

9. After the drink has cooled, we remove it for storage in a darkened cool place.

Recipe 8. Compote of melon and oranges for the winter


• 750 grams of melon pulp;

• 280 grams of sugar;

• two sweet oranges;

• a pinch of nutmeg;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• one clove bud.

How to cook:

1. Melon, peeled from seeds and peel, cut into cubes.

2. Wash the oranges, put in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then rinse in cold water.

3. The peel of the prepared orange is rubbed on a fine grater, trying not to get the white part.

4. After the zest is grated, peel the orange from all white veins, cut the flesh into slices.

5. Put in a sterile container and orange, and melon.

6. Here we put orange zest, cloves, sprinkle fruit with nutmeg.

7. Pour all the syrup boiled from water and sugar.

8. We expose containers with compote to a water bath for 4-7 minutes. Roll up.

Recipe 9. Compote of melon with peaches for the winter


• 1.8 kg of juicy melon;

• 550 g of peaches;

• 3 tbsp. l lemon juice;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 2 liters of water.

How to cook:

1. We clean the washed melon from the peel, remove the seeds with a spoon, cut the flesh into small slices.

2. Peaches are washed. Cut the fruit into two parts, remove the seeds.

3. Cook sugar and water syrup in a saucepan.

4. Pour peaches with hot syrup, after half an hour add melon and lemon juice.

5. Soak the drink for 3-4 hours, then bring to a boil and roll.

Melon compote for the winter - secrets and subtleties of cooking

• To make the compote tasty, brew the drink only from filtered or spring water.

• If you are cooking melon compote by adding apples, choose apples of sweet varieties. Sour apples do not mix well with melon and can affect the taste of the finished product.

• Any additional fruits, whether berries or fruits, as well as the melon itself, must be ripe, juicy, strong, not spoiled.

• Any spices added to the compote will give the drink a special aroma, but you should not overdo it with these ingredients - put them in minimal quantities, just for a slight smell.

• It is recommended to keep the melon compote before serving in the refrigerator, so the taste and aroma of the drink will reveal more. You can also add crushed ice to the compote before serving.

• If you want compote with pulp, just chop the blanched melon in a blender and pour this mass with prepared syrup.

• If you don’t fill the melon fresh, but boil it first, note that it softens in hot water very quickly, which means that you need to blanch it literally within 2-3 minutes.

• Do not be afraid to put citric acid, it will not give the drink a sour taste, but the compote will turn out brighter, and it will be stored longer.

• Sugar can be replaced with cane or brown sugar, this will not affect the taste of compote.

• If the prepared compote turned out to be too sweet, just dilute it with cooled boiled water.


Watch the video: The Gourmet Garden (July 2024).