Burdock - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Burdock - General Description

Burdock, burdock (Arctium) - a plant of the family Asteraceae. The root is thick, spindle-shaped, branched, grows 15 meters deep. The stalk is powerful, formed in the second year of life, up to 2-3 meters high, the leaves are large, only basal in the first year. The flowers are small, purple-purple, collected in baskets, the fruit - small achenes, ripens in late summer.

Burdock - types and places of growth

In total there are about 11 species of burdock or burdock, the habitat consists of the temperate zone of Europe and Asia, as well as Japan and the British Isles. In the Americas, it prefers predominantly fertile soils. This plant was brought to Europe by Russian troops during the Patriotic War of 1812. It is found on heavy soils in Russia, and can form continuous thickets along the banks of water bodies, along roadsides, in landfills, in ravines. Some varieties of burdock are used in the economic life of a person.

Burdock - healing properties

The healing effect of burdock has been proven in numerous studies. The medicinal use of this plant is popular due to its diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and moderately painkiller properties. In addition, burdock can relieve allergic manifestations, itching, and improve skin condition. It has a mild laxative effect, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. It has an antidiabetic effect and is used as a prophylaxis of kidney stones and salt deposits in the joints. The plant is widely used in dermatology.

Burdock - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, large burdock is used. Most often, the root of the plant is used, less often fruits and leaves. The roots of the plant are collected in the first year of life only in autumn, from a two-year-old plant in any warm season. Leaves, inflorescences and fruits are also used. Juice is made from leaves and burdock oil is extracted. The roots of the plant contain insulin polysaccharide, essential oil, resins, protein. It is also rich in fat-like substances, mineral salts and vitamin C, decoctions, powders and extracts are made from it. Burdock fruits are high in fat.

Burdock - recipes

- A decoction of burdock roots for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis, exudative diathesis: 100 grams of crushed burdock roots are evaporated to half the volume in a liter of water. Strain, honey is added to taste. Drink 3 tbsp. tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

- A decoction of leaves, inflorescences of burdock for the treatment of rheumatism and gout: boil 20 grams of burdock (leaves and inflorescences) for 5 minutes. A bandage or gauze is moistened with the decoction and applied to the diseased joint. This broth can be added when taking a bath.

- Green leaf juice for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns and pressure sores. To obtain juice, take young shoots of burdock and squeeze the juice, mix with finely ground leaves and apply to the sore spot.

- Burdock ointment is used to treat baldness. The same ointment treats burns and frostbite. 25 grams of crushed leaves and roots of burdock are boiled in a small amount of water for 20 minutes, added with 100 grams of butter and triturated.

- Burdock oil for hair growth and treatment of skin diseases: 75 grams of a young root is poured with 200 grams of oil (sunflower, etc.), insisted for a day, then cooked over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and cool in hot form.

Burdock - contraindications

This plant does not have a large list of contraindications. In addition to individual intolerance, use during pregnancy and during feeding the baby can be dangerous.


DANIL 10/25/2016

Anna 10/18/2016
Why is decoction of burdock root contraindicated during pregnancy?

Vika 04/28/2016
I have long noticed that burdock not only gives a healing effect, but also anesthetizes the wound. After all, sticking this leaf to a broken knee, after a couple of minutes you completely forget about the wound. Well, I didn’t know about other medicinal properties of burdock, maybe something will be useful to me.

Julia 04/28/2016
That is, as I understand it, burdock can be used for all types of skin diseases? Of course, this could be assumed, given its excellent effect on various sores. But about the strengthening and growth of hair with the help of burdock, I knew, and even used it myself.

Dina 04/28/2016
It turns out that burdock cures a lot of diseases! And rheumatism, and ulcers, and baldness ... And I was surprised that in Europe it began to grow, only thanks to the Russians, and even that, in 1812. I thought that such a common plant is everywhere.


Watch the video: Healing Magic of Burdock - Health Benefits of the Incredible Burdock Root (July 2024).