A bee has bitten: what needs to be done, is it necessary to consult a doctor? What to do if a bee has bitten: first aid


The summer season is not only warm weather, but also the risk of bites of dangerous insects, including bees.

Let us consider in more detail what needs to be done if a bee has bitten and how to prevent this.

What to do if a bee has bitten: symptoms

It is not difficult to recognize a bee sting, because usually it is accompanied by such symptoms:

1. A sharp stitching or swelling pain at the site of the bite.

2. Redness of the bite.

3. The manifestation of a white dot in the area of ​​penetration of the sting.

4. The occurrence of edema at the site of the bite.

5. The appearance of a small rash and itching near the affected area of ​​the skin.

In addition, sometimes a bee sting can cause a strong allergic reaction in humans. Symptoms of it may be:

1. Nausea and vomiting.

2. Headache pain.

3. Dizziness.

4. Cramps.

5. Increased heart rate and pulse.

6. The appearance of cold sweat.

7. Sudden jumps in blood pressure.

8. Chills.

9. A condition similar to an asthma attack.

10. Itching throughout the body.

11. Severe swelling of the bite.

12. An increase in body temperature.

13. Weakness.

14. Shortness of breath due to severe swelling of the larynx and neck.

15. Loss of consciousness.

It is important to knowthat in some people this allergic reaction is especially acute. It occurs already in the first minutes after a bee sting and can lead to cardiac arrest, complete suffocation or anaphylactic shock. Most of all, small children are prone to this outcome with an acute allergy to bee venom.

Also worth mentioning about the reaction that occurs after a bee stings in the eye. The fact is that this organ is very sensitive and instantly reacts to any irritation. As a result of this, already in the first minute after the defeat, a person begins to suffer from abundant discharge of lacrimal fluid, severe swelling of the eyelid and face.

Despite such a difficult condition, edema is only half the trouble. A great danger is the risk of numbness of the face and the development of suffocation in a patient after a bee sting. For this reason, immediately after the incident, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do if a person was bitten by a bee: rules of first aid

The classical first aid technique after a bee sting provides for the following:

1. First of all, you should be calm, since stress provokes an increase in heart rate and an increase in respiratory contractions. This, in turn, leads to an even faster spread of the poison in the blood and aggravates the patient's condition.

2. Next, you need to carefully examine the place of the bite. If there is a sting left (usually this happens), then it must be removed with tweezers, which should be pre-treated with alcohol.

Using nails to remove the sting will be difficult, and uncomfortable. This will only inflict additional pain on the person, and besides, there’s always a whole flock of germs under the nails that can easily provoke infection in the soft tissues.

It is important to knowthat the longer the sting remains in the body of the victim, the faster the poison spreads throughout the body. For this reason, you need to pull it out carefully, but at the same time promptly.

3. After this, it is necessary to moisten a piece of sterile bandage in alcohol or peroxide and attach it to the wound.

4. To remove puffiness, you can use a cold compress (ice wrapped in a towel). You can apply it no longer than ten minutes, so as not to cause circulatory disorders.

5. The affected person must be given strong tea to make up for the supply of fluid in the body. This is necessary to combat poison.

6. Those people who are allergic to bee venom should always have a special passport with them that contains information describing possible symptoms and how to treat them.

Also, allergy sufferers should carry a packed syringe and a set of necessary medicines. These are usually antihistamines called Claritin or Diphenhydramine. They can really save a person’s life after a sudden bee sting in a place far from the doctors.

7. After a bite, it is important to monitor the patient's condition. If his breathing is disturbed, cough, pallor and chills appear, then such a person should be surrounded by heating pads with warm water and covered with a blanket.

In order to normalize the pressure, 20 drops of Cardiamine can be given to the victim.

8. If a person begins to suffocate, then he needs to be given two tablets of Diphenhydramine. They will relieve allergies and reduce the burden on the heart.

9. After this, the patient must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

10. Before the arrival of doctors, a person should not be left alone, since at any moment he may become worse. At the same time, there is a big risk of heart failure.

If the victim has all the signs of heart failure (chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, lethargy, heart rhythm disturbance), then an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration should be done.

At thirty clicks you need to take two full breaths. In this case, it is important not to overdo it and not to break the ribs of a person, since such injuries will only worsen breathing and provoke a whole series of undesirable consequences.

As for artificial respiration itself, it is better not to do it “mouth-to-mouth”, but “nose to nose”. This is explained by the fact that after a bite, the tongue may sink in the patient, so the air will not enter the lungs. If you run air into the nose, then there is a chance for the resumption of normal respiratory process.

I bit my shoulder: what should not be done

In the process of first aid, it is very important not to harm. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with what you can not do after a bee sting:

1. You can’t crush a bee that stings, because a dead insect will still release poison, and even in large quantities. In addition, the bees feel each other's anger and can even massively attack if they feel threatened.

2. It is forbidden to squeeze out poison from the wound, since such actions will not reduce the toxic effect anyway, but instead will cause harm. The affected area will become not only swollen, but also injured and possibly infected (if microbes enter it).

3. You can not comb the place of the bite, as this will only increase itching and swelling. In addition, a person may accidentally introduce an infection, which will lead to suppuration of the wound.

4. It is not recommended to take alcohol after a bee sting, in the hope that this will reduce the effect of the poison. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - alcohol will contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will lead to an even greater spread of poison.

5. It is strictly forbidden to apply clay, earth to the site of the bite or lower the affected limb into the water from the rivers, as this threatens with tetanus infection.

6. After a bee sting, you can not take sleeping pills because they only enhance the effect of the poison.

7. If you do not understand medicine, then you should not self-medicate and take "everything that is at home." In this case, it is better to call a doctor.

Bee bit: what to do and how to treat

After a bee sting, it is best to take antihistamines right away. They will not only reduce itching, but also relieve all other unpleasant symptoms.

As an external treatment, you can use such means:

1. Ointments with antihistamine effect (preferably for sensitive skin). Psilo-balm or Fenistil-gel well copes with this task. These drugs will cool the wound and relieve redness.

2. If the bite occurred in nature, then instead of ointments, you can use herbs, for example, plantain leaves.

3. Olive oil has a pronounced healing effect. In addition, it relieves irritation and redness. Apply it to a bandage dressing and apply to the affected area.

What to do if a bee has bitten: protection rules

To avoid a bee sting, you need to remember these tips:

1. When a bee appears, you can not wave your hands.

2. You cannot kill a bee if a bee swarm is located nearby.

3. Before you set up tents in nature, you need to carefully inspect the area for the presence of bees and other dangerous insects.

4. You can’t walk barefoot on the grass, as you can step on a bee.

5. When going to nature, it is better to wear clothes of neutral colors, as bright colors attract the attention of these insects.

6. Before going to nature, it is better not to use perfumes and other odorous substances, as this will also attract bees.


Watch the video: What to Do After a Bee Sting (June 2024).