Useful properties of green walnut with honey - a simple recipe. Recommendations for the use of green walnuts with honey


Among the many types of nuts, walnuts have always enjoyed the greatest success. And this is not surprising, because it contains so many useful properties. The benefits of honey are also known to all. What can I say, how many beneficial properties are in a mixture of green walnut and honey?

Green Walnut with Honey: General Information

Perhaps, every citizen of our country knows walnuts, as it is bred in many gardens and estates, it is especially popular in the southern regions. The height of the tree is from 10 to 30 meters, it has a spreading crown and a thick, powerful trunk. The bark has a grayish color, flowers are collected in inflorescences of several (2 -3) pieces.

Outside the fetus there is a greenish pericarp, which, when ripe (usually in May), blackens and separates from the drupes. Drupe contains seed in the skin, under which the oily kernel is located. The fruits ripen closer to September. These plants are widespread in many Asian countries, in the Caucasus, Ukraine and Moldova, they are also very common.

As for honey, it can, of course, be purchased at the store, but if you want to get not just a sweet product, but a medicine, then it’s better to take care of it and buy it in the apiary from a reliable beekeeper. Environmentally friendly honey is the pride of any beekeeper who puts his whole soul and energy to get the desired result. Natural honey contains an amazing combination of all kinds of vitamins and minerals, which makes this product not only a valuable element on the table, but also an effective medicine.

If you combine peeled walnut kernels with honey, you get a great preventive and therapeutic product, which, in addition to its healing properties, is also very nutritious and tasty.

Green walnut with honey: benefits

A mixture of walnuts and honey is an organic, well-assimilable and 100% combination, because it is not for nothing that professional chefs call this union "very friendly." Since ancient times, people laid out on the table all kinds of variations of dishes in which both of these products were present. From them were prepared as delicious treats for guests, as well as adults and children, whose body is weakened by an ailment. Therefore, it is not surprising that such an amazing combination of the most useful vitamins and microelements is a real energy explosion, which also increases immunity very effectively.

The kernels contain vitamins of groups E, K, P and C, a large amount of fatty oil, protein and free amino acids. The nutshell contains phenolcarboxylic acids, steroids and coumarins. Since ancient times, walnuts have been widely used in folk medicine. Its leaves are able to have a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as heal wounds.

Honey is an excellent source of fructose, glucose, vitamins B, C, E, K, folic acid and A-carotene.

Most doctors advise using this mixture in their diet, not only for office workers as a “nourishment for the mind,” but also people involved in sports for accelerated recovery of strength. Also, the mixture will be very useful for an ordinary person in everyday life, especially during periods of heavy stress (stress, moving, difficult project).

Regular consumption of a mixture of nuts and honey can positively affect the human body, namely:

  • stabilize the functionality of the cardiovascular system;

  • relieve severe headaches and migraines;

  • the mixture contains a large amount of fatty organic acids, minerals and antioxidants that every organism needs;

  • due to the presence of fiber, it is able to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as relieve constipation;

  • relieve sore throat and diseases of the oral cavity;

  • to increase the production and quality of milk in women during lactation and accelerate the process of normalizing the body in the postpartum period;

  • improve sexual function and libido in men;

  • strengthen immunity;

  • due to the large amount of manganese, zinc, iron and copper in the composition, the mixture is widely used in the treatment of anemia, is able to quickly increase hemoglobin and improve metabolism;

  • rejuvenate the body;

  • improve thyroid function;

  • increase brain productivity and concentration.

Calorie content

The calorie content of walnuts is 650 Kcal per 100 peeled kernels. In addition to a high calorie level, this product also contains an amazing complex of bioactive substances that can not only improve the vascular system, but are also very effective in treating all kinds of diseases.

Green walnut with honey: application

Walnut is widely used in modern medicine in the treatment of many diseases. To do this, apply both green fruits and ripe nuts, as well as roots, bark and leaves. Decoctions are made from the bark, which help save a person from ulcers, tumors and even rickets.

The product contains a huge amount of vitamin C, and by this indicator is even compared with lemon. In addition, it is widely used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, helps restore physical and mental abilities, boost immunity, and strengthen the heart muscle. With the help of honey, you can put your body in order and get rid of extra pounds. Both products are very often used in cooking, both in its original form, and in salads. With a mixture of these two miraculous products, you can get a very nutritious dessert, which, in addition to its taste, also helps in the treatment of various diseases. They are prepared, as a rule, in the form of all kinds of infusions of walnuts on honey.

1. Walnut balm to support the body after surgery. It is prepared as follows: take 0.5 kg of chopped nuts, 100 g of aloe leaves and 300 g of honey. Aloe must first be washed and chopped, then pour 100 ml of water into it and leave for half an hour. After this, the prepared solution is filtered, and honey and nuts are added to it. This balm is taken according to 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

2. Infusion of walnut leaves helps the body cope with diseases such as chronic eczema, diabetes, tuberculosis, purulent wounds, furunculosis and so on. A decoction of pericarp perfectly helps with gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, liver diseases.

3. Infusion of green walnuts. It is prepared as follows: you need to take 25-30 green fruits and pour from 70-degree alcohol. Then leave them for 14-16 days in a dark place with room temperature. Before taking the infusion should be filtered. The prepared infusion should be taken 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon. This medicine helps with disorders, especially in children.

4. An infusion that helps with menstrual irregularities. It is prepared very simply. You need to take 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of leaves (previously chopped) and pour 0.5 l of boiling water into them. Then leave for 2-2.5 hours to insist. Before taking the prepared infusion, it is necessary to strain and be sure to squeeze. This medicine is taken 30 ml 3 times a day before meals. It can also be used as a good diuretic.

Green walnut with honey: a sweet medicine recipe

And in conclusion, we suggest using, perhaps, the simplest version of tincture of walnuts on honey, which will help:

  • improve memory;

  • boost immunity;

  • cure anemia, increase the tone of the body;

  • adjust the thyroid gland.

Such sweetness will help to maintain your immune system at a high level!

To get started, prepare 1 kg of green walnuts and the same amount of natural honey. The sweet mixture is prepared in this way: take the nuts, wash them, dry and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is laid out in a prepared container and honey is added. After this, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and refrigerated for 2 months to rid it of a bitter aftertaste. During this time, all the beneficial elements will be completely concentrated in the nut-honey liquid. The infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth and taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Improve Your Thyroid Gland Function With This Honey and Walnuts Recipe (July 2024).