June 23: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 23rd.


Holidays June 23

International Olympic Day

In 1948, by decision of the IOC - International Olympic Committee, it was established to celebrate June 23 as International Olympic Day. The date was not chosen by chance, namely on June 23, in 1894, at the Congress held in Paris on physical education, at the suggestion of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the IOC was created. He was given the role of leading the Olympic movement and the development of Olympism in the world - combining sports with education and culture. At the same Congress, Coubertin proposed reviving the ancient tradition of holding the main sports competitions, the Olympic Games, every four years. Every year on June 23, sporting events are held in different countries, mass races are organized. Mostly attention is paid to running events, as running is the most accessible and widespread sport, capable of attracting as many people as possible to participate in competitions. And this is one of the main Olympic concepts - to make sport accessible to all.

June 23 on the folk calendar

Timothy. Day of Signs.

A sign is a sign, a symbol, an omen, an unexpected phenomenon. If someone noticed a sign on Timothy, it promised a hungry year. Each of the signs was interpreted in its own way. Our ancestors on this day were attentive to everything unusual that happened during the day. If a rainbow appeared in the sky - to famine and a lean year. If the crows flew in large flocks - to epidemics, death of people, general diseases. Be sure to put an ear to the ground. If an earthen moan was heard, fires soon awaited. Wandering around the field hordes of mice, portended a famine, a meager harvest. If in the mornings flocks of stray wolves were seen on the field, then during the year a large mortality of cattle was expected. Timothy was paid attention to any trifle, and tried to decipher what an omen she carries. For example, if it seems that light is burning in his house, this sign was to joy and happiness. If, on Timofey, the mitten was lost, a mirror broke or a brick fell out of the furnace, this meant only one thing: soon it was worth waiting for loss or misfortune. If none of the villagers saw a single sign, it meant for the inhabitants of this particular village that the year would turn out quite successfully.

Historical events of June 23

June 23, 1868 in America patented a typewriter

The patent was granted to an American by Christopher Scholes. During his life, he patented 23 inventions, almost all of them were associated with the improvement of printing devices. Scholes originally came up with a mechanism that sequentially numbered book pages. It was this know-how that prompted Christopher to create a printing device. And he made his dream a reality. The first typewriter he created was far from perfect: it printed only in capital letters, had bulky sizes, the typist did not see the text, because paper was inserted inside the mechanism. But that was an achievement. Scholes couldn't invent the device he had invented in mass production due to a lack of money. And he sold the authorship to the famous gunsmith - Phil Remington. He corrected the design of the machine, set up its production, and the first printing devices, Remington, began to go on sale.

June 23, 1968 in the sky over the Kaluga region collided IL-14 and An-12

The catastrophe occurred between the An-12 military plane, which delivered paratroopers for demonstrations to Ryazan from Kaunas, and the passenger Il-14, flying along the Moscow-Simferopol route. Both cars were at an altitude of approximately 2700-3000 meters. On their way thunderclouds arose. The dispatcher gave the command to the passenger plane to lower the height, but the Il-14 commander did not follow the order, but decided to act independently and, having gained altitude, began to bypass the thunderclouds. By coincidence, a military aircraft was moving along the same air corridor at that moment. A collision occurred and both cars crashed to the ground. Killed all 120 people on board - 96 military and 24 civilians.

June 23, 1985 in the air over the Atlantic torn to pieces exploded by terrorists Boeing 747

On June 23, an Air India Boeing 747 operated its private flight, flying to Bombay from Montreal. When the plane crossed the Atlantic at an altitude of 11 thousand meters, the ground control of the flight saw a click of the transmitter, and the car immediately disappeared from the radar screens. After 15 minutes, rescue services went to the area of ​​the alleged disaster, and after 2 hours, not far from Ireland, they discovered the wreckage of the liner. By the nature of the scatter and the size of the debris, it was suggested that an explosion occurred on board. After the recorders were lifted and decrypted, the assumption was confirmed: a strong explosion became the cause of the Boeing crash. And a year later, upon completion of the commission, the bomb exploded on board was officially announced. All 182 people flying on the plane died. Sikh extremists were suspected of the attack, because on the eve of the flight, they threatened to blow up Indian planes.

Born on June 23

Josephine de Beauharnais (1763 - 1814), the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte

It is not necessary to be born beautiful, it is better to be born happy. And also smart. Then it is quite possible to become the wife of the emperor. True, first you need to fashion the emperor with your own hands, as, for example, Josephine de Beauharnais managed to do it. She was not a great beauty, had children from a previous marriage, and was also six years older than her chosen one. But she managed not only to fall in love with Napoleon, but also to become his support and support in all matters in life. She firmly believed in her husband - in his mind, indestructibility, talent. And this confidence gave Bonaparte the inhuman forces that helped him achieve his next goal. In gratitude, he carried in his heart a love for Josephine through life. His last words before his death were: "Army, France, Josephine."

Valery Meladze (born 1965), Russian singer

It is not known how Valery Meladze’s creative fate would have been if the recordings of his songs, which he performed in the student ensemble, did not fall into the hands of Kim Breitburg. He liked the timbre of the voice of an unfamiliar singer, and he invited him to his group "Dialogue", which he was the leader. Valery was not successful at that time, but he gave confidence in his abilities. He left the group, but set a goal - to become a famous singer. After recording several new songs, he came to Moscow and showed the recordings to Eugene Fridland, a famous producer. Friedland became interested in a new project. Let not slowly, but confidently, Valery began to move towards his cherished goal. Over time, the whole country recognized and loved the singer. His songs did not leave the top lines of the charts, they were played on television, radio. Almost all the songs, and their brother Konstantin writes for Valery, become hits. One of the earliest and most beloved listeners is “Sir,” a song that brought the singer good luck and success. By the way, Valery not only sings well, has a higher engineering education, but is also a candidate of science - he defended his thesis in 1994.

Birthday June 23

Alexander, Vasily, Timothy, Ivan, Feofan, Antonina, Agrafena


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).