Modeling dough - a plasticine replacement for children: the best recipes. How to make salt dough for sculpting crafts at home


Modeling dough is an ideal product for games and activities with young children.

It is pleasant to the touch, elastic, beautiful, and most importantly, completely safe even for the smallest children.

Any mom can cook a wonderful mass, in the kitchen where there is salt, flour and cold water.

Modeling dough: what is it for?

Modeling dough for children is a mass very similar to ordinary plasticine. Unlike the usual solid bars of colored plasticine, it is much softer, does not get dirty on hands and clothes, does not stick, does not smell of rubber, does not cause allergic reactions. Such a dough for modeling the baby can try for a tooth. Putting a piece of salty tasteless mass in his mouth, the child immediately loses gastronomic interest in him and engages in an interesting business - modeling.

Parents should be aware that working with plastic masses is not only fascinating, but also very useful in terms of the early development of the child. It is no accident that they say that the baby’s mind is at the tips of his fingers. The development of fine motor skills activates such points of the brain that are responsible not only for objective actions, coordination of movements, but also for speech.

Funny modeling is important for the full development of the baby:

• develops the skill of working with small objects and the ability to manipulate them;

• increases perseverance;

• improves the ability to concentrate, attention, perception;

• due to the fact that both hands act, it develops the right and left hemispheres, that is, logical and creative thinking at the same time.

Many children stick their tongue out of zeal - it is so interesting for them to crush, sculpt, create wonderful pastry things! This is also very useful, as it trains the speech apparatus.

Classes can begin as early as 8-9 months. Of course, you won’t have to wait for anything like the thoughtful work of a three-year-old: the baby will tear the mass into pieces, scatter and spread it, compress it into a fist and taste it. But even this will bring a lot of delight and pleasure, plus it is very useful for development. The only thing you need to choose a modeling dough for children without dyes, flavors, baby cream, glycerin. It can be the simplest and most tasteless salt dough.

From the age of one and a half years, you can begin full-fledged classes: introduce the simplest geometric shapes, learn to sculpt a "rope", a flower, a funny face. With age, the baby learns to create real masterpieces: figurines, architectural structures, Christmas toys. It is enough to see examples of crafts from salt dough for modeling, to catch the idea and immediately go to the kitchen.

Modeling dough for children: what happens?

Depending on the recipe, the salt dough for sculpting crafts at home can be very different. Creative parents and teachers invented dozens of recipes:

• classic salted;

• brewed on fire;

• cooked in the microwave;

• glowing in the dark;

• edible;

• with starch;

• white and color;

• soft not very salty play-do style;

• with the addition of citric acid, glycerin, vegetable oil, baby cream, food colors, spices and even wallpaper glue.

Even if the first time some recipe "did not go", it does not matter. The final result can be affected by the quality of the flour, the amount of ingredients (many mothers get an excellent result, mixing everything by eye), the temperature of the water.

Salt dough for modeling: recipes

There are actually a lot of recipes for salt dough for sculpting crafts at home. You can start with the classics or immediately move on to more complex options. However, you need to focus on the age of the baby. For very young children, the simplest options with a minimum of components are needed, it is worthwhile to refrain from custard for a while.

Classic salty

The material is quite plastic, although it can crumble (this is due to the large amount of salt). From it you can do any crafts, complete tasks and even sculpt decorations on a Christmas tree. Absolutely safe and the easiest option salty ornamental mass.


• 200 grams of white flour;

• 200 grams of Fine Extra salt;

• 125 ml of chilled water.

Cooking method:

Pour salt into flour and mix well.

Pour water into the dry mixture in portions and stir continuously, achieving smoothness and uniformity of the mass.

Ready dough for modeling should not turn out to be very liquid, so you need to monitor the consistency.

Colored with tartar

An interesting recipe for colored mass with a long shelf life. Tartar is needed in order to extend the life of salt dough. This ingredient prevents crystallization of the mass.


• a cup of chilled water;

• half a cup of fine salt;

• a cup of coarse flour;

• two teaspoons of tartar;

• any food coloring;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Prepare a salty flour base.

Pour a little water, knead the dough.

Pour oil into it, the right amount of tartar and (optional) coloring pigment.

Add water, mix evenly.

Stoke the mass on medium heat until it gathers in the likeness of a plastic ball.

Put the warm dough on a cutting board, knead until completely homogeneous.

Custard with glycerin in boiling water

Adding glycerin will give the test a pleasant shine. A craft from such a mass does not need to be varnished: it will still shine.


• two glasses of boiling water;

• two glasses of white flour;

• half a teaspoon of liquid glycerin;

• two large spoons of sunflower oil;

• as much tartar;

• half a glass of salt;

• food coloring.

Cooking method:

Prepare a flour base from salt, flour, tartar, oil.

Boil water, put the resulting mass into it.

Pour glycerin, dye, boil until smooth.

Cool the mass and begin to knead.

Continue kneading until the stickiness is gone (you can add a little flour into the dough).

Salt mass in the microwave

A microwave allows you to quickly prepare a mass for sculpting.


• two parts of water;

• two parts of coarse white or rye flour;

• part of the fine salt;

• a tablespoon of tartar;

• dye;

• a spoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Mix all the components of the dough.

Pour the mass into the mold for the microwave.

Set the average power.

Keep the mixture in the oven for five minutes.

Knead the cooled mass.

Glowing in the dark

Such a dough will cause a storm of emotions in kids, because it glows in a dark room! You can just stick the pieces on your fingertips and enjoy the magical effect. You will need an ultraviolet lamp that needs to be lit in a dark room.


• two glasses of warm water;

• two glasses of white flour;

• an incomplete glass of salt (approximately two-thirds);

• Vitamin B liquid in capsules or tabletted (two pieces);

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• four teaspoons of tartar.

Cooking method:

Grind vitamins to a powder state.

Prepare the basis of their vitamin powder, flour, salt, tartar.

Pour in oil and water, mix until smooth.

Cook over low heat until the flour mass begins to resemble plasticine, stick.

When the dough has cooled, you can experiment with it ad libitum.

Modeling dough without water

An interesting version of the mass for modeling.


• three hundred grams of fine salt;

• three hundred grams of white flour;

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• two tablespoons of tartar;

• dye.

Cooking method:

Pour flour, salt, tartar into the stewpan.

Pour in sunflower oil, add coloring matter, mix with a spoon.

Stew the pan over low heat, not forgetting to stir constantly.

Remove the homogeneous thick mass from the stove.

Cool and knead.

From starch and soda

Is it possible to cook a plastic mass without flour at all? Can. True, you have to buy more soda in the store.


• a glass of potato starch;

• two glasses of ordinary (food) soda;

• half a glass of water;

• dye.

Cooking method:

Pour the entire amount of soda and starch into the stewpan, mix with a spoon.

Pour a little water, vigorously mixing the ingredients.

On a small burner, simmer the mixture until a characteristic ball forms.

Cool, knead and use.

Edible from butter and cream

Tasty dough for crafts - is this not an intrigue for a little creator? True, the dough is not salty, but sweet. You can make a figure, play enough in plenty, and then eat it.


• half a glass of soft butter;

• a large spoon of any thick cream;

• a pinch of vanillin;

• four glasses of powdered sugar;

• food coloring in the form of a gel.

Cooking method:

Mix butter and cream, beat with a mixer.

Add powdered sugar in small portions, mix.

The resulting mass should be dense.

Add vanillin.

Put the mass on a board sprinkled with sweet powder.

Divided into pieces.

Put a gel-like dye on each piece and knead.

Sculpt figures, if you want - eat them.

Modeling Dough: Home Play Doh

Modern parents know how children like play sets for sculpting Play-doh. One sadness: the price of a kit bites, and it goes out of use very quickly.

That is why parents should learn how to cook dough for modeling for children, which is absolutely no different from the untwisted brand. A pleasant, elastic mass is completely safe for children's hands, despite the presence of citric acid. And for adults its consistency will bring real pleasure. You can play with your child and have a relaxation session.


• half a glass of water;

• half a glass of salt;

• a glass of white flour;

• two teaspoons of citric acid;

• a teaspoon of glycerin;

• a large spoonful of sunflower oil;

• dye.

Cooking method:

Stir all the ingredients in a saucepan or saucepan.

Turn on medium heat, put pan.

Pour water in the spoons without stopping stirring.

Cook the dough for about five minutes. It should become transparent and uniform.

Add dye to the whole batch of dough or divide it into several parts and paint each one in different colors.

Put the dough from the pan on a board sprinkled with a pinch of flour.

Knead until completely homogeneous.

The resulting dough will be just magical: soft, elastic, beautiful.

Helpful Parents

Food coloring is not necessary to buy in the store. You can use analogues that are always at hand. So, brown color gives cocoa powder, turquoise - ordinary green, red - cherry or currant juice, ocher - turmeric.

The home play before is stored for a very long time, three to four weeks. After the game, the mass must be tightly wrapped in a plastic bag or placed in a food container and put in the refrigerator.

To give the homemade mass for sculpting a complete resemblance to store clay or play do, you can add vanillin or other flavoring. From such ornamental material, small details are obtained: it does not crumble, unlike the classic salt test.

For Christmas tree figures, classic, very salty dough is best suited. It freezes perfectly, resembling clay toys. For the manufacture of simple figures and plot pictures, any recipe for salt dough for sculpting crafts at home will be good.

You can dry finished crafts in several ways:

• in the oven at a temperature not exceeding one hundred degrees with the door ajar;

• naturally, leaving it near the battery or in the sun.

Adding a coloring matter can negatively affect the result: the dough begins to stick to your hands. Knead it again, adding dumb flour.

Water when mixing home plasticine should be cold. Pour it in parts. Depending on the quality of the flour, a little less or more may be needed.

Examples of crafts from salt dough for modeling

To make a wonderful craft, you need to show creative imagination. And also to know that it is better to work with small pieces of mass. They need to be nipped off, and the main piece should be kept in a bag or container. There is a salt-flour mass lying in the air, it is covered with a nasty crust.

If we are already engaged in the manufacture of real crafts, it is better to cook utility tools. At the same time, kids can also be taught the non-standard use of objects with creative goals. Required: rolling pin, stack, scissors, comb (sculpt baskets), coins, buttons, rod from an old ballpoint pen, stencils, rings. Even a whisk from the mixer and a garlic press can come in handy.

There are a lot of examples of crafts from salt dough for modeling. With young children, you can conduct classes of wonderful transformations. Show how to make an apple or a funny snowman out of a ball, and make a fun snail or flower out of a thin “rope”. Armed with a garlic press, you can make a warm coat for a sheep.

The dough for modeling gives a wonderful opportunity to play with your child in an interesting, fun and profitable way.


Watch the video: . Air-Dry Clay. How to Make Clay Without GLUE! AMAZING TWO INGREDIENT RECIPE! (June 2024).