Is it possible to nursing compotes and what types. Is it possible for nursing compotes: recommendations for making a healthy drink


Every woman, when she becomes a mother, tries to eat as useful as possible and at the same time strive to diversify her diet so that it is tasty and healthy for the baby.

You will have to forget about packaged juices and soda during feeding.

They may well be replaced by stewed fruit prepared independently.

Is it possible to nursing compotes from green apples

During breastfeeding, you can drink not only tea and water. Stewed fruit will be a great addition to the diet, especially during the heat. They perfectly quench thirst and benefit mom and baby.

The fruits themselves are very useful. They are allowed to eat from the first days after birth. The presence of a large amount of iron allows a woman to get rid of anemia that can occur after childbirth. Also, apples and apple compote help to establish digestion and relieve mom of possible postpartum constipation.

Stewed green apples are no less useful than fresh fruits. However, it should be started with caution. For starters, you can try ¼ cup. It is better to do this in the morning to trace the reaction of the baby in the afternoon. As a rule, there is no allergy to green apples and compote from them, but each baby reacts individually to a new product. If, after a small test amount, the baby does not have a rash, the stool has not changed, and colic has not begun, then compote can be safely introduced into the diet.

How to cook

800 g fresh green apples

1 tbsp Sahara

Apples are well washed and peeled.

Then finely chopped, pour clean water, add sugar and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

It is advisable to heat the drink before use. It is not recommended to drink more than 200 ml of apple compote per day, even if there are no allergic reactions in the baby.

Is it possible to nursing dried fruit compote

Often, mothers are concerned about whether it is possible to nursing dried fruit compote. This is a very tasty and healthy drink. Besides the fact that it turns out to be very sweet and without added sugar, such a compote contributes to the production of milk. To do this, you need to drink it in a warm form for half an hour before applying the baby to the chest.

However, you need to drink it very carefully. Some components of the drink (for example, prunes) can cause a strong reaction in the form of an intestinal disorder in infants. Therefore, the introduction of this drink should be gradual. You can start with 200 ml of compote, drunk in the morning. If there is no reaction in the baby for the next two days, the dose can be increased to 600 ml per week. It is advisable not to exceed this value, but you need to drink compote every day.

Compote based on prunes, dried apples and raisins can be introduced no earlier than 2 weeks after delivery. Such a drink will be useful primarily to mother, since prunes contribute to the soft passage of the stool, which is a real problem for many women who gave birth.

After a month, dried apricots and figs can be added to the two previous ingredients. They contain a substance such as potassium, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The latter is very important for babies, as their nervous system is formed even after birth.

Dates are no less useful and tasty dried fruit, which is introduced into the compote no earlier than 3 months after delivery.

All components must be administered in turn, and each time the mother must carefully monitor the reaction of the child. With the slightest intestinal distress, rash, and general anxiety, the product should be temporarily excluded from the diet.

How to cook

two handfuls of dried fruit

800 ml of boiling water

1 tbsp Sahara

Dried fruits should be well washed.

Then half is poured with boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling.

After this, the second half is added, a tablespoon of sugar and the drink is brewed for another 5-7 minutes, then removed from the heat and cooled.

Is it possible for nursing compotes: how to enter into the diet and how to cook

Is it possible to nursing compote and dried fruits themselves from it? Breastfeeding experts say that it’s possible, however, to wait a bit longer with the dried fruit itself. If the drink did not cause a reaction in the child, this does not mean that it will not be after eating a handful of dried fruits from compote. In order for mother to be able to eat them calmly, it is necessary to start their introduction in the same way as the drink itself.

Purchased compotes are not recommended for nursing mothers. Almost every one of them in its composition has a number of preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers. This is unlikely to benefit the child.

However, for the preparation of homemade compote, you need to choose high-quality ingredients. Dried fruits with signs of mold, as well as those stuffed with dyes and chemical elements are strictly prohibited. It is very easy to run into a low-quality product, so you need to choose carefully.

It is advisable to process purchased dried fruits before cooking. This is done as follows:

● dried fruits are thoroughly washed in cold water;

● pour boiling water and boil after boiling for 2 minutes;

● then washed again in cold water;

● are dried.

Only after these procedures are dried fruits ready to cook compote. Such a drink helps to establish digestion, normalize stool and protect against vitamin deficiency. All of these problems are frequent companions of breastfeeding. But they are easily solved by entering compote into the diet.

During lactation, it is so important that the child receives only all the most useful substances. This can be achieved with proper nutrition. Now, every mother knows whether it is possible to drink nursing compotes. Moreover, they help to quench thirst, improve mood, saturate the body of a mother and a child with useful substances and vitamins, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also increase the quality and quantity of milk. Do not be afraid to introduce natural compotes into your diet!


Watch the video: Instructional Videos for New Moms - Breastfeeding Your Baby (June 2024).