Acne - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Acne (or acne) is a fairly common phenomenon, mainly among adolescents during puberty. According to statistics, young men suffer from acne more often than girls. Acne is the result of blockage of the hair follicle by secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Acne - Causes

During the period of hormonal changes, increased sebum secretion occurs, during which fatty acids are released, and they cause inflammation.

Lack of movement and poor nutrition also provoke an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. In the enlarged gland ducts, as a result of the accumulation of fat and horn masses, spherical nodules with a black dot inside (in the center) form in certain parts of the body. Red acne appears with inflammation of these nodules.

An important role in the occurrence of acne is played by: a hereditary factor - oily skin (the culprit of acne) is inherited, an incorrect lifestyle, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In severe forms of acne, foci of inflammation can be transformed into real abscesses, which subsequently leave scars.

Acne Symptoms

Acne occurs with pronounced symptoms. Red comedones in diameter reach 5 mm, it is impossible not to notice them around. In addition, acne-affected skin has an unnatural oily sheen.

The process of acne proceeds differently, it all depends on the type of acne.

Blackheads - acne with a black dot in the center. The apex is formed by saturated sebum and dead skin cells, and the core is made up of a dense gland secret. The dark dot inside is not a trace of skin contamination, it occurs during lipid oxidation.

Phlegmonous acne is a large painful pustular mass. With this course of the disease, pus also spreads to neighboring tissues, areas, causing severe inflammation. Such a pimple leaves a mark after healing in the form of an ugly scar and fossa.

Papular acne is a dark colored formation around which a slight inflammation occurs. They appear on the skin in the form of small pointed nodules. After disappearance, they do not leave rough marks on the skin.

Inductive acne - are painful red-cyanotic nodes, the size of a pea. Healing, they leave behind a reddish scar.

Conglobatic acne - most often located on the back and chest, are many crowded comedones, which subsequently merge into one large bluish-red node. This is a particularly severe form of the disease that requires immediate treatment.

Acne Diagnostics

In most cases, diagnosis is limited to a visual examination by a dermatologist. It is enough for him to examine the patient to make a diagnosis. But the tests still have to pass in order to deal with the causes of acne.

- LHC (biochemical blood test);
- to exclude polycystic ovary, a woman needs to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
- hormonal blood count;
- undergo a gastroenterological examination, as skin problems can be associated with a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract;
- general blood test (for the presence of an inflammatory process).

Acne - treatment and prevention

Mild forms of acne can be cured with the help of folk methods and simple recommendations:
1) the exclusion from the diet of too fatty foods, chocolate, sugar, spicy seasonings and alcohol;
2) the use of juice from nettles, carrots and artichokes;
3) the use of creams based on essential oils (sage, lavender, thyme);
4) lubrication of problem areas with fruit vinegar or cabbage juice.

Severe forms of the disease are practically not amenable to traditional medicine. The help of qualified specialists is needed here. The course of treatment is long and requires patience. Next, we will look at some types of acne treatments.

Skin care: it is recommended to wash every morning with cold water, and in the evening - wipe with special solutions (5% levomecitin alcohol, resorcinol, salicylic and camphor acids). Any solution is applied to a cotton pad and wipe the problem areas.

Acne-removing agents: Tretinoin - reduces the secretion of fat and inhibits the activity of bacteria that cause inflammation. Skinoren is a cream whose active substances prevent obstruction of the ducts. Differin is a cream that prevents the occurrence of comedones and relieves inflammation, which, of course, contributes to the rapid healing of acne.

Antibacterial therapy: prescribed in especially severe cases and only as directed by a dermatologist. Includes antibacterial ointments, solutions, tablets.

Laser treatment: a fairly effective procedure, used in combination with traditional types of acne treatment. A positive result is visible after the first exposure. The number of procedures usually does not exceed 6 sessions (the exact number is prescribed by the doctor).

Prevention after removal of blackheads comes down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is contraindicated to use greasy creams and wear tight clothing that promotes sweating. For preventive purposes, regular cosmetic treatment can be performed. After a treatment session, it is not recommended to use cosmetics for 12-24 hours.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid of Acne. Best Spot Treatment. How To Use Benzoyl Peroxide. Prevent Acne 2018 (July 2024).