Can potatoes be nursing: what are its benefits and harms. Can potatoes be lactating and in what form to eat without harming the baby


Potato is one of the main ingredients in the cuisine of many peoples of the world.

Virtually no dish is complete without it.

Each woman, becoming a mother, asks a logical question: is it possible to breastfeeding potatoes, in what form is it and how can it be useful or harmful?

Can potatoes be nursing: what are the benefits

During breastfeeding, you can and even need to eat potatoes. But, it should be noted that experts do not recommend introducing it in its pure form into the mother’s diet before the child is 2 months old. It is believed that before this baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet formed enough to digest these substances that come with mother’s milk.

The first test should occur in the morning. This portion should not exceed 50-70 g. After the test, a break should be taken for two days to assess the baby’s reaction to the new product. If the potato causes colic, it will happen in the afternoon. But an allergic reaction does not occur immediately, but after 1-2 days.

If no reaction has followed, mom can safely eat potatoes. It is equally useful for her and for the child, since the vegetable has a number of valuable trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron and bromine. A significant benefit is that all of these substances are easily absorbed by the mother's body and are transmitted with breast milk to the baby.

Protein contained in potato tubers is considered the most complete of all vegetable. Young potatoes are also useful in the vitamin C it contains. Per 100 g of vegetable, there are as much as 20 g of vitamin. True, the longer the tubers are stored, the less this vitamin in them.

Can potatoes be lactating due to the high starch content? Yes, if there is no individual intolerance to this component. Starch is considered no less useful than all the other components of the potato. It is responsible for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and liver, and also prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Can potatoes be nursing: how can it be dangerous

Despite all the benefits, potato tubers can be dangerous. Under the influence of sunlight in the vegetable, solanine begins to be produced - a toxic substance that in large quantities can even lead to poisoning.

Understand that the vegetable is not worth consuming, you can greenish shades on it. Such tubers are best discarded immediately or cut to a complete disappearance of the green tint.

It is also not recommended to eat potatoes that lay until spring. In such tubers, there are no longer any useful substances left and they do not bear any benefit.

When using potatoes, a nursing mother should remember that it contains a lot of carbohydrates. In order not to harm either yourself or the baby, do not get involved in this vegetable.

Can potatoes be nursing: in what form is

There are many ways to cook potatoes. Are they all suitable for the diet of a nursing mother?


This is one of the easiest ways to cook potatoes. He is also the most sparing, since in the process of cooking the tubers retain all their beneficial substances and trace elements.

Also, this method is suitable for those who have an individual intolerance to starch. During cooking in this way, most of it is boiled in water.

After cooking, you can eat whole potatoes or make mashed potatoes. However, there are some nuances. When starch intolerance can not be diluted mashed potato broth.

You can use diluted milk (dilute part of the milk with the same part of boiled water). It is better to abandon the whole, as its protein passes into the baby with breast milk, which often causes an allergic reaction.

Butter, cream and fried onions for making mashed potatoes are also not suitable. All this will add to the mother’s milk fat and cause digestive upset in the baby.

Steam treatment

This cooking method is more gentle for the whole beneficial composition of potatoes. But in it, with such processing, starch is also stored. If you are allergic to it, then before you start cooking, peeled tubers must be soaked in cold water.


Potatoes prepared in this way can also be in the diet of a nursing mother. However, it is worth remembering that you can not add lamb, fatty pork, and even more so store stew to the dish.

It is better to give preference to turkey, chicken breast and lean pork. In this case, the dish will turn out not only tasty, but also useful.

The only minus of stewed potatoes is starch preservation, so tubers need to be soaked before cooking.


This is one of the lowest calorie methods of cooking potatoes. An ideal option would be young tubers in the skin. Pre-potatoes need to be washed well and only then baked. By the way, you can eat it directly with the skin, since in young potatoes it is in it that a greater amount of nutrients is stored. However, it is worth remembering about solanine and if there are green spots on the tubers, trim them.


Can potatoes be lactating fried? Despite the fact that this is one of the most delicious types of cooking vegetables, it is prohibited. And it's not just about increasing the fat content of milk.

Fried potatoes are cooked in oil, which, when heated strongly, begins to break down into toxins, carcinogens and free radicals. These substances not only have terrible names, but also the consequences. They can cause the development of diseases of the nervous system, liver, and also lead to atherosclerosis and cancer.

In infants, the use of fried potatoes by the mother results in atopic dermatitis, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

The potato, which everyone loves so much, is not only allowed during breastfeeding, but is also useful for mom and baby.

It is only important to monitor its quality and proper preparation.

Do not give in to minute weaknesses and allow yourself fried potatoes.

Before you eat it, you need to think: is this a dish of your health and the health of the baby.


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