Simple hairstyles for medium hair at home - photo. Successful and unsuccessful hairstyles for medium hair


Not always free time and financial means allow girls to go to the beauty salon every time when it becomes necessary to make a beautiful hairstyle.

Yes, and hair, it happens, is needed not only for some solemn occasion, but also just like that.

But is it so difficult to learn how to do hairstyles for medium hair at home?

And how long are hair considered medium?

Medium length hair is considered to be from the shoulder to the shoulder blades. Above the shoulders - short hair, below the shoulder blades - long. It would seem that the variety of beautiful hairstyles applies only to long hair. But this is far from the case - owners of medium-long hair are very lucky, because there are a lot of options for hairstyles for medium hair. Which of the hairstyles are relevant, how to make a quick and beautiful hairstyle for medium hair at home - further in the article.

Hairstyles for medium hair at home: fashion trends

Leading hairstyles this season are Boho hairstyles and Pin-up hairstyles. These two styles are the exact opposite of each other. Boho hairstyles are characterized by carelessness and naturalness, such hairstyles are more like home styling in haste, rather than as an option for publication. Pin-up hairstyles are completely different - they can be recognized by clear curled, spectacular curls, curled into a “scroll” bang, and a radical volume. In addition, textile hairstyles are often used in hairstyles in this style.

The only nuance that combines these two dissimilar styles this season is an open forehead. No matter what style the hairstyle will be, the main thing is that there is no bangs falling down on the eyebrows and eyes. Famous women now and again demonstrate hairstyles of these styles on the red carpet and just in everyday life.

Hairstyles for medium hair at home: photos of successful options with a description

To begin, consider the successful options for hairstyles in the style of boho. If such hairstyles look a bit messy and careless, this does not mean at all that you don’t have to make any efforts at all to make such a hairstyle.

To create such a hairstyle you will need a curling iron, invisibility, hairpins and hair spray.

1. Large locks of hair must be wound on a curling iron. If the curls are too short and elastic, you can separate them by hand - so the unnecessary volume will go away and the curls will take on a more natural look. To fix the curls, you can apply hair spray. It is better to choose proven products that do not stick together and do not weigh down the hair, so as not to spoil the hair. After all, as you know, Boho's style is distinguished by its lightness and ease.

2. Next, you need to take a large lock of hair on one side of the face and twist it into a tourniquet up. In the course of twisting the tourniquet, you can randomly add strands from below to the tourniquet so that the hairstyle holds better, and the tows look thicker and lush. In the area just below the back of the head, lock the strand with the help of invisibility.

3. The same thing can be done with a strand on the other side of the face. This strand is better to overlap on the first strand. If necessary, secure the harnesses using studs or invisible.

To make such a stylish hairstyle you will need only elastic, hairpins and three minutes of free time. This hairstyle is perfect and for a day walk, and for a romantic evening. She refers to those hairstyles for medium hair at home, which do not require much effort and are done quickly enough. Even any schoolgirl will cope with her.

1. Take one strand of hair from the face, begin to twist the tourniquet towards the bottom of the back of the head. Gradually add small strands to the tourniquet so that it holds more tightly.

2. Similarly, collect the hair into a braid on the other side of the face. Both harnesses must be secured with an elastic band.

3. To pick up the resulting tail, thread it between the elastic and the head, extend the tail so that the elastic is not visible. The harnesses will turn over a bit and will feel even closer to the head.

4. Tail the tail again between the elastic and the head, secure the hair with hairpins so that the hairstyle does not fall apart.

Elastic bands for hair and hairpins are useful for this hairstyle. Like the previous hairstyle, this is done very quickly and looks quite stylish. In the heat with such a hairstyle it will never be hot, because the hair is completely collected on the crown.

1. At the parting, take on one side a small lock of hair. Braid a normal pigtail. After that, take a strand of hair on the other side of the parting and, similarly, braid an ordinary braid.

2. To collect the remaining hair and braids, secure with an elastic band on the back of the head. If the pigtails were fixed with elastic bands, the elastic bands must be removed so that they are not noticeable in the final version of this hairstyle.

3. From the assembled tail weave an ordinary braid, make a "bump" from this braid and secure it with hairpins.

This hairstyle is more suitable for a day walk. Such a hairstyle is done, like the previous ones, quickly and simply. For her, only elastic bands for hair will be required.

1. Starting at the nape, braid a light braid from a small strand. Then from the braid in a random order it is necessary to tighten the strands so that the pigtail takes on a sloppy appearance.

2. Next, you need to the right of the braid, slightly lower, take a small strand of hair and similarly weave a braid and pull out the strands a little.

3. Take one strand of hair on the right side of the head, so that this strand covers the "base" of the first two braids. And to the left of the central braid, you need to weave another braid and slightly stretch the strands.

Consider a quick hairstyle pin-up style. It is hard to do hairstyles for medium hair at home in this style, but there should be no problems with this hairstyle. In order to make such a hairstyle you will need invisibility, elastic and a wide textile bandage.

1. The bangs or the front of the hair must be divided into three strands. With the help of hands, each strand is turned into a “ring” and secured with the help of invisibility.

2. Collect the rest of the hair in the tail, while loosening the last gum revolution so that only the tip of the tail remains fixed with the gum. Here you need to be careful, because if you leave too small a part, the hairstyle may not work, as the tip of the tail will fall out.

3. Then the resulting shuttlecock from the hair needs to be straightened a little. Take a textile bandage or a narrow piece of fabric and fasten in such a way as to tie a bow on top, in front of a twisted bang.

These are just a few simple options for hairstyles for medium hair at home, there are a lot of them. In the creation of hairstyles, braids, tails, tows and wound curls are usually "involved". By creating various variations from these elements, you can invent hairstyles yourself. The main thing is not to overdo the experiments.

Hairstyles for medium hair at home: photos of unsuccessful options

Hairstyles are not always successful and it’s important not to fall under camera lenses with such hair. You need to be able to feel the style, and understand in what form it’s definitely not worth appearing in public, so as not to get into a mess. So that the readers of this article understand that unsuccessful hairstyles have a place to be, then - a selection of unsuccessful hairstyle options.







Hairstyles for medium hair at home: stylist tips

To be stylish this season, you need to be as natural as possible. By naturalness is meant not only carelessness in the hair, but also the absence of traces of styling products. It is unlikely that glued and weighted curls will once become fashionable.

This season, it’s fashionable to walk with an open forehead, so if previously there wasn’t enough patience to grow a hated bang, then now is the time for this. And there are a lot of options for hairstyles with raised or retracted bangs.

Hairbands are in fashion. Dressings are used in both leading styles - in Boho and Pin-up. In a boho style hairstyle, you can add a thin elastic bandage, restrained color. It has become popular among girls to tuck several strands of hair under the blindfold - this is how the hairstyle looks “livelier”. And for pin-up hairstyles, bright, wide textile dressings are usually used that are tied on top of the head.

In any case, no matter what hairstyle the girl decides to do, it is important to remember that the hair should always be clean and well-groomed. Otherwise, even the most fashionable hairstyle will look on untidy hair as a complete misunderstanding.


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