How to drink soda for cleansing, healing and weight loss. Can I get better if I drink soda correctly?


Soda is such a familiar product in the kitchen that the first information about taking its solution inside is puzzling.

We are used to gargling with her throat and teeth, using in baking, adding to homemade cosmetic products, in extreme cases - taking with heartburn.

It turns out that if you drink soda correctly, it can have a healing effect on the body.

How to drink soda: what is the use of the substance

Drinking or not drinking soda is an individual decision, in no case should you take the information below as a recommendation!

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate) can be called a unique product. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, cosmetology. The purpose of ingestion of soda is to restore the acid-base balance in the body.

The ideal level of blood acidity is from 7.35 to 7.47 pH, this is a physiological norm. If this indicator is lower, doctors talk about acidosis - a critical shift in the acid-base balance, which can lead to coma and death. The strongest acidosis is pH 6.8, and with an indicator of 7, 25, alkalizing therapy is recommended.

Moreover, in most people, the balance level is biased towards acidification (less than 7.35), that is, there is a slight acidosis. Its causes are poor ecology, unnatural refined food, uncontrolled medication. The detrimental effect in terms of lowering the pH level is exerted on a person by constant stress, anxiety, nervous tension, fear.

To correct the situation, you can take sodium bicarbonate inside. However, you shouldn’t completely rely on the “miraculous drink”; it’s important to exclude the cause of acidification of the body, that is, rebuild your lifestyle, change your diet, get rid of the source of stress, etc.

For accurate measurement of the level of acid-base balance, laboratory diagnostic methods are used. In everyday life, you can use special indicators in the form of paper stripes. You can approximately evaluate the state of your body by the color of the conjunctiva of the eye. At normal pH, it is bright pink, when shifted to an alkaline level, it is dark pink, with strong acidification, it is pale pink or almost white.

Why do you need to drink soda correctly, which gives an equalization of acid-base balance? Soda has proven antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. There are many useful qualities of a soda drink:

• normal pH-level keeps tooth enamel healthy, prevents its destruction;

• alkaline environment is harmful to worms and other parasites that can infect the body;

• alkalization promotes the conclusion of toxins, the normal assimilation of B vitamins;

• soda is used for poisoning with mercury, fluorine, lead, iodine, formaldehyde, ethyl alcohol, methanol;

• soda helps with burns, acne, is successfully used to get rid of fungal infections;

• thanks to a drink from soda, you can normalize the pressure, cure the cough, relieve inflammation of the walls of the stomach, strengthen the immune system.

An explosion of emotions caused the unveiling of the methodology of Dr. Simoncini, who developed a scheme for the treatment of cancerous tumors with a solution of soda. There is a theory that cancer provokes candida fungus, which is carried by every person. A decrease in immune defense leads to the development of a cancerous process.

With candidiasis, douching, washing the affected area with soda solution is indicated. This will relieve itching and irritation. Psoriasis, gout, arthritis, prostatitis are an incomplete list of diseases in which soda baths or compresses can be used as an additional treatment.

If you know how to drink soda correctly in case of alcohol poisoning, you can alleviate the condition of the patient. You need to drink a glass of hot or warm water in which a teaspoon of soda powder is dissolved, the effect of poisons will decrease, and internal organs will be cleaned.

How to drink soda to cleanse the body

Reception of soda requires compliance with certain rules. How to drink soda to cleanse the body? First of all, do not combine a solution with a meal. This means that it is ideal to drink the solution on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. Or wait at least two hours after eating.

Cleansing should begin with the gradual accustoming of the body to the taste and action of sodium bicarbonate. Enough for a start to take literally a pinch that fits on the tip of the knife, and dissolve it in a glass of water. Gradually, the body will become so accustomed to soda water that it will perceive it with pleasure.

Prophylactic daily dose - half a teaspoon twice a day. It is important to follow the rules for preparing the drink.

1. Heat the water until hot. The normal range is from 50 to 90 degrees Celsius. You can not use neither cold water nor boiling water.

2. Take a half teaspoon of soda into a glass of hot water. A sign of a properly selected water temperature is the hissing of dissolving soda powder. When carbon dioxide is released (many bubbles are released on the surface of the water), the absorption of sodium bicarbonate will go better.

3. If the water was hot, you need to wait until the solution cools slightly.

4. After taking soda, you can eat no earlier than half an hour or an hour.

Preventive intake of soda helps to cleanse the body due to its alkalization. Excess acid will be neutralized and out. Properly drink soda for purification should be on an empty stomach after waking up and in the evening, before bedtime. Over time, it will be possible to adjust the concentration of the solution. At the initial stage, he should be very weak.

Regarding the timing of taking soda, there are different interpretations. Someone recommends limiting oneself to a course intake, someone believes that soda should be taken regularly. Adherents of the system insist on the use of soda throughout life. In any case, before self-medication, you need to consult a doctor. In the presence of any chronic disease, self-activity is completely contraindicated!

Cleansing the body with soda is important if it is slagged: poor skin, excess weight, constant fatigue, chronic constipation. The process includes the most important internal organs: liver, intestines, kidneys, and the lymphatic and circulatory systems are contaminated. At risk are people who eat fatty junk food, alcohol.

For a more effective purification from parasites and toxins, you should combine drinking the solution with baths and enemas. To prepare an enema, you need to take 30 grams of soda for two liters of warm water. The course of cleansing procedures is from five to seven days. An enema should be carried out in the morning or evening hours, after preliminary bowel movement.

How to drink weight loss soda

Any weight loss involves a change in diet. Do not count on miraculous weight loss with soda alone. Even if you drink soda for weight loss, sodium bicarbonate alone is indispensable. However, if you include a drink in the menu for a certain period, it can help the process of getting rid of excess fat. This is mainly due to the stimulation of the intestine and its cleansing from stagnation, parasites and toxins.

Many people who are losing weight are familiar with the plateau effect, when, following a diet, the weight suddenly stops dropping and stands still. The plateau can last from a few days to several weeks. Such a long period of lack of results often leads to despair and frustration. Soda solution will help push the body to continue losing weight. How to drink soda for weight loss?

Take the drink three times a day on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The total amount of soda that is eaten per day is one and a half teaspoons. The course of admission will be two to three weeks, after which you need to stop. It is not necessary to make a drink based on water: soda can be diluted in hot milk.

Moreover, soda solution is just one way to use the powder. If there is no rejection, you can just drink it with water or milk. Put the right amount of soda in a spoon, put in your mouth and drink it.

It is important that the use of sodium bicarbonate and in general for weight loss should be taken only after a complete examination of the body. Any food restriction and connection of products atypical for a normal diet are normally tolerated only after the doctor confirms the absence of hidden diseases.

It is not enough to drink soda for weight loss: to make the process faster and more comfortable, you need to regularly take baths with soda. The usual volume of water should take 150 grams of soda, 300 grams of sea salt and two or three drops of essential oil as desired (ylang-ylang, pine, lemon, sandalwood, etc.). You need to take a bath for 30 to 50 minutes, combining the procedure with the intake of mineral water without gas or herbal tea. A course of ten procedures conducted in a day will allow you to get rid of five kilograms of excess weight.

The skin after such a bath will become soft, healthy, radiant. However, women with sensitive skin may appear dry, therefore, after the procedure, the use of emollients is mandatory. The magic effect of the healing bath will be manifested in getting rid of insomnia, irritability, chronic fatigue. Critical days will pass less painfully.

In which cases it is forbidden to drink soda

In order not to harm your health, soda should be agreed with your doctor. It is strictly forbidden to take a soda drink in the presence of the following diseases:

• all diseases associated with the excretory system and kidneys;

• diabetes mellitus of any type;

• stomach ulcer;

• violation of the acidity of the stomach;

• third stage of cancer;

• hypertonic disease;

• individual intolerance to soda or allergy to it.

When cleaning the body due to a soda solution, toxins and toxins in large quantities are released inside. If kidney function is impaired, they will not be able to bring such an amount of dirt out.

It is strictly forbidden to drink soda during pregnancy and lactation. The risk to the fetus, newborn or pregnant woman is extremely high.

We must not forget that a side effect after ingestion of soda can be vomiting, nausea, increased gas formation, diarrhea, belching, and pain in the stomach. With such a reaction, the question of how to drink soda correctly to cleanse the body is itself removed. In this case, you must immediately abandon this method of recovery.

In addition, if you drink soda for a long time, then the level of calcium in the blood will decrease, and the level of sodium will increase. As a result, increased pressure may develop or worsen.


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