Lymphatic drainage facial massage - return youth! Without lymphatic drainage massage of the face, you will not be able to rejuvenate


No one is safe from old age, the skin of all people is subject to age-related changes, but for some reason some look much younger than their years, while others have given up on themselves.

As a rule, many women believe that the use of expensive creams and masks can stop aging, not taking into account that over the years, not only the skin, but also the skull, muscles, blood vessels change, and it is impossible to do without lymphatic drainage massage of the face.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage: to do or not to do

Lymphatic vessels pass fluid through themselves, which helps transport protein compounds, radicals, and all components of the circulatory system, and it is precisely the lymph that prevents the microbes from entering the human body. Age-related changes in the structure of the head and skin of a person lead to stagnation of the lymph, which over time is expressed in swelling, puffiness, sagging facial skin.

You can deal with these problems only in a comprehensive manner, and you should try to do lymphatic drainage facial massage, the correct technique of which is especially important.

Attention! Do not risk your health for the sake of beauty if:

• on the skin there are wounds, microtrams;

• vessels are subject to increased fragility;

• inflamed vascular walls are prone to thrombosis;

• lymph nodes are inflamed;

• temperature is elevated.

Lymphatic drainage massage is currently the only alternative to surgical intervention, which allows regular use of the face to change the shape of the face, remove bags under the eyes, and get rid of “bulldog cheeks”.

Learning to do lymphatic drainage massage, the correct technique for performing each technique is available to everyone, it can be done independently, at home. After 2 courses of sessions of manual therapy of the face, an increased turgor of the skin due to improved outflow and influx of lymphatic fluid will be clearly visible.

If you are not sure of your decision, think of doing these tricks every day or every other day, devoting yourself to any 30 minutes for a rather long time, it is better not to start so that the skin does not turn into a ball, which is either inflated or inflated. Lymphatic drainage massage does not tolerate negligence, if improperly performed techniques can only bring harm to the skin condition.

This type of massage is recommended to start only after 25 years, when the internal structure of the head and skin integument really begins to change.

Massage will become gymnastics for the muscles of the face, only passive, with its constant performance, not only will the oval of the face improve, but also wrinkles and small folds will disappear.

If we compare face massage with exercises in the gym, we’ll understand that in order to “escape from old age”, face muscles should be kept in good shape constantly, performing massage regularly, with courses of 10-15 sessions, taking half-month breaks. Stop doing massages, everything will eventually return to normal, and swelling, and sagging skin, and wrinkles.

To be beautiful and young is persistence, perseverance, great desire and work.

Doing lymphatic drainage massage, the correct technique of which can be learned on the computer, you can not depend on the time of the visit to the masseur, doing facial gymnastics at home.

An intensive effect on the vascular system of the face will improve blood circulation, which will positively affect the improvement of complexion, the aging process of the skin will noticeably slow down.

Any type of massage has a positive effect on the nervous system, fills the body with hormones of joy - knowdorfins, and a happy woman is always beautiful.

How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage - the right technique: preparation

The decision to do lymphatic drainage facial massage has been made, but do not rush to run to the massage parlor or do it yourself until you familiarize yourself with some preparation issues.

There are several types of lymphatic drainage facial massage:

• manual;

• hardware;

• spoons;

In any case, without consulting with an experienced specialist, we should not proceed to manual procedures.

Of course, hardware massages are not particularly dependent on the qualifications of a massage therapist, they are done according to the developed scheme, and here the risk is minimal.

When doing manual massage, pay attention to how comfortable you are with this person. The psychological attitude during lymphatic drainage massage, the correct technique for performing each technique is very important to obtain a positive result.

If you decide to do facial massage yourself, then take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the location of the muscles and lymph system.

Before starting a manual massage without fail we clean the skin of the face from makeup and pollution, using creams, oils, toners for make-up remover, and then wash ourselves. If you don’t have any face cleansing cosmetics on hand, use a foam or mild soap.

To get a good effect, before starting the procedure, apply to the face hot compresswhich will help expand pores. To do this, soak in a hot water, but not boiling water, a terry towel and put it on your face for a couple of minutes. One should be careful at the same time, the compress should be quite warm, but not burn the skin.

Now provide the skin and muscle blood outflow. We put our fingers in the middle of the nose and slowly move them under the jaw with effort, descending to the lower cheekbones.

Lymphatic drainage massage, the correct technique of which involves the use of oils and creams, should be given the condition of the skin. It is very important to consider this recommendation so as not to harm the skin. Using improperly selected cream or oil can lead to the appearance of pores clogged with fat.

As a massage product, you can use vegetable oils, olive or coconut oil is perfect.

To work with the skin of the face, the fingers should be smooth with well-crafted nails, because the slightest roughness with intense exposure can leave a scratch.

How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage - the right technique: a sequence of actions

Whatever method of lymphatic drainage massage you choose, will it be Asahi or spoon massage, the order of each of them will be the same. Each movement is performed three times. In the case of a spoon massage, we use spoons instead of fingers.

- We start all the procedures from the forehead. We press the fingers of the hands perpendicularly to the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead, count to three and slowly move them to the temples, weaken the pressure and lower ourselves near the ears, along the cervical arteries, moving our hands behind our backs.

- The removal of lymph from the eye area is done strictly along the lines, in a certain order. Press the index or middle finger for 3 seconds in the outer corners of the eye socket, slowly draw an arc to the inner edge of the eye, and return to the starting point along the upper arc, apply pressure for 3 seconds. Now we quickly pass back and forth under the lower eyelid, then, as in the previous case, we go down.

- Strengthen the muscles of the mouth. 2 fingers, which are more convenient for you, in the center of the chin, then with effort we draw an arc around the mouth to the point located under the nose, which we press, counting to three.

- Now from this point three times we make arc movements around the wings of the nose, go to the nasal center, with which we “move out” along the entire length 3 times to the nasal folds, to the cheekbones and down. With these movements, we strengthened the muscles near the nose.

- We tighten the muscles of the upper part of the face, "drawing" with an effort an arc from the center of the chin, around the mouth, along the nose, approaching the orbits, hold it with pressure for 3 seconds, then we move it down along the edge of the face.

- Working with the lower part, we continue to form our oval. Having emphasized the lower cheek on the open palm, on the other hand, slowly, with the force of the middle and index fingers, draw a line from the edge of the lower cheekbone to the inner eye corner. We press for 3 s, with the same effort we carry out under the upper cheekbone to the tragus of the ears and go down. After three repetitions, go to the opposite side of the face.

Now we remove the lymph from the upper part of the face. We put the fingers from the eyes, along the nose, press and with effort we take them to the ears, turn them 90 degrees and go down to the collarbones.

- The second set can be defeated by regularly performing the following exercise. We put four fingers on the nose, and firmly press the thumb under the chin, now with this open hand we try to squeeze the lymph to the ears on one side and then on the other side.

- We keep the thumbs under the chin, palms are folded, as for prayer, now we part the radial parts of the palm. The thumbs are connected under the chin, with the four fingers of one hand we touch the fingers of the other, the radial sides lie near the corners of the mouth, pressing tightly. Now slowly spread the upper fingers, squeezing the lymph from the nose to the ears.

- We return to the forehead, with fingers of one hand doing zigzag movements from the eyebrows to the upper part of the forehead from one temple to another and vice versa. We finish lymphatic drainage facial massage with the same exercise that we started.

When performing this type of massage, the main thing is not to overdo it; a lot does not mean good. To obtain a lasting result, it is better to manipulate every other day, for a month, then repeat the course after 3-6 months, making it regular.

Experience shows that the effect is visible the first time on the face of older women, but it is more stable, up to six months, on a young face. Therefore, everyone sets the break time between massages for himself.

How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage - the right technique: professional advice

For some reason, while performing a massage, many women forget about the neck and décolleté. With sagging facial muscles, the muscle tissue of the neck, on the contrary, acquires hypertonicity, the development of which is promoted by our sedentary lifestyle. The neck, which has become a barrier to the outflow of lymph, as a result may be one of the reasons for puffiness of the face.

Therefore, at the end of each session, do not forget to use your fingers 3–5 times to make circular movements from the fossa at the bottom of the neck to the chin, returning on the outside.

Do not believe the myth that as a result of intense exposure to the skin of the face, it will stretch. Nature has endowed the skin with a strong degree of elasticity, and the flow of blood and outflow of lymph will only contribute to this. Here is a set of weight, adipose tissue will affect sagging skin when losing weight.

If you do not take a break between the courses of massage, then over time the skin will get used to and the effect of tightening will decrease.

If you are taking Botox injections, then refrain from lymphatic drainage massage, as a result of which the flow of blood will lead to accelerated resorption of botulinum toxin.

The use of cream after massage will only enhance the effect of a tightening, providing the skin with additional nutrition.

Love yourself, get younger, despite the age in the passport!


Watch the video: Anti-aging Face Lifting Massage. Dr Mona Vand (July 2024).