Meatballs in the oven: meat, cheese, cream. Interesting recipes for baked meatballs in the oven


Small meat balls called "meatballs" will diversify your usual menu and will especially be liked by the smallest gourmets.

Meatballs are used not only for cooking soup, but also baked in the oven for serving with a side dish.

An excellent complement to the dish will be a rich sauce of tomato paste and fresh tomatoes. Go for it!

Oven meatballs - basic cooking principles

To make meatballs, you need minced meat. The most delicious minced meat is prepared on its own, but with a shortage of time, it is suitable for those bought in the store. For the formation of meatballs, you can use minced meat from pork, beef and also chicken.

To make the meatballs juicy and roll well into balls, add a raw egg and bread soaked in milk to the minced meat. You can add rice cooked until half cooked. To obtain a homogeneous mass, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed by hand, passing between the fingers.

The minced meat is divided into small parts and rolled into balls of equal size, with a diameter of about two centimeters. Meatballs are rolled in flour and sautéed in a skillet until browned. Separately prepare the sauce. For its preparation use tomato paste, fresh tomatoes, cream, onions, greens. Then the meatballs are spread on a baking sheet, poured with cooked sauce and baked in the oven.

You can also bake meatballs with vegetables, pasta, cheese. Our unusual and diverse recipes will help you with this.

Italian-style meatballs in the oven with pasta and cheese

Meatballs recipe from Italian chefs are baked in the oven with a large number of different types of cheeses. A pleasant surprise for tasters of this dish will be the cheese inside the meatball.


• Two hundred grams of minced meat;

• One egg (table);

• Bread;

• Cheese ("Mozzarella" and "Parmesan") - two hundred grams;

• A can of tomato paste;

• Onion (one piece);

• Three hundred grams of pasta;

• Parsley;

• Olive and cream butter;

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Break the egg into the minced meat, salt it, add the parmesan, finely chopped parsley and bread soaked in water or milk.

Grated cheese is mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil, add the pulp, salt, pepper.

Small cheese balls are rolled from this mass. First, small balls are rolled out of minced meat, a cake is made from each and a cheese ball is placed inside. Roll up again to a round shape.

The onions are chopped and lightly fried in a pan with butter and tomato paste. Then spread the resulting meatballs, brown on both sides, cover and leave to obscure.

In salt water, paste is boiled. Cooked pasta is placed in a heat-resistant dish, sprinkled with cheese, then again a layer of pasta sprinkled with cheese. Meatballs are laid in a chaotic order from above, watered with tomato sauce with fried onions. Put in the oven for twenty minutes.

Oven meatballs in carrot sauce "Homemade"

To make home-made meatballs, rice cooked until half-cooked is added to the minced meat.


• Beef mince - half a kilogram;

• Half a glass of rice;

• Lavrushka;

• Flour (half a glass);

• Salt pepper;

• Carrot (two pieces);

• Tomatoes - 3;

• Onion - 2;

• Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

The rice is boiled and left to cool. The peel of the tomatoes is cut and dipped in boiling water for several minutes.

Sliced ​​onions and grated carrots are fried in a frying pan with oil.

Peel the tomatoes and chop them with a blender. Salt, sugar are added to the resulting mixture and poured into the pan. Freshly chopped dill is poured on top. All mix and let it boil for ten minutes.

Boiled rice is mixed with minced meat. Form meatballs, lightly sprinkle them with flour and fry in a pan on slow gas.

Peppers and bay leaves are placed in the baking dish. Fried meatballs are laid on top, poured with a carrot-tomato mixture and put in the oven for thirty to forty minutes. Served with a side dish - potatoes, rice, pasta.

Meatballs in the oven with gravy


• Stuffing (meat) - half a kilogram;

• Flour - two hundred grams;

• White bread;

• Egg - one;

• Bow;

• Tomato sauce;

• Seasoning, salt;

• Sunflower oil;

• Shredded greens;

• Milk.

Cooking method:

The bread is soaked in warm milk and added to the minced meat. An egg is also broken, chopped onions and greens are added. All ingredients are mixed by hand and rolled into small balls.

Meatballs are sprinkled with flour and fried in a skillet on a slow gas. Then transferred to a baking dish and pour tomato paste diluted with water. Salt, add seasonings and bay leaves. Bake in the oven for about twenty minutes.

Oven meatballs with potatoes

Using this recipe will save you time. Meatballs are baked in the oven immediately with a side dish.


• One kilogram of potatoes ;.

• Minced meat (four hundred grams);

• Hard cheese - 150 grams;

• Onion;

• One chicken egg;

• Garlic (two feathers);

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Break the egg into the minced meat, add the chopped onion and the garlic passed through the press, salt and pepper. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed by hand.

Then roll the minced meat into small balls, roll in flour and place on a baking dish. Small pieces of potato can be laid between the meatballs. Sprinkle with salt, grated cheese and bake in the oven. Optimum cooking time is half an hour. Enjoy your meal!

Oven Cream Chicken Meatballs

Meatballs made from chicken fillet in combination with cream are especially tender.


• Chicken fillet - half a kilogram;

• Onion;

• One table egg;

• Cheese (two hundred grams);

• Two feathers of garlic;

• Two hundred ml of cream;

• Salt pepper;

• Wheat flour.

Cooking method:

Chicken fillet is lightly beaten with a hammer and cut into pieces.

The onions are peeled, finely chopped and mixed with the fillet. Break the egg. All mix, salt, pepper.

We form meatballs, roll them in flour and lay on heat-resistant dishes. Bake for about fifteen minutes in the oven. The optimum baking temperature is 180 degrees.

While the meatballs are baked, prepare the sauce. Cream is mixed with chopped cheese and garlic. Meatballs are poured with cooked sauce and put in the oven for another half hour.

Meatballs with rice in the oven "Mother-in-law of the evening"


• Minced meat (one kilogram);

• One egg;

• Rice (half a glass);

• Onion - 1;

• Two cloves of garlic;

• Salt pepper.

For the sauce:

• One onion;

• Garlic - 3 pcs.;

• Four tomatoes (fresh);

• Mayonnaise;

• Provencal herbs;

• Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

In salted water, boil the rice until half cooked and allow to cool.

In a deep bowl spread the minced meat. Onions and garlic are peeled, minced and added to the minced meat. Add beaten raw egg, salt, pepper and rice.

Hands roll the meatballs, sprinkle with flour and put in a baking dish. Put in the oven for fifteen to twenty minutes.

To prepare the sauce, fry the onion with tomatoes in a pan with oil.

Add mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, seasonings and some water.

Baked meatballs are poured with cooked sauce and put in the oven for another twenty minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Meatballs in the oven "In Russian"


• Half a kilogram of minced meat;

• Two onions;

• Three slices of bread;

• One egg (chicken);

• Tomatoes - two hundred grams;

• Tomato paste - four tables. spoons;

• A glass of wine;

• One clove of garlic;

• Seasonings.

Cooking method:

To prepare the sauce, chop the tomatoes in a blender, then mix them with tomato paste.

Onions are cut and passaged in a pan. Pour wine and add tomato paste and seasonings. Leave to languish.

To prepare meatballs, minced meat is mixed with an egg, chopped onions and slices of bread soaked in water or milk are added.

Roll the minced meat into small balls to make meatballs. Lay on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Take the meatballs to brown, add the cooked sauce and leave in the oven for another five to ten minutes. Served with a side dish.

Oven meatballs under cream in the oven


• Minced meat from pork and beef (half a kilogram);

• One egg;

• Cream - one glass;

• Onion;

• Packing crackers;

• Salt, seasonings;

• Sunflower oil.

To make the sauce:

• A glass of cream;

• Two hundred grams of meat broth;

• Wheat flour (two tablespoons);

• Soy sauce.

Cooking method:

Break the egg into the minced meat, add the crackers, pour the cream. Onions are peeled, chopped, passaged and added to the minced meat. Salt, pepper.

Form meatballs, put them on a baking sheet, oiled, and put in the oven.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. In a frying pan, mix flour with soy sauce, cream and meat broth. Heated on slow gas, stirring gradually until thick.

Ready meatballs are poured with the resulting sauce and served with a side dish (potatoes, rice, pasta). Enjoy your meal!

Oven Meatballs - Tips and Tricks

• For the convenience of forming meatballs and getting them in the same shape, scoop minced meat with a teaspoon.

• Meatballs will be tastier and juicier with freshly prepared minced meat than thawed.

• If you decide to add rice to the minced meat, then it should be boiled until half cooked.


Watch the video: Oven Baked Meatballs in Creamy Mushroom Sauce (July 2024).