How to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment yourself. Where do bedbugs come from, chemical and folk remedies for bedbugs


It is unlikely that there will be such a person among us who will be delighted by such an unpleasant phenomenon as bed bugs in an apartment.

To fight them, you need to know some features of their behavior and ways to get rid of bugs.

This article will be devoted to this article.

Where do they come from?

Such a misfortune can occur in absolutely every home, as it can easily be brought on shoes from the street or from another apartment where they were already. These insects bite very painfully, and bite sites can itch for a long time. In addition, bedbugs are carriers of many infectious diseases. And they bite, as a rule, more than once, and cause several dozen infections at once.

People can tolerate such bites in different ways: some will not even feel them, but there are people who tolerate them very poorly, which is fraught with the development of an allergic reaction. If you are one of such people, then a safe neighborhood with such insects is unlikely to work out for you, so you should not put this problem on the back burner, but solve it as soon as possible.

Bedbugs really like places where unsanitary conditions prevail. However, you do not need to think that if these small insects are wound up in your apartment, then you are necessarily unclean. They can easily appear in your apartment from neighbors or get to you with new furniture or things.

In old houses, there can be many places with favorable conditions for bed bugs: dirty cracks and cracks, old carpets, mattresses, wallpaper and much more. If the premises where these insects live are treated with chemicals, then they can quickly "move out" from it and settle in with their neighbors. Therefore, the sooner you identify them, the easier it will be for you to get rid of them.

Varieties of bugs

These insects appeared on the planet many centuries ago. To date, scientists have counted about 30 thousand species of bugs, in our country about 2.5 thousand species live.

The so-called bed bugs are best adapted to life on the planet among insects, they can feed on the blood of people, animals and birds. It is quite difficult to get rid of them, as they usually live in places that are difficult to access for a person: under the baseboard, in the crevices of floors and walls, mattresses, furniture. Bed bugs lead a nocturnal lifestyle, they sleep off during the day, and go out for a walk at night and bite people and pets while they sleep.

These annoying insects breed very quickly throughout the apartment, so after their detection, it is necessary to immediately begin their extermination. If you notice bug bites on your body, you should immediately inspect all rooms. Inspect all the cracks, furniture, places under the baseboard and wallpaper. If you managed to find them, start the procedure for their destruction.

How to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment yourself

This subspecies of bugs loves to eat human blood. At the same time, they cannot be called too voracious, since one individual needs to drink blood only once a week for proper nutrition. One individual is unlikely to harm the human body, then when there are dozens or even hundreds of them - the life of people living with them "in the neighborhood" can become simply unbearable. Experts say that bedbugs often attack people with delicate skin, that is, women and children. A bed bug can be compared with a mosquito.

How to deal with this? First you need to perform a series of actions that will make the life of these insects very difficult:

1) remove pets from the premises, hide dishes and personal items in the cabinets;

2) soak the sheets in hot water for several hours, then dry and iron it with a hot iron;

3) we give dry cleaning all bedding: pillows, blankets, mattresses and carpets.

4) the things on which these insects have already been "bossed" are put for a couple of hours in a freezer or dryer. Too high or low air temperature instantly destroys the larvae of bugs. In winter, in severe frost, things affected by bedbugs can be hung out for several hours;

5) if the furniture (or mattress) is filled with these small insects, then the best option would be to simply get rid of them;

6) do the treatment of the room with chemical or folk remedies for bedbugs.

How to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment yourself: the best ways

So, the list of favorite places for bugs looks like this:

  • sofas;

  • mattresses;

  • armchairs;

  • bedside tables;

  • sockets and much more.

When examining the room, pay attention to the signs of the presence of bugs: the presence of brown and dark dots (droppings), empty skins. If you find insects in the winter, you can use a very effective method against bedbugs - freezing the room. To do this, you need to remove all the relatives from the premises, sending them for some time to relatives and pets, open the door to the balcony and leave it for 4-6 hours. These insects are very afraid of frost, and according to the results of this method they will surely die.

Another effective method of getting rid of bugs is to use boiling water, kerosene or turpentine. Each of these solutions needs to process books, furniture and electrical appliances. Bed linen and clothes need to be boiled, and after a week repeat the procedure to completely destroy the larvae hatching from the eggs.

How to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment yourself: folk remedies

If bed bugs have just appeared in your apartment, you can use one of the folk remedies that our great-grandmothers used.

To get started, prepare the following components:

  • soap;

  • grater;

  • kerosene;

  • plastic bottle with funnel;

  • carbon disulfide;

  • beaker;

  • Libra.

Mixture against bedbugs

We mix soap, kerosene and water in a ratio of 7:20:10. Then we process all available surfaces in the apartment, but do not touch personal hygiene items and utensils.

Bedbug Poison

We take a bar of laundry soap and rub it on a grater to a powder state. We mix the resulting powder with carbon disulfide, add kerosene and mix. Pour the mixture into a prepared bottle with a funnel, close it and shake it well. Then pour all the contents into a larger container and dilute with water. Handle rooms infected with bedbugs at intervals of once a week.

If you could not find all of the above components, as an alternative, you can use a simplified version of the mixture. To do this, mix ammonia and turpentine in a ratio of 5 to 1. These ingredients can be bought in almost all hardware stores.

Folk remedies are often used in the initial stages of treatment, for more advanced cases it is better to use chemical preparations.

How to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment yourself: chemicals

Today there are a huge number of chemicals that will help once and for all exterminate insects in the apartment. However, they are also harmful to the human body, but if you strictly adhere to the instructions and follow all safety precautions, this will be avoided.

Before carrying out chemical treatment, a general cleaning should be done in the room. Furniture needs to be moved away from the wall so that it has full access. If possible, upholstered furniture should be disassembled into several parts.

Drugs against bedbugs can be purchased, as a rule, in undiluted form, so before using them, be sure to dilute them using special sprayers. This will allow you to use the drug to the maximum, and its contents will fall into all the cracks in the floors, walls and furniture. It is extremely important to carefully treat the places of the largest accumulation of bugs, because in addition to adults, it is also necessary to destroy their larvae and eggs.

The average consumption of drugs is 50-100 ml per 1 m2. Begin spraying with small objects and furniture, and then move on to the walls, ventilation shafts and doors.

That's all you need to know about fighting bugs. If you located these insects in your apartment, do not hesitate, start getting rid of them as soon as possible, because very soon there will be much more of them.


Watch the video: Bed Bug Prevention (July 2024).