Gout - home treatment: is it effective or only harmful? How to treat gout at home


Gout is a disease associated with impaired purine metabolism, characterized by large deposits of salts in the joints, bones, and cartilage.

Gout: causes and types

Depending on the cause, the disease is divided into two groups:

1. Primary gout - occurs due to hormonal disorders and genetic factors, this also includes malnutrition and drinking.

2. Secondary form - occurs due to metabolic disorders, as well as frequent and prolonged use of drugs.

The main risk factors:

1. Patients have a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease.

2. According to statistics, men suffer from gout several times more often.

3. Basically, specialists diagnose the disease before the age of 40 years.

4. Long-term use of diuretic drugs.

5. The abuse of alcohol, especially beer.

6. Body weight is several times higher than normal.

It is the lower extremities that often suffer from gouty pain. An attack of the disease occurs after leg injuries, surgeries, a long drive in a car, ball games.

As a result of injuries and surgical operations, the damaged tissue is dehydrated, in this place the acids and urinary salts are localized with greater force, and are deposited, first of all, in problem areas. After lowering the body temperature, even by several degrees, the urates in the joints begin to turn into crystals. Attacks of gout occur after a long stay in a sauna or bath, as in this place there is profuse sweating and dehydration occurs. Travel to hot countries also exacerbate the disease.

Hypertensive patients suffer from gout more often due to the use of diuretics. Uric acid gradually accumulates in the blood, thereby creating good conditions for the development of gout. Other causes of the disease include the following:

1. Improper nutrition, abuse of fried and plant foods.

2. Disruption of metabolism.

3. Excessive exercise.

It is impossible to independently establish the cause of the development of the disease, for this it is necessary to undergo a full examination in a medical institution.

Gout home treatment: medication

The treatment of the disease occurs comprehensively, and includes the following areas:

• proper nutrition and drinking regimen;

• treatment with medications;

• physiotherapy;

• balneotherapy;

• surgical methods, if absolutely necessary.

Gout - treatment at home, involves the use of certain medications. In order to relieve pain, as well as inflammation, the following drugs are used:

• colchicine;

• analgesics;

• anti-inflammatory drugs;

• corticosteroids.

The drug colchicine is important, it not only stops the disease, but also prevents its development. You can take the drug exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.

It is recommended to take medications, due to which the concentration of uric acid in the blood will be reduced. Conventionally, funds can be divided into two groups:

1. Drugs that can suppress the synthesis of uric acid in the body.

2. Drugs that help the kidneys intensely remove uric acid from the body.

Activated Charcoal Against Gout

If the pain is severe, an activated carbon compress can help, which can be prepared according to the following recipe:

1. Take a handful of tablets and grind to a powder.

2. Add water, it should turn into slurry.

3. Add one tablespoon of flaxseed oil to the contents.

You will get a drug that needs to lubricate the affected areas, on top you need to apply a plastic wrap or tissue. Compress is done in the evening and left all night.

Gout - treatment at home will be effective only in the absence of irreversible phenomena, as well as in the implementation of all medical recommendations and appointments.

Gout home treatment: folk remedies

Gout - treatment at home involves both taking medications and using various folk remedies.

Compresses against gout

After gout is just beginning to show itself, folk remedies can help. Thanks to compresses, you can relieve joint pain. They are made at night, additionally fixing with a bandage or cloth.

1. The first recipe - put in a container one spoonful of honey and salt, mix well and apply to the sore spot. The course of treatment is two weeks.

2. Second recipe - take three heads of garlic and chop thoroughly, then pour it with a weak solution of vinegar. The tool is infused for exactly two weeks, the capacity in which it is located, you need to shake it every few days. After two weeks, moisten the bandage in tincture and apply to sore spots.

3. The third recipe - buy 2 kilograms of any fish in the store and separate the fillet from it. Divide it into 10 parts, put them in different bags and put them in the freezer. Every evening, defrost one portion of fish and apply to a sore spot, on top of the leg is covered with plastic wrap, and then woolen socks are put on. Waking up in the morning, remove the fillet, and wash the place where it was, with soap. This treatment takes 10 days.

Decoctions and tinctures

Effective is the ingestion of various decoctions and tinctures. You can cook them according to the following recipes:

1. Tincture based on a series. Take ordinary dry grass and brew like tea, but not with boiling water, but simply with hot water. The amount of grass should be such that in the end the water turns golden brown and tastes good. Drink the product while it is hot, several times a day.

2. Another common remedy for gout consists of vodka and saberfish. You will need 250 grams of the roots of a dry plant and 0.5 vodka. Place the roots in a container, and pour alcohol on top, clean in a dark place for three weeks. The container must be shaken periodically. You need to drink tincture one spoon three times a day, for 10-12 days.

3. A decoction of onions. Take a few small onions, you do not need to remove the husk, pour a liter of water, put on a fire and cook until the onion has completely boiled. Cool the broth, and drink 15-20 minutes before eating. It is necessary to be treated with such a decoction for a long time, the course of one treatment is equal to two weeks, then a break of one week is made and the course is repeated again.

An important point in treatment is compliance proper nutrition. There are many cases where a strict diet made it possible to improve the quality of life of seriously ill patients. This is explained by the fact that, thanks to dietary nutrition, less purine substances enter, which means that their level in the body is gradually decreasing.

The basic principles of the diet are as follows:

• try to eat foods low in calories;

• eat regularly, and most importantly fractionally, per day up to 5 times;

• try to drink more fluids, up to 3 liters per day;

• do not try to quickly get rid of extra pounds, it is enough to lose up to 2 kilograms per month;

• Do not overeat or starve in any case.

Gout home treatment: doctor's warnings

All patients suffering from this disease complain of severe joint pain. But why do they arise? After the metabolism of purine substances is disrupted, there is an impetus for the development of gout. If measures are not taken in time, gouty arthritis will develop. After some time, the deposition of uric acid salts will be increased, as a result, growths will form, in medicine they are called - tofus.

The gouty joint will deform more and more, if you do not start treatment, the joint bag will completely collapse, and this is a running arthritis, which is almost impossible to get rid of. That is why, bringing the joints to a catastrophic state is not advisable. The only way out in such a serious situation is the intervention of surgeons and implantation of an artificial joint.

Often, periods of remission are replaced by periods of exacerbation. This is what distinguishes gout: its symptoms can either weaken or sharply increase. It is extremely necessary to begin treatment, otherwise severe attacks will bother more often.

After the first precursors of the development of the disease appear, contact a medical institution for a thorough examination and prescribing a course of treatment. To joke with such a disease is extremely dangerous.


Watch the video: Gout - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).