Cleaning the liver at home - how to clean the liver and not harm yourself? Effective Ways to Clean Your Liver at Home


Liver cleansing is a procedure by which you can rid the liver of harmful substances and toxins.

Many cleaning methods are available for use at home.

Liver cleaning at home: indications and contraindications

The liver consists of ducts and canals that become clogged sooner or later. That is why it is necessary to take a number of actions that allow you to cleanse the body. The cleaning procedure is contraindicated primarily to the following patients:

1. The abuse of alcohol. Moreover, alcohol itself is not toxic, but the substances that make up its composition have a number of negative effects.

2. Improper nutrition, the diet includes a lot of high-calorie and fatty foods. Animal fats, sugar and some other products, the body processes hard, the liver reboots.

3. Often undergoing treatment with medications. They are excreted from the body by the kidneys and liver.

4. There are chronic liver diseases.


Before you clean your liver at home, you must undergo certain tests at a medical institution, and then get approval from a doctor. Cleaning the liver has many contraindications. These include the following:

1. Patients carry the fetus or breastfeed the baby.

2. The menstrual cycle.

3. Oncological diseases.

4. Diabetes mellitus.

5. Most infectious diseases that are accompanied by intoxication.

6. Cholecystitis or gallstone disease.

7. Inflammation of the liver.

8. There are diseases such as: gastric ulcer, gastritis.

If there is at least one item, the liver cleansing procedure can not be carried out.

How to clean the liver at home: different methods

The first methods that help cleanse the liver include choleretic drugs, and the second - liver projectors. Now in more detail we will consider how to clean the liver at home.


Medicines in this group increase the formation of bile, as well as contribute to its excretion into the duodenum.

The main methods of cleansing the liver using these drugs:

To do this, you can apply several tools at once:

1. Nicodine - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The average course of treatment is 3 weeks.

2. Herbal remedies. They contain such medicinal herbs as: dandelion, mint, caraway seeds, celandine, chicory. The effect is achieved due to the content of essential oils, vitamins and resins. The impact of all components increases the secretion of bile, all microbes are completely destroyed.

Another simple way to cleanse the liver at home is to use mineral waters: Essentuki, Smirnovskaya, Karachinskaya, Izhevskaya.

Under the influence of mineral water, bile liquefies and departs better. It is recommended to take water before meals, up to 4 glasses per day. In case of acute diseases of the digestive system, you can not drink water.


Under the influence of drugs included in this group, the resistance of the liver to harmful effects will become higher, the liver cells will recover. Many drugs contain milk thistle.

1. Legalon - an original drug based on milk thistle extract with high bioavailability and a high content of the active component of silibinin, strengthens the membrane, stimulates the work of liver cells, prevents the penetration of various dangerous substances into it, and helps to cleanse.

In addition to the protective effect, this hepatoprotector has a restoring effect and relieves inflammation from the tissues. Legalon is also suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the burden on the body when taking medications, fatty foods and alcohol, and also prevents the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes.

2. Essentiale - perhaps the most famous representative of this group. Fat metabolism will be improved. The course of treatment can be 3 months, depending on the condition of the liver.

3. Karsil - the main ingredient: milk thistle. Indicated for use in acute or chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. Free radicals are neutralized, protein synthesis increases. The duration of the drug depends on the purpose for which it was prescribed.

4. Hepa-Merz - it is not recommended to take with renal failure.

Each of these methods will be useful only if used correctly. For example, herbal preparations are more harmless, so you can use them for a longer time, but naturally as prescribed by a doctor.

Liver cleaning at home: folk remedies

Cleaning the liver at home, using folk remedies, is very effective. There are many effective recipes that were passed on to us from our grandparents. Subject to all the rules, the result will be quite good.

Lemon juice and oil

The method is quite effective, since oil and lemon have many useful properties. So, for example, olive oil can make bile more fluid, and also prevents the formation of stones. Lemon favorably affects the whole body as a whole.

The intestines must be empty before the procedure. For cleaning using lemon juice, you will have to free your whole day, the first half will go to preparation, and the second directly to clean:

1. Waking up in the morning, drink 100 grams of apple juice. Better not eat your bowels clean. If there is intolerance to the hunger regimen, you can eat a little, but plant food.

2. Before the second breakfast, drink motherwort tincture, it has a good calming effect.

3. In order that the pain was not so strong, you can take No-shpa, at about 18-00.

4. After seven in the evening, liver cleansing begins. To do this, you need to cook 250 grams of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil, the ingredients should be in different glasses, as well as in a warm condition. After that, lie on your back and apply a warm heating pad to the liver.

5. Every 20 minutes, drink one sip from each glass until they are empty.

6. You will have to lie with a heating pad until 23:00.

7. Remove the heating pad and go to sleep. After a few hours, toxins will begin to appear from the liver, you will learn about this by the following symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.

Lemon has a choleretic effect, so it is forbidden to use the drug for cholelithiasis.

After the liver cleansing procedure is completed, you need to follow a few rules:

• waking up in the morning, clean your intestines by making a 6-liter enema. Nutrition does not change - plant foods and juices;

• on the second day, try to eat right;

• on the third day you can eat a little meat, porridge. Any heavy food is prohibited.

Cleaning is recommended once a month.

Medicinal herbs

Many folk remedies used to cleanse the liver include herbs. You can prepare herbal preparations:

• take medicinal herbs in equal amounts - birch buds, chamomile (pharmacy), immortelle. Everything is mixed and poured with boiled water, in the amount of 400 ml. The collection is infused for one day, after which it can be taken twice a day, half a glass. The total course of treatment is one month;

• mix the following herbs - St. John's wort, bird highlander, stigmas of corn, mix and separate one spoon. Pour herbs with two liters of boiling water, put on fire, after the water boils, turn off the gas and boil for 10 minutes. For several hours, put the container with the collection to settle. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink a small amount of the drug.


Raisins are not only a delicious berry, but also a useful remedy used as a liver cleanser. Preparing the tool is quite simple. Take a small amount of raisins and pour boiling water over it, put it in a dark place for a day. You need to drink the resulting product according to the following scheme:

1. Having woken up in the morning, drink the water infused in the broth.

2. Lie on a bed or sofa.

3. Exactly one week every day, eat half a glass of raisins.

4. Every day, drink compote with raisins.

How to clean your liver at home and not be in a hospital bed

In order to cleanse the liver at home, the use of drugs and other traditional medicine recipes is not enough. In order for the effect of the procedure to be effective, and the patient did not end up in the hospital with complications, you need to properly prepare for the upcoming "event".

Liver cleansing should be performed with maximum relaxation, and mindful of an excellent result. For some time you need to follow a light diet, it is better if it is vegetarian.

In order to avoid serious complications, you need to undergo a course of anthelmintic treatment, and make sure that there are no lamblia in the body.

If you are not sure that you can independently perform liver cleansing, then it is better to contact a medical institution.


Watch the video: Natural Liver & Kidney Cleanse to help remove Toxin not stones (June 2024).