How to make a man pleasant in bed and beyond? Weaknesses of the stronger sex: pleasant for a man - easy!


To be one and only is the ideal that every seducer strives for.

Wise women know how to always remain loved and desired for their chosen one.

Little "tricks" and knowledge of how to do a man pleasantly in bed and at home, can maintain harmony and sensuality, even in long-term relationships.

How to make a man pleasant: psychological subtleties

Scientists have long proved that women are sensitive and impressionable, while men are less vulnerable, calculating, and cold-blooded creatures. In practice, things are a little different. Representatives of the stronger sex no less than their emotional halves, need tenderness, care and affection. They are not averse to listening to compliments or a pleasant present. Therefore, psychological "tricks" should be given special attention.

Respect. Even the last loser blooms next to a woman who reveres him. It is known that for the fair sex the most important thing is the care of the second half. For men, the direct proof of love is respect. It is important to accept his life position, opinion, friends. With understanding to relate to personal space, interests and habits.

Regular insults and attempts to humiliate dignity are incompatible with the concept of tact, so angry statements should be left with you. A woman herself can feel reliable and happy only with a chosen one respected by her, therefore, in the absence of this important criterion in a relationship, you should think about breaking up.

Attention. Strict control can scare anyone away. Otherwise, things are unobtrusive care. The question of how the working day went or who won the match yesterday will let the man understand that he is interesting to his beloved. Is the chosen one sick? Who will cook the broth and tuck the plaid apart if not a charming girlfriend?

It will not be superfluous to show interest in the form of flirting and coquetry. Men love initiative and playful women! To maintain interest in relationships, you need to find strength and time daily to devote attention to the object of adoration. Otherwise, the forgotten partner will begin to look for him on the side.

Compliments and flattery. Who said that only women love ears? Representatives of a strong half of humanity are conceited and need approval, admiration, compliments. The subject of praise may be character traits, appearance, actions. Subtle flattery (not to be confused with obvious lies) is also appropriate, in which the abilities of the chosen one will be slightly exaggerated.

Subordination. The role of men as a dominant is defined by nature. He should feel the main, even if most of the decisions are made by the second half. True femininity is inseparable with moderate humility and the ability to compromise, so that his obstinacy should be pacified as often as possible. It doesn't matter to whom the deciding opinion belongs. The main thing is how a woman gives roles in the family. A man may be henpecked for his beloved, but he should feel dominant in this relationship.

How to do a man pleasantly: joint life

It’s easy to charm a man you like, but not every seductress can do it so that he feels good and comfortable. Representatives of the stronger sex love coziness, and they have certain requirements for cohabitation.

1. Satiety. "The path to a man’s heart lies through his stomach." The well-known truth is 100% true. It is not necessary to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and mouth-watering pies, cooked with love, will help win the man’s heart.

2. Romance at home. It is believed that a man should look after the object of love. However, the strong halves of humanity also do not mind getting a touching SMS, a cute note with recognition or a nice gift. Maintaining a romantic "spirit" promotes harmony in any relationship.

3. Comfort. Many single men live in their apartments, like bears in a den. Scattered things, confused socks, unwashed dishes ... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with bringing coziness and comfort in housing, because it is not for nothing that the fairer sex is called the "guardians of the hearth."

4. Personal space. Each person needs solitude with himself. It is important to give the chosen one time for personal interests and hobbies, saving him from annoying control. The freer a man feels, the stronger he becomes attached to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it would hardly occur to anyone to check their beloved for “professional suitability” in economic affairs. And yet, lovers of sloths and selfish women are comparatively fewer than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, well-fed dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing and cooking are not forced actions, but what kind of man would not be happy to wash socks, pairs of ironed clothes and freshly prepared dishes?

Pleasing look or how to properly make a man pleased with his appearance

Contemplation of the female body gives great pleasure to the representatives of the stronger sex. To make the viewing even more exciting, you need to carefully monitor your appearance.

Women have heard a lot about the fact that a skilful seductress is obliged to meet her faithful in sexy clothes, with make-up and elegant styling. This, of course, is a win-win option, but its constant maintenance is almost impossible. However, even in long-term relationships, a woman must remain beautiful. What do men pay attention to?

Hair must be washed and neat. Unpainted roots, tangled strands and dandruff can scare away the most persistent boyfriend.

Nails must be clean and tidy. Intricate manicure is a woman’s whim, men usually notice either stripped off or bright-acid varnish.

• Properly selected clothes emphasizes advantages and hides flaws, besides attracts representatives of the stronger sex. It should be neat - torn and dirty branded items are significantly inferior to clean and ironed wardrobe items purchased somewhere in the market.

• A woman should smell good. Not a single perfume is able to “kill” the smell of sweat and unwashed body.

• Each man has his own preferences for the parameters of the female figure. Someone loves slender beauties, others give girls with "curvaceous" forms. However, the proportionality of the body, its neatness and elasticity is encouraged by all, without exception.

• Clean and well maintained leather always attractive and without makeup. Problems that the woman herself cannot eliminate must be solved with the help of specialists (cosmetologist, dermatologist).

To always look good, you do not need to visit beauty salons daily and stand in front of a mirror for half a day. It is enough to regularly maintain neatness and beauty, steadily devoting personal care to at least an hour a day.

Do not neglect the tricks available only to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lacy lingerie, sexy stockings, thin heels and other "little things" drive any man crazy! Seductive wardrobe items can add passion to the relationship of both newly made and “experienced” couples.

How to make a man pleasant in bed?

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly "start up" and do not need long preparations for the act of love, as their partners. But this does not mean that you can deprive your chosen one foreplay and games. Erotic dance, relaxing massage and gentle kisses will make the seductress in the eyes of a loved one even more desirable.

The partners who are cold and closed during sex reduce the self-esteem and interest of the man. The realization that the other half feels pleasure during intimate contact, further inflames the lover's passion. Shouting and replaying frantically, of course, is not worth it. But languid moans, a barely restrained scream and other manifestations of ardent emotions will drive the partner crazy.

Than more active and assertive the impulse of a mistress, the more desirable is she in the eyes of a man. No need to be shy of feelings, you can and should even tell your beloved about your erotic desires! But the lack of initiative will make a partner doubt his own sexual attractiveness for a woman.

Every man in stock has a love scenario that he wants to realize in life. As a rule, fantasies are simple to execute: sex with a maid, in a public place or in handcuffs. Realize the erotic dream of a partner it’s not difficult, in addition, a bold act will help bring diversity to intimate life, and a woman will feel even more desirable.

The partner’s naked body excites and drives a man crazy, therefore during sex you should not hide under the covers and turn off all light sources. Complexes associated with imperfections should be removed with clothing. In a fit of passion, the lover will not notice cellulite or stretch marks, since the image of a woman is perceived by him holistically. It is necessary to refuse shyness and timidity in bed. Experiment with poses, act on the partner’s erogenous zones, do not disdain your man’s oral affection and fantasies, and then he will consider you the best lover.

Work on relationships and perfection in love science always help to keep the interest of the object of adoration always alive. However, theoretical knowledge on how to do a man pleasantly in bed and beyond is not enough without sincere feelings and emotions. Love, be relaxed during sex, friendly in society, a farmhouse attentive to the chosen one, and then he will not get anywhere from you!


Watch the video: Your Body During Sex (June 2024).