Brushing teeth: how to do it right and how often. Tips for parents: how to brush their children, when and with what


From early childhood, everyone remembers that morning begins with washing and brushing your teeth.

It would seem that such a simple daily procedure, what can be complicated in it?

It turns out that not all people have an idea about how to brush their teeth correctly, how to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste, and how often you need to pay attention to oral hygiene.

Few parents know how to brush their child’s teeth and at what age it is necessary to start doing this.

But all problems with teeth and gums begin with improper oral hygiene, and sometimes these problems appear even in childhood.

In order to avoid the appearance of the most common diseases of teeth and gums, you need to learn how to brush your teeth correctly, taking into account all the nuances of this process. And how to do it right - later in the article.

How to brush your teeth: choose toothpaste

The right choice of toothpaste and brush is the key to the health of teeth and gums, so you need to pay special attention to the choice of these two hygiene items.

On television regularly show ads of various brands of toothpastes, designed to deal with various problems of the oral cavity. You can buy such popular pastas at any supermarket. But will a person do the right thing when he goes for toothpaste to the nearest grocery store? After all, toothpaste is not an ordinary product, but a preventive or even therapeutic agent. And it’s better to buy this kind of medicine at retail outlets that specialize in medicines - in pharmacies.

Before choosing a toothpaste, it is better to consult a dentist. After all, only a doctor after an examination can accurately say what problems with teeth and gums are and what nuances you need to pay attention to - is there a tendency to form caries or tartar, are the gums exhausted, etc. And only knowing what problems you need to deal with, you can go to the store and choose the right toothpaste.

Toothpastes available on store shelves are divided into 2 groups: therapeutic and hygienic. Hygienic pastes usually include children's toothpastes, since they contain only cleansing components. Hygienic pastes do not help get rid of diseases of the gums and teeth, but only remove plaque from the teeth. Therefore, such pastes are recommended for use by those people who have no problems with the oral cavity.

Treatment-and-prophylactic toothpastes are divided into several types, depending on the effect:

1. Whitening paste

2. Toothpastes against tooth decay

3. Toothpastes for sensitive teeth

4. Anti-inflammatory pastes

5. Salt Toothpastes

6. Enzyme-containing and toothpastes with biologically active additives

Each of these types of pastes has its own characteristics. Such pastes differ in the composition and direction of exposure.

Whitening paste contain pyroxides of two substances - carbomide and hydrogen. These substances are oxidizing agents that form a chemical reaction during brushing. Actually in the course of such a reaction, plaque oxidation and tooth whitening occur. However, without consulting a doctor, you should not use professional tooth whitening toothpastes, since they strongly affect enamel. And after the consultation, it’s not worth abusing whitening pastes - it is recommended to use such toothpastes no more than 2 times a week.

The composition of cheap bleaching pastes often includes calcium carbonate, or simply chalk. Such toothpastes are generally better not to use, because chalk scratches and damages tooth enamel.

Caries Toothpastes caries itself cannot be cured. They are a preventive measure to maintain oral health in people with a tendency to caries. The composition of such pastes includes aminofluorides, sodium fluoride, calcium glycerophosphate and sodium monophosphate.

Fluoride and calcium are necessary for dental health, but in adequate quantities, so be sure to study the composition of the toothpaste before buying. Derivatives of calcium and fluoride in anti-caries toothpaste should be no more than 150 mg per 100 g of paste intended for adults, and no more than 50 mg per 100 g of toothpaste for children. Fluoride has a wonderful property - it heals tooth enamel. But in large doses, this substance will not be useful for teeth.

For sensitive teeth special toothpastes are sold, which include potassium chloride, sodium fluoride, strontium chloride and potassium nitrate. These substances will help not only reduce sensitivity, but also produce additional mineralization of enamel. Therefore, it can be argued that these toothpastes, like the previous ones, help protect teeth from tooth decay.

The problem of tooth sensitivity is quite common. Hypersensitivity has a lot of inconvenience and makes the process of enjoying food impossible. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to use only specialized toothpastes to get rid of this problem. For people with fine enamel and hypersensitivity, bleaching pastes and bleaching procedures are contraindicated.

Anti-inflammatory paste contain in its composition antiseptics - chlorhexidine and triclosan. These substances destroy microbes in the oral cavity, therefore, in the presence of an inflammatory process in the mouth, such a paste is indispensable. Anti-inflammatory pastes for stomatitis in adults are highly effective. But they can be used only as prescribed by the doctor and for a period of not more than 2-4 weeks.

Saline toothpastes Mineral salts are included in the composition, which improve blood circulation in the gums. Such toothpastes are indicated for use by people who have bleeding gums and their diseases - periodontal disease and periodontitis. Salt pastes have a specific taste that you have to get used to.

Concerning enzyme-containing toothpastes and pastes with biologically active additives, such should be selected and appointed only by the dentist.

How to brush your teeth: choosing a toothbrush

For a properly selected toothpaste you need to get a decent pair - a toothbrush. You should not take the first one that comes across in the store, because there are different types of toothbrushes.

Toothbrushes differ in bristle stiffness. There are brushes with a very 5 degrees of hardness:

1. Very soft

2. Soft

3. Medium hardness

4. Tough

5. Very tough

You can ask the dentist which brush to choose or just pay attention to the condition of your gums and teeth. For people suffering from problems with gums (inflammation, bleeding) brushes with soft bristles are ideal, which will gently brush your teeth without injuring the already weakened gums. If the gums and teeth are healthy, you can safely buy a brush with hard bristles. Such a brush will well clean the plaque on the teeth and massage the gums. In the case when it is difficult to decide which brush is needed or if the stiff bristles seemed uncomfortable, it is worth buying a toothbrush with medium hard bristles.

In addition, toothbrushes can be with natural bristles or with synthetic. It is better to give preference to synthetics, since such brushes climb less and do not contribute to the growth of bacteria, unlike brushes with natural bristles.

In addition to standard mechanical toothbrushes, there are other types - electric, ionic, ultrasonic and orthodontic.

An electric toothbrush nowadays will not surprise anyone. Such brushes work from batteries, produce vibration, thereby thoroughly brushing your teeth than mechanical brushes. But using an electric brush is not more than 3 times a week, as there is a high risk of injuring the gums.

The ion toothbrush contains a rod with a special deposition of titanium dioxide. The main feature of this brush is that it destroys plaque at the molecular level and heals the oral cavity. You can even use an ionic toothbrush without toothpaste, because the teeth in this case are cleaned using ion flow and saliva.

Ultrasonic toothbrushes are considered one of the best and most expensive. With such a brush there is no need to perform special mechanical cleaning, because it cleans the teeth with the help of a sound wave. Ultrasonic brushes are recommended for people suffering from the appearance of tartar - the brush copes with this problem easily. But you should not use this brush to people with diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, epilepsy and precancerous diseases of the oral cavity, as the effect of ultrasound can adversely affect.

Orthodontic toothbrushes are designed for people using braces. In the bristles of such brushes there is a special cutout, which makes it easy to clean both teeth and bracket systems.

How to brush your teeth: the basic rules

To brush your teeth more effectively, you must follow certain rules.

Teeth should be brushed with open jaws, from the back row of teeth. “Sweeping” movements are made from the gum to the tooth, while the brush is at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, it is necessary to clean both jaws, on both sides - both from the outside and from the inside (tooth surface facing the tongue).

Next, you need to clean the surface of the teeth, which is used to chew food. The brush is horizontal and rotational movements are made.

It is a mistake to believe that the teeth on the outside should be cleaned in a horizontal direction - in this case, the bacteria will simply be transferred from one row to another, and the distance between the teeth will become clogged.

After brushing your teeth, you need to clean the tongue from bacteria and plaque, sweeping movements.

On average, the brushing process should take not less than 3 minutes. The number of brushings on each jaw during the entire cleaning process is approximately 150. Proper dental hygiene is the key to their health.

Teeth should be brushed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But most people neglect evening purge, but in vain. Bacteria and food debris that have accumulated all day negatively affect the enamel, destroy it.

In addition to brushing your teeth, it is necessary to clean the interdental space with dental floss or irrigator. After all, the brush does not always cope well with the removal of plaque from inaccessible places. The use of mouthwashes is also beneficial. It is better to purchase rinsing agents with antibacterial effect and use them after meals.

How to brush your teeth for children: step-by-step instructions

Few parents are aware at what age a child needs to brush their teeth, how often they need to do this, and how to do it right. A child should start brushing his teeth from the moment the first tooth appears. For small children, do not use brushes. There is a special silicone nozzle that is worn on the finger. You can not only brush your teeth with your finger, but also massage the gums, which itch when teething. You can not use toothpaste up to a year.

For older children, there are children's toothbrushes and pastes that are safe if accidentally swallowed. Kids need to brush their teeth for 2 minutes, and older children - at least 3. Children need oral hygiene twice teach from an early age.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to brush your children’s teeth:

1. It is necessary to slightly moisten the toothbrush and squeeze a small amount of toothpaste (the size of a pea) onto it.

2. Start cleaning the entire surface of the teeth with a closed jaw using rotational-translational movements.

3. Then, with the jaw open, clean the upper and lower jaw from both sides with sweeping movements, starting from the back molars.

4. Then you need to clean the chewing surface of the teeth with rotational movements or movements back and forth.

5. If the child is more than 3 years old, then it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue. A young child may simply not be allowed to do this procedure.

How to brush your teeth to children and not harm

Do not be zealous when brushing your child’s teeth, otherwise it can cause pain and damage the teeth or gums. Too much pressure on the brush during cleaning will scare away the baby, and he will be afraid of this procedure.

Also, do not use an electric toothbrush for young children. The sound of such a brush can scare the child.

In addition, you must use toothbrushes that are suitable for the child's age. Children under one year old do not need toothbrushes; a silicone fingertip is enough. After all, children's gums can be easily damaged by coarse bristles of the toothbrush.


Watch the video: Tooth Brushing for children three and under - The knee-to-knee technique (June 2024).