How to quickly grow nails at home: vitamins and folk remedies. Recommendations for a beautiful manicure


The pride of every woman is well-groomed hands with healthy and beautiful nails.

Dreaming of long nails, some of the fair sex decide to build them.

This expensive procedure often does not bring the expected result and adversely affects the health of your own nails.

Knowing the simple ways, you can very quickly become the owner of an excellent manicure.

How to quickly grow nails at home: where to start?

Women who decide to grow their nails often wonder: where to start? Experts say that the length and general condition of the nails are largely dependent on proper nutrition. Hands cannot be beautiful if the body does not receive all the necessary substances. In order for nails to grow quickly, be strong and dense, enrich your diet with certain foods.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

This vitamin is found in abundance in eggs, beans, lentils, salmon, peanuts, bananas and cauliflower. Its lack leads to brittleness and thinning of nails. If you regularly use these products, then the nails will cease to exfoliate and become incredibly strong.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the human body leads to a decrease in immunity and metabolic disorders. By consuming foods rich in omega-3s, you will provide your nails with beauty and rapid growth. So, acids are found in soybean and linseed oil, walnuts, spinach and eggs. You can also get them by eating fatty fish - sardines, salmon and mackerel.


At the heart of the nail plate is keratin. This protein restores and strengthens the nails. To ensure that they are always strong, protein-rich foods should be included in the diet: seafood, chicken, eggs, nuts and soybeans.

Vitamin A

This element is responsible for the growth of nails. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the intake of foods that are rich in vitamin A: carrots, cheese, melon, oatmeal, potatoes, broccoli, butter, peaches. Drinking alcohol and caffeine destroy the vitamin of growth, so experts recommend abandoning them.


Zinc is responsible for the growth and formation of connective tissue. This element is very important for the health of nails. It will help relieve cuticle inflammation and reduce the number of white spots on the nail plates. Contains zinc in green beans, cashews, soy, dark chocolate, peanuts.

How to quickly grow nails at home: medicines and vitamins

You should also pay attention to women who want to grow nails on special pharmacy drugs. It is not always enough to follow a manicure and lead a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes the cause of the poor condition of the nails can hide inside the body.

If the nails begin to crumble, become dull and do not grow at all, then perhaps the body lacks keratin, vitamins A, E, C, D, group B, iron, zinc, calcium and iodine.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

1. The lack of vitamins D, C and B7 is expressed in a strong foliation of nails and fragility.

2. Too thin and weak nails indicate a lack of iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, silicon or protein in the body.

3. The large size of the white area of ​​the nail plate indicates a lack of folic acid, iron and zinc.

4. Numerous white stripes or spots on the nails - this is a sign of a lack of iron, calcium and vitamins C, E and A.

Vitabiotics Perfectil Vitamin Complex

The dietary supplement contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of nails. According to the manufacturer, the complex saves from fragility of the nail plate. To evaluate the result of a biological supplement, you should drink it in a course of one month. Take Perfectil 1 capsule per day.

Vitamins Revalid

This combination drug contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex that promotes better keratin synthesis. Indicated for use to treat brittle nails. To restore the nail plates, vitamins must be taken for at least 2-3 months. Drink Revalid should be one capsule during meals.

Vitamins Alphabet Cosmetics

The indications for the use of this complex do not say anything about the treatment of nail diseases, but the drug significantly improves their condition. For better digestibility of useful components, the manufacturer recommends drinking them, depending on the combination with each other. So, you need to take three different tablets per day. The interval between doses is at least 4 hours. The course of treatment lasts a month.

Merz spezial dragees

This multivitamin complex is widely used for damage to the nails, which were caused by a lack of vital vitamins and minerals in the body. It contains valuable yeast extract and is designed to maintain the normal state of nails with malnutrition. Take dragees for a month - in the morning and in the evening.

Migliorin Capsules from Vivasan

Vitamins from the Swiss brand are created to maintain bone health. In their composition you can see soybean oil, lecithin, wheat germ oil. They perfectly strengthen nails and have established themselves as a drug for their growth. The duration of the drug is 3 months or more. Drink it should be 2 capsules during meals.

How to quickly grow nails at home: folk remedies

To accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them, you can use simple proven home remedies.

Nourishing masks

1. To prepare the mask you will need:

• honey - 1 teaspoon;

• calendula oil - 1 teaspoon;

• boiled yolk.

Mix honey and calendula flower oil and warm the mixture a little. Add boiled yolk to it and stir until smooth. Put the mass on your nails and put on cotton gloves. It is better to leave the mask overnight, and rinse off with warm water in the morning. The procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

2. To prepare the next mask, you will need the following ingredients:

• lime color - 2 tablespoons;

• dry chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons;

• olive oil - 1/3 cup.

Heat vegetable oil in a water bath. Add chopped medicinal herbs to it. Boil the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, stirring it constantly.

Put warm gruel on your nails and put on cotton gloves. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

3. The composition of the following mask is as follows:

• nettle - 1 tablespoon;

• dandelion - 1 tablespoon;

• cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon;

• water - ½ cup.

Shredded leaves of nettle and dandelion pour 100 ml of boiled water. Add cottage cheese to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The resulting slurry is applied to the nail plates for half an hour. The remaining mask is removed with a cotton pad. If you wondered how to quickly grow nails at home, then you should try this recipe.

Restorative cream

To prepare the cream, take the following products:

• black currant - 1 tablespoon;

• flour - 1 tablespoon;

• cream - ½ tablespoons.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply gently with massage movements on the hands, paying attention to the nails. Wear cotton gloves for 2 hours. Remove gloves, remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad.

Firming baths

1. Pour a small amount of warm boiled water into a bowl. Add a drop of essential oils of lemon, rose and ylang-ylang. Marigolds in such a bath should be kept for at least 15 minutes. Then blot a finger with a napkin and moisturize the cuticle with a nourishing cream.

2. The condition of weakened marigolds perfectly improves the bath of sea salt. You will need 200 ml of warm water and one tablespoon of salt. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil. It should be dripped on salt, and then pour water. Keep your fingers in the water for at least 20 minutes.

3. We take 100 ml of any vegetable oil and heat it in a water bath. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and dip the nails into the mixture. The duration of the oil bath is 20 minutes.

Massage for nail growth

Self-massage for intensive nail growth can be carried out independently. The procedure is recommended to be done before bedtime. For massage, you can use any oil. Take a small amount and rub it into the nail plates. Nails should be cleaned of varnish.

Paraffin therapy

Another method that improves nail growth is paraffin therapy. The procedure allows you to speed up blood circulation and increase the flow of oxygen to the nails. You can use both cosmetic paraffin and natural beeswax. In a substance heated in a water bath, you need to lower your fingers for a few seconds. When it hardens on the nails, gloves should be worn. It is better to leave a paraffin mask for the night. In a week you will be able to evaluate the result: nails will become more healthy.

How to quickly grow nails at home: causes of failure

So that you do not suffer failure on the way to beautiful nails, you should be guided by simple rules for nail care:

• Every day, apply a moisturizer containing vitamin E to the nails and cuticle;

• protect your hands from low temperatures: in cold weather, do not forget to wear warm gloves;

• use special rubber gloves during homework;

• periodically give the nails an opportunity to rest from varnish;

• for removal of a varnish use the soft sparing means which are not containing formaldehyde and acetone;

• for manicure use only high-quality sterile instruments.

If nature has not gifted you with healthy and beautiful nails, then you can make them yourself. Now you know how to quickly grow nails at home. Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and regular procedures described earlier will allow you to become the owner of an excellent manicure in a short time.


Watch the video: Home Remedies: Healthy Nail Growth And Whitening (June 2024).