Runny nose during pregnancy: types and methods of treatment


Runny nose during pregnancy - a fairly common occurrence. With a stuffy nose, it is very difficult to breathe, and you want to alleviate your condition as soon as possible. Both mom is not easy, and the baby needs to ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen.

But, before using drops or spray, you should determine the nature of the appearance of rhinitis - this is the name that has a runny nose in medical terminology.

After all, nasal congestion, mucous or watery discharge, are possible not only with a cold, but also with a normal condition: sometimes this is how the body reacts to pregnancy. In this case, we can talk about vasomotor rhinitis. How to find out what causes a runny nose during pregnancy?

A runny nose as the norm for bemerenia?

Vasomotor rhinitis mainly occurs in the second trimester, when hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. They provoke swelling of the nasal mucosa. Such a runny nose during pregnancy does not require drug treatment. You can alleviate the condition if you use grandmother's methods - washing the nose with saline or herbal infusions.

To reduce swelling and ease breathing will help the correct posture during rest. Try to take a position so that the head is slightly tilted back, this will lead to a decrease in blood flow to the mucous membrane of the sinuses. You can lightly massage your fingers with the wings of the nose and the base of the nostrils.

Allergic runny nose during pregnancy

A runny nose during pregnancy of an allergic nature most often bothers in summer or spring, when all kinds of plants begin to bloom en masse. In allergic rhinitis, nasal discharge is usually watery, very profuse and frequent. Constant moisture under the nose causes irritation and redness of the skin. To soothe the skin, it is necessary to lubricate it with baby cream. With such a cold, ordinary drops will not help, the help of an allergist is needed here so that he selects an effective and harmless remedy.

Colds during pregnancy

If a headache, fever, cough, or sore throat is added to watery or mucous streams from the nose and sneezing, the cold is most likely to blame. The virus in the body of a pregnant woman is always an object of increased danger. It poses a threat not only to a woman, but to her unborn baby, especially if the pregnancy is at an early stage when important organs of the fetus are formed. Therefore, a runny nose during pregnancy of an infectious origin should be treated as soon as possible. And it is better to take preventive measures to protect yourself from its appearance.

During a flu epidemic, one should not visit crowded places (shops, bazaars, cinemas, etc.) without the need. Before leaving the house, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment. If someone from the household started sneezing, coughing, for prevention purposes, you can spread the peeled garlic cloves around the apartment, which should be replaced with fresh ones as they dry.

We treat a runny nose during pregnancy:

1. Washing the nose. At the first symptoms of a runny nose, rinsing of the nasal passages can be done. For this procedure, it is necessary to prepare a weak saline solution. It will clear the nasal mucosa of germs, accumulated secretions, and facilitate breathing. In one glass of warm boiled water, you should dissolve a teaspoon of ordinary table salt and add two to three drops of iodine. A solution from sea salt also helps: in a liter of boiled water, stir a tablespoon of sea salt until completely dissolved. If an insoluble precipitate forms at the bottom, saline should be filtered through gauze. You can mix half a teaspoon of table salt and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water. If, for certain reasons, a saline or soda solution is not suitable, you can rinse your nose with ordinary mineral water without gas. Washing should be carried out daily 2-3 times for 3-4 days.

If the runny nose during pregnancy has passed into the sinuses and caused purulent discharge, washing the nose with a solution of furatsilin will help: grind one tablet and dissolve in a glass of water. Furatsilin has an active antimicrobial effect and is a good tool for the treatment of infectious rhinitis. Rinsing of the sinuses is more convenient to carry out using a container with a spout (like a teapot) or a small rubber bulb. If it is impossible to rinse the nose in the usual way, you can prepare a soda-tannin solution and instill 1-2 pipettes into each nostril, then purify mechanically, i.e. blow your nose. Rinse your nose in this way two to three times a day. To prepare the solution, pour a teaspoon of ordinary black tea into a glass of boiling water and boil it, evaporating the liquid, for about fifteen minutes. Strain from tea leaves and mix with a teaspoon of baking soda.

2. Drops in the nose. Medicines - vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy - should be used only in exceptional cases. Firstly, they have a number of contraindications, and secondly, they have a vasoconstrictor effect not only on the nasal mucosa, but also on the placenta, and this threatens with fetal hypoxia. Therefore, such drops as Sanorin, Naftizin, Galazolin, Nazivin and the like should be used daily no more than one to two times, for a maximum of three days in a row, to relieve the acute phase of rhinitis. Drops made from fresh beetroot or apple-carrot juice help well from a runny nose. The components must be cleaned, finely grated and squeezed juice through cheesecloth. For each subsequent instillation, it is necessary to make a fresh serving of juice.

3. Sweatshops. Inhalation. Infectious or viral runny nose during pregnancy are successfully treated with inhalation. Why use fir, eucalyptus, peppermint oil, which have an antimicrobial effect, or decoctions of herbs - calendula, chamomile, sage, oregano, thyme. To ease the condition, three to four procedures per day lasting five minutes are enough. The use of diaphoretic teas, especially from linden and raspberries, which contribute to the removal of fluid from the body, will help reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the common cold during pregnancy. In addition to sweaty teas, you need to drink drinks with a high content of vitamin C - tea with lemon, broth of wild rose or blackcurrant. This will help to quickly deal with the infection and defeat the common cold.


Inna 11/20/2016
Thank you very much for the article, very informative material, sometimes a runny nose is abrupt, even without a cold. It happened to me when the pregnant woman walked, I washed my nose, as recommended in the article, only bought ready-made sea water, aqualore, it was easier for me to puff my nose than to rinse it with a complicated procedure, this method helped me well and the means for pregnant women is safe.

Svetlana 04/10/2016
when I had a runny nose during pregnancy, no folk remedies did not relieve a runny nose for a long time, but I had to work. I won’t wash my nose or do inhalation at work. The doctor prescribed Genferon Light in the form of a spray. This is a modern antiviral spray, which also helps with a cold. has a vasoconstrictor effect

Barbara 03/28/2016
Chamomile, thyme, sage, calendula are reliable products that have been tested for decades. If there are no contraindications, this is an ideal treatment option for a pregnant woman.

Malkova 03/28/2016
I look at the photo and see myself. Flaunted in an autumn jacket and here is a runny nose. Moreover, the husband and mother reprimanded: ((Now I’m going to breathe over boiled potatoes now.

Gela 03/28/2016
I can hardly breathe anyway, but now I’ve got a little cold - I’m not feeling at all. I will use the recommendations of the article, thanks to the site!


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