How to cook mulled wine at home? Homemade Mulled Wine Recipes: Apple, Classic, Non-Alcoholic


Mulled wine is an alcoholic strong drink with a high temperature, delicate aroma and exquisite taste.

Its origin, origin of mulled wine goes far into the past, there are still references to the fact that in ancient Rome they prepared this drink with the addition of various spices to it, but without a heating process that improves the taste and properties.

The best option for making mulled wine is the choice of dry red or semi-dry not fortified wine, as well as spices and spices.

It is a bouquet of these components, as well as heating of this drink that improves the beneficial properties of wine and sponsors the human body with a variety of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

As a result, mulled wine gives vitality to the human body, raises immunity, warms it in bad weather and saturates it with this aromatic and tasty drink.

General principles and features of making mulled wine at home

Unfortunately, mulled wine, a recipe prepared at home earlier and taken from the original sources, was lost, but the general principles for preparing this source have survived to our times.

• For greater piquancy, it is recommended to add spices and spices to mulled wine, but they should not be grinded during the preparation process - this will ruin the taste of the drink.

• It is advisable to boil the spices in water, thereby saturating it, and then strain it through a strainer.

• Mulled wine should not be boiled, since the drink, namely its base wine, loses its beneficial qualities and properties when boiling.

• It is necessary to heat the components of mulled wine over a small fire, with constant stirring.

• The basis for the preparation of mulled wine is a soft red dry wine, to which cognac or rum can be added at will.

• As soon as the mulled wine reaches a certain temperature (no more than 80 degrees), the drink must be removed from the fire and let it brew.

• Mulled wine can be saturated with sugar or honey, as well as various fruits that improve the taste of this drink.

• In order to fully experience the unsurpassed aroma and taste of mulled wine, it is recommended to drink it only for those who are well-fed and hot.

Recipe 1. Classic mulled wine recipe at home


• Red wine (dry) - 750 gr.

• Water - ¼ cup.

• Sugar - 30 gr.

• Nutmeg (grated) - on the tip of a knife.

• Clove - 7 pcs.

Cooking method:

Spices must be immersed in water, put the pan on the stove and bring the broth to a boil. Then you need to boil the broth for 2 minutes on low heat, and then insist for about 15 minutes under a closed lid.

Next, you need to pour the wine into the pan slightly warm and add a decoction of spices to it. And then add sugar, which will give the drink the necessary sweetness. As soon as the temperature of the beverage reaches 80 degrees, it will need to be removed from the fire.

Fruits and dry biscuits can be served with the drink.

Recipe 2. Traditional Mulled Wine Recipe at Home


• Vintso (red) - 1l.

• Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

• Sugar - 40 gr.

• Clove - 7 pcs.

• Ginger (fresh) 5 gr.

• Pepper (allspice) - 3 pcs.

• Nutmeg - a pinch.

Cooking method:

All the spices must be put in water, put on fire and cook at a temperature of 80 degrees for only a few minutes, not allowing the broth to boil. Since during the boiling process, the available essential oils evaporate.

Next, you need to warm the wine, add honey, sugar and ready-made broth based on spices to it. The resulting consistency must be brought to a temperature of 70 degrees.

Such mulled wine is the best cold remedy.

Recipe 3. Fruit mulled wine recipe at home


• Red screw - 1 bottle.

• Sugar - 150 gr.

• Orange.

• Lemon - ¼ part.

• Apple - 1 spoon.

• Clove - 5 pcs.

• Peas (allspice) - 5 pcs.

• Cardamom - a spoon without a top.

• Nutmeg - a spoon without a top.

• Cinnamon

• Vodichka - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

All available fruits must be thoroughly washed and wiped with a towel. Next, the fruits need to be cut into slices.

Then, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a temperature of 50 degrees. Then in warm water you need to pour cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and pepper.

The broth must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon until the temperature of the liquid rises to 70 degrees.

Further, this broth will need to be poured into small portions in wine, while reducing the fire to a minimum.

Then to the existing consistency it is necessary to add sugar, orange.

After 8 minutes, the drink must be removed from the heat, put honey in it, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

The resulting mulled wine can be decorated with a slice of lemon and a slice of apple.

Recipe 4. Non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe at home


• Currants (fresh, frozen) - 1.5 tbsp.

• Ginger - 4 plastics.

• Cinnamon (sticks).

• Clove - 4 pcs.

• Star anise - 1 pc.

• Vodichka (boiling water) - 1,200.

• Honey for everybody.

Cooking method:

First you need to defrost the berry and crush it with the help of a crush. By the way, for the preparation of mulled wine, you can easily use mashed currants with sugar.

Ginger needs to be peeled, then chopped and chopped using, for example, rolling pin by rolling.

You need to boil water.

Next, you need to put berries, spices in a thick-walled vessel, pour boiling water over them, cover the pan with a towel and infuse the ingredients for an hour and a half.

Then the resulting mulled wine needs to be filtered and honey added to it to taste. You can serve mulled wine with finely chopped apples in porcelain or ceramic mugs.

Recipe 5. Apple Mulled Wine Recipe at Home


• Vintso (white, dry) - 1 bottle.

• Lemon ½ pcs.

• Raisins - 60 gr.

• Almonds (peeled) - 30 gr.

• Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

• Sugar - 40 gr.

• Apples (dried) - a handful.

• Juice made from apples - 0.5 l.

• Pepper (sweet pea) - 1 pc.

• Part of the ginger root.

• Clove - 3 pcs.

• Cinnamon - 2 pods.

Cooking method:

Lemon, apples and raisins must be washed in a warm and clean little water. Then, pour juice into the supposed container, add the zest, grated, raisins, apples, cloves, pepper, ginger, and put all the ingredients on the fire, cook them for 10 minutes.

Then sugar, wine should be added to the drink and brought to a temperature of 80 degrees. Then, to the resulting consistency, you need to add honey and mix all the components thoroughly.

After at the bottom of the glasses you need to lay out a few raisins, almonds and cinnamon. Strain the resulting consistency and pour into glasses hot.

Recipe 6. New Year's mulled wine recipe at home


• Vintso (red) - 0.75l.

• Vodichka - 750 ml.

• Apple (large).

• Orange (large).

• Honey - 1 cup.

• Tea (black) - 30 gr.

• Hibiscus tea - 30 gr.

• Clove 5 pcs.

• Cinnamon.

• Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife.

• Anise - for an amateur.

• Cardamom - for everybody.

• Ginger - according to taste.

Cooking method:

It is necessary to pour some water into the pan, bring it to a boil, put the fruit into sliced ​​boiling water and ginger.

Then you need to add spices, tea (hibiscus) to the fruit and continue to boil the ingredients for a few more minutes.

Then, pour the wine into the pan, add the remaining fruits, and honey.

Further, all components must be thoroughly mixed, heated and removed from heat. For some time, mulled wine should be infused.

Serve hot drink to the table.

Recipe 7. Mulled wine recipe at home (making a drink in a slow cooker)


• Vintso (red) - 0.7l.

• Lemon.

• Clove - 5 pcs.

• Pepper (peas) - 5 pcs.

• Cinnamon - for an amateur.

• Honey - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

From a carefully washed lemon, squeeze the juice and pour it into the crock-pot bowl.

Then, in addition to cinnamon, add spices to the juice, add wine, add honey. Then on the slow cooker you need to set the heating mode for 45 minutes, and after the time is up to leave the drink to infuse for another 10 minutes.

Further mulled wine must be filtered, poured into cups by adding a little cinnamon and fruit.

Making mulled wine at home - tricks and tips for creating this drink

• In order to make the drink aromatic and tasty, you need to add fruit to the mulled wine, but here the most important thing is not to overdo it and not turn the divine drink into compote.

• It is better not to grind the spices in mulled wine, as the drink from this becomes cloudy.

• Creating mulled wine, apples and oranges, as integral components must be cleaned, as they are treated with wax and other chemical components.

• It is better to prepare this drink in small portions, since newly warmed mulled wine loses its aroma, as well as taste and healthy qualities.

• A great snack for mulled wine will be cookies, pies, fruits, as well as meat made in the fresh air.

• For the preparation of mulled wine, it is better to use thick-walled dishes for 2-3 liters, possibly larger, but not metal due to the possibility of oxidation processes.

• When making mulled wine, it is better to refuse to use fortified wines. Since when heated, such wine exudes an unpleasant alcohol smell.

• Mulled wine is not washed down, it is simply savored.


Watch the video: How to make mulled wine video - (June 2024).