Salads for weight loss - the best recipes and useful tips


Lose weight without starving, without limiting yourself to healthy foods and small holidays of delicious food - is this not a dream? Salads for weight loss perfectly match these desires. Every day you can cook different types of salads, enjoy delicious dishes and get rid of hated kilos. Your body will be provided with the necessary amount of nutrients, and a strict diet will turn into a pleasant and easy pastime.

Low-calorie salads for weight loss help cleanse the body of toxins, stagnation in the intestines and excess fats in tissues, primarily because they help restore the digestive process. In addition, you will rejuvenate and become a real beauty - salads will help cleanse the skin and maintain a toned figure.

Slimming Salads - How to Choose Foods and Dressing

Almost any fresh food can be used to make weight loss salads. Everyone who sits on a similar diet can choose for themselves tasty and healthy dishes. Heat treatment usually reduces the concentration of nutrients, so the fastest weight loss occurs if you eat foods made from raw vegetables and fruits. These are all types of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and beets, pumpkin, zucchini, fresh berries. Dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms and much more in different combinations are very useful.

Of great importance is parsley, dill, green onions and lettuce, arugula. The main rule is that there are never too many greens. Salad dressing should not be high-calorie. Vegetable oil is suitable - sunflower or olive, low-fat yogurt or sour cream. Salt should be added as little as possible; instead, the taste is enhanced by lemon juice and spices. For a better food balance, nutritionists recommend adding a few nuts. Most importantly, the greatest benefit can only be obtained from fresh products.

Weight Loss Salads - Recipes

Cleansing salad - brush (whisk)

Wonderful salad, like a broom sweeps toxins from the body and brings great benefits. This incredibly healthy dish is an excellent way to cleanse the intestines, is perfect for fasting days, helps young mothers to get in shape after childbirth. Choose vegetables with a dense structure for the "brush", do not heat them thermally - and replace them with dinner for a certain time. You will be surprised how quickly changes in the body are felt. If you want to lose more than 5 kilograms, replace dinner with a slimming salad for 2 weeks.

Ingredients: 100 grams each - cabbage, carrot, apple, beetroot, sea kale. Prunes (50 grams), lemon juice (5 grams), vegetable oil for dressing (15 grams).

Cooking method:

We rub the washed and peeled raw vegetables on a coarse grater. Stir the resulting, and knead to obtain juice. Grate apples, add to contents, then squeeze lemon juice and season with vegetable oil. Pre-soak the prunes and cut into small strips - add to the salad. We do not add salt - "Whisk" and so it has a great taste - enjoy and lose weight! Use it for a fasting day and say goodbye to a couple of kilograms of excess weight.

Slimming Salad Brush - Other Options

- Grate the same vegetables on a coarse grater, only take twice as much cabbage than other ingredients. Stir the vegetables and mash them with your hands to make the juice stand out. Finely chopped prunes are added to the finished salad, seasoned with sunflower oil and lemon juice.

- Cut into strips three carrots, beets and onions, add small cubes of hard apple and several dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes. Add cranberries or pomegranate seeds. Dressing - low-fat mayonnaise.

Slimming salad "Freshness" (from cucumber)

Eat this salad in any quantity - it has so few calories that it can not harm the body. After preparing the salad, leave it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Ingredients: cucumber (2 pcs), sugar substitute (equal to 15 grams of sugar), dill (1 bunch), salt.

Cooking method

Peel the fresh cucumber, cut into thin slices, put in a colander and salt well. Cover with a lid or plate and put a load on top. After half an hour, when all the excess juice flows out, rinse the cucumbers again with cold water and transfer to a plate. In a separate pan, dissolve the sugar substitute and vinegar in 2 tablespoons of water, bring to a boil, cool and grind dill in this mixture. Put the seasoned greens on top of the cucumbers and leave in the refrigerator.

Vegetable Slimming Salad

This vegetable salad is interesting for its dressing - it is poured with broth, so the dish turns out well-balanced in composition, but low-calorie. It saturates much better than other types, it can be eaten hot and cold.

Ingredients: different color sweet peppers (2 pcs), tomatoes (3 pcs), leeks (2 pcs), green onion feathers, parsley, vegetable broth, salt.

Cooking method

Cut the pepper into long strips, just cut the small tomatoes in half. Finely chop the onion and put everything in a heat-resistant dish. Sprinkle the vegetables with onions and pour the broth. In the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes, leave in the oven. Sprinkle the finished dish with parsley.

Slimming Salad "Green"

Despite the presence of mayonnaise, this salad is low in calories. Greens do not saturate the body at all, mayonnaise for a while helps to "trick" the body. You can cook this salad all year round - greenhouse vegetables are also suitable, along with a lot of greens.

Ingredients: leaf lettuce (bunch), fresh cucumber (2 pcs), radish, dill, green onion, parsley.

Cooking method

Chop greens, lettuce and cucumbers with radishes. Salt to taste, season with mayonnaise. You can eat the salad all at once.

Celery Slimming Salad

Vitamin C-rich celery lowers cholesterol and pressure; other vegetables also have many health benefits.

Ingredients: celery (4 stalks), cabbage (half a kilogram), cucumber (3 pieces), onions (2 heads), vegetable oil, juice of half a lemon, parsley or dill.

Cooking method

We shred the cabbage and celery, cut the cucumber into thin strips, finely chop the onion, mix everything in a large bowl and crush it with our hands. Season with lemon juice and olive or sunflower oil. Stir, let stand a little. Garnish with finely chopped herbs.

Slimming Salad "Fantasy"

Sour cream dressing can combine seemingly incompatible ingredients - celery and orange. But you will definitely like this delicious salad. Its sweet and sour taste and rich composition saturates well, suppresses appetite and, as a result, helps to get rid of excess weight.

Ingredients: celery (300 grams), apples (250 grams), carrot (1 pc.), low-fat sour cream 100 grams), nuts, sliced ​​orange (half).

Cooking method

Grate apples and carrots, boiled celery on a fine grater. Stir, add chopped nuts, a little sugar, salt. Stir well, season with sour cream and arrange in a la carte dishes. Garnish with slices of orange.

Mushroom Slimming Salad

Mushrooms are a recognized dietary product; it is no coincidence that they are in high demand during fasting. They will help to lose weight, as their calorie content is quite low. prepare a delicious salad.

Ingredients: fresh mushrooms (150 grams), vegetable oil (10 grams). Lemon juice black pepper.

Cooking method:

Peel the mushrooms well, boil in salted water. Discard in a colander and cut into small pieces. Pepper, pour over vegetable oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with greens in a salad bowl (parsley, dill, feathers of green onions).

Enjoy your meal!


Yanochka 03/25/2016
I really love salads, I prefer them to the rest of the food. And the benefits for the skin from good fruits and vegetables have long been known. Not only creams and masks need to maintain nutrition and skin color, but also to monitor what we take inside.

Tanyusha 03/25/2016
Wow! I have just a bunch of frozen mushrooms, now I will make a salad. But all sorts of celery, apples, I don’t like and I won’t eat them. By the way, is it okay that the mushrooms are frozen? All the same, cook them ...

Lily 03/25/2016
Well, a salad called "Freshness", in which almost only cucumbers, cannot be ineffective. After all, cucumbers consist of almost one water. But they can be fed up, because there are no restrictions in quantity. And calories, too - no.

Forget-me-not 03/25/2016
Both parsley and dill are healthy. But it is better to eat greens in season, i.e. in summer. And the rest of the time, you can trust dried fruits, mushrooms, nuts. Salad "brush" is likely to help cleanse the body, and lose extra pounds, because it contains only "long-playing" ingredients.

Marina 03/25/2016
This is all of course good. But only if you eat really fresh products. And those tomatoes that are sold in stores in the winter will not bring you any benefit. Yes, and they are not always possible, the taste of grass, not everyone likes it!


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