Extend the life of a burnt pan. 20 tips for housewives: how to wash a burnt pot and not spoil it


"Why is she burnt ?!" - the housewives exclaim with despair, looking at the blackened bottom of the beloved pan.

There is one reason - forgetfulness.

From a popular series or monitor screen, only the persistent smell of burning often distracts.

But do not rush to throw out damaged dishes.

She can regain life with a little effort.

How to wash a burnt pan: the necessary tools and devices

Important! The material from which the pan is made is decisive in choosing the method of its resuscitation. Means that steel utensils easily carry will destroy aluminum.

You will need:

• rubber gloves (hand skin will be grateful);

• sponge and soft washcloth (hard abrasive materials scratch the coating);

• a wooden spatula (removes a burnt crust without damaging the pan cover);

• household napkin (useful for finishing work).

A few words about the means

The market of household chemicals offers several dozen products for cleaning pots from traces of burnt food: Shumanit, Titan, Cif, Cillit Bang and others.

A significant minus is toxicity. Surfactants, acids, formaldehyde included in the compositions adversely affect health.

The correct solution would be to try to fix the problem in environmentally friendly ways.

The means that can be found in the house of any mistress will cope with the task:

• salt;

• baking soda and soda ash;

• vinegar;

• laundry soap;

• dentifrice;

• ammonia;

• PVA and silicate glue;

• ash or activated carbon.

Some products will come to the rescue: coffee, yogurt, onions, apples, potatoes. There is a completely exotic remedy - Coca-Cola.

How to wash a burned enameled pan

If the pan with enamel coating is damaged, rescue operations must be carried out immediately. After a few days, it will be difficult to wash burnt marks. Even if the pan was flooded with water.

Important! Before starting to wash the burnt enameled pan, let it cool on its own. Enamel does not tolerate temperature jumps. In a cracked pan, food will burn regularly.

• Burnt area pour a thick layer of saltby wetting it with water. Leave for a long time (can be overnight). Remove the salt and sponge the pan.

If the salt was powerless, you will have to give it a second chance. Make a strong solution. Boil and leave until morning. Drain the liquid, remove the peel with a wooden spatula.

• More effective soda (a glass for one and a half liters of water). The algorithm of action, as in the previous recipe.

• In a particularly difficult case, call for help vinegar. Pour 50 g into a liter of water. soda ash, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Boil for no more than 15 minutes. Immediately drain the solution, clean the pan with a sponge.

Important! Vinegar damages the enamel. Therefore, the effect on the coating should be short-term.

• Do not dispose of thick from cooked ground coffee. This is a good scrub not only for the face, but also for burnt enamel. Distribute the warm mass along the bottom of the pan, leave for a long time, clean with a washcloth and rinse with water.

• Large onions onion cut, pour water, boil. Leave to cool, after throwing the onion, clean the pan in the usual way.

• Add to water apple peeling or potato peel and boil for thirty to forty minutes.

Cleaning can be replaced with a spoon of citric acid.

• Scolded by doctors Coca Cola will benefit in the kitchen. Pour a burnt pan with a drink for a couple of hours. For greater effect, you can boil over low heat.

Ash - an old reliable tool. Cook a medium-thick gruel, diluting the ash with water. Distribute on the burnt bottom of the pan. Let it stand for 40-60 minutes. Then add water (about a quarter of the volume). Boil for an hour.

Ash can be replaced with powdered activated carbon.

Remaining yellow spots on the bottom and walls will remove thick mixture of tooth powder with water. Perfectly copes with the problem of toothpaste.

How to wash a burnt steel pan

The most convenient dishes to care for. Burns rarely.

You can even clean it with dishwashing detergent. Pour the gel into the pan, forget for a sufficiently long time. It remains to remove the softened crust with an abrasive sponge.

In a difficult situation, we resort to folk remedies.

• Prepare a thick slurry from water and baking soda. Apply to burnt area. After a while, clean with a hard washcloth.

• The second option is boiling water with two tablespoons of any soda. The treatment time is 15 minutes.

• If the steel pan is burnt on the outside, you will need a larger container. Pour two parts of water and one part of vinegar into it. Lower the affected pan. The solution should completely cover the burnt area. Heat and leave to cool.

At this time, prepare a cleaning powder: mix a glass of baking soda and half a glass of salt.

Moisten the resulting scrub slightly with vinegar and clean the bottom of the pan.

The white coating that appears as a result of all the above manipulations will remove a napkin dipped in vinegar.

How to wash a burnt aluminum pan

Aluminum pots rarely burn. This is pleasing, since washing them is not easy. Burnt food is firmly eaten into soft metal.

To start, put the burnt pot on a wet rag for 20 to 30 minutes. This will facilitate the washing process.

Then we choose one of the ways to restore former beauty.

• Dissolve in water 25 gr. soda ash. Boil for half an hour.

• Mix dishwashing liquid with soda until the consistency of sour cream. Pour in hydrogen peroxide (two tablespoons). Distribute the mass over the problem area. After a few minutes, the hostess will only have to clean the pan with a washcloth and wash thoroughly.

• If the previous methods were powerless, we launch "heavy artillery". Add to the water one tablespoon of soda and silicate glue, mix well. Boil for 30 minutes.

Having washed an aluminum pan from burnt food, housewives often face a new problem. Appears on the surface dark plaque.

You can remove it with the help of simple manipulations.

• Pour 15 g in 0.3 l of water. borax (sodium borate, sold at the pharmacy). Add 15 drops of ammonia solution. Apply the resulting mixture to the walls of the pan and leave for thirty minutes. Then wash the dishes thoroughly.

Grandma’s Way: pour the pan with any brine or yogurt. In an hour it will be like new.

A universal recipe or eulogies for laundry soap

Modern washing gels, pastes and sprays displace the nondescript bar of laundry soap.

But a natural, safe product for health will no less effectively cope with kitchen problems.

With its help, it is easy to wash burnt pots from various materials.

Important! Any of the above recipes with boiling will give a better result if you add a spoonful of soap chips to the ingredients.

• For decades, a proven recipe from a mixture of soap and PVA glue.

For 3 liters of boiling water, take 50 g. (about a quarter) of laundry soap shredded into shavings and one tablespoon of PVA glue. Pour the mixture into a burnt pot. Boil for half an hour.

• This method will wash the pan not only inside, but also outside.

Pour water into a large tank or bucket. Add a piece of laundry soap (grated or finely chopped) to it. Put the container on the fire and heat, stirring, until the soap dissolves. Pour two vials of silicate glue and a glass of soda ash. Mix everything well.

Lower the burnt pot into the solution. Let it simmer for a minimum of three to four hours. Be sure to close the tank with a lid, otherwise the kitchen will turn into a steam room branch.

After the end of the resuscitation period, soot both inside and outside will be washed with a foam sponge.

• You can do without glue. Cook magic paste.

To do this, take half a bar of soap and 150 - 200 gr. baking soda. Grate soap, add a glass of hot water. Beat until smooth. Some housewives use a mixer. But an ordinary plug can handle it. Add soda to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly again.

To wash a burnt pan, just boil water in it with three tablespoons of pasta.

It is better to prepare the composition with a margin and store in a jar with a lid.

The magic tool will cope with cleaning not only problem pots and kitchen utensils. Plumbing washed with soapy soda paste will surprise you with radiant whiteness.

How to wash a burnt pot and not ruin it

In order not to inflict even greater damage on the pan, it is necessary to remember some subtleties.

• Metal brushes leave scratches. They can only be rubbed with cast-iron pots. Soft aluminum or delicate enamel from hard processing will become worthless.

• Do not attempt to remove a burnt crust with a knife or other sharp metal object. After such experiments, the pan will have to be thrown away.

• You cannot solve the problem with household cleaning products designed to clean stoves and ovens. They will damage the pan cover. Chemical microparticles remain on the dishes even after thorough washing. It is harmful to health.


Watch the video: How to Hand Wash Dishes: 10 Handy Dish Washing Tips! Easy Dish Cleaning Ideas Clean My Space (June 2024).