Thick hair at home: is there any chance ?! How to make hair thicker at home, and who needs it - the best recipes for masks


Imagine the image of an ideal woman.

Beautiful features, delicate skin, thin arms, graceful waist.

Something is missing…

Of course, thick and long hair - they will certainly be in the imagination when it comes to femininity.

It is this fact that compels young ladies of all ages to “sculpt” thick hair at home in all ways in the hope of fluffy hair.

To make hair thicker without leaving your home, in many cases, it is quite possible. It only takes time, patience, natural products, and a little trick.

Thick hair at home: an integrated approach

Hair can be rare and thin for several reasons - due to a genetic predisposition, and internal problems in the body, or detrimental external influences.

In the first case, hoping for a miracle is not worth it - the hair will not become thick as a wire, and a long thick braid will not appear. Will have to come to terms, get used to them and maintain a healthy look. Below we describe a few subtleties, thanks to which you can achieve the appearance of thick hair at home and give them well-groomed and volume.

In all other cases, hair loss occurs abruptly, and they do not want to grow for a long time, since the hair follicles have ceased to receive proper nutrition and oxygen. Why this happens and how to make hair thicker, let's figure it out.

Somatic factor

Hair dramatically lose its density due to disruptions in the functioning of the body's systems, starting with damage to the external integument with a banal fungus and ending with oncological diseases. Hormones play a large role, it is thanks to them that hair density is greatly reduced in women during pregnancy and menopause, or hormonal disruptions.

A sharp hair loss before bald patches often happens, for example, with syphilis. Such diseases require serious treatment and more than one year of recovery. Do not neglect the help of a doctor for certain symptoms, undergo examination and treatment.

Psychogenic factor

Even the owner of the thickest hair will face hair loss with regular stress and problems with the nervous system. If you begin to notice much more hair on your comb than usual, while important events happen in your life, or you are subject to constant stress, start taking light sedatives. If there is no effect, consult a neurologist.


A diet lacking in protein and polyunsaturated fats inevitably leads to a decrease in hair density. If you decide to lose weight and do not eat fatty and protein-rich foods, there will be no “building material” for your hair, there will be nothing to support them. In this case, the treatment is one: normalization of nutrition.

Set a ban on fried, salted, pickled foods, sodas, and fast food. Hair health directly depends on the presence of seafood and dairy products in the diet, a variety of meat, fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and nuts.

If you need a quick effect of thick hair at home, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes, the basis of which should be vitamins of groups A, B, E, F, as well as zinc, chromium, copper and calcium. But if the diet consists of the above products, then artificial vitamins are unlikely to be needed.

Intense workload

Both physical and moral overload of the body leads to malfunctioning of the body systems. In this case, it is the skin, hair and nails that suffer greatly. Try to reduce the load.

External factors

There are circumstances that can be difficult to get rid of - this is radiation exposure or chemotherapy. They greatly affect the condition of the hair. But thick hair at home can be achieved if you quit smoking and do not abuse alcohol.

Frequent perm, hair dyeing, and styling using a hair dryer, curling iron and iron, as well as aggressive means for fixing the hair, contribute to hair loss.

Improper hair care

It is not for nothing that manufacturers write their destination on the packaging of their products. Having washed their hair with shampoo for oily hair, owners of dry roots run the risk of drying them out altogether and achieve intense hair loss. In the case of thin and sparse hair, it is optimal to use products to add volume and prevent hair loss. You can wash your hair every other day, not more often.

Poor blood circulation

No matter how strange it sounds, you need to scratch your head! Moreover, regularly and diligently. We are talking about light massaging with the fingertips of the scalp. Massaging the head is the easiest way to make your hair thicker at home. You can use not only the fingers, but also special devices, massage brushes. It is better to choose a wooden copy.

Massage for hair density is carried out daily for 15 minutes, combing hair in all directions. An excellent solution is to add a light scrub to the massage. You can use the following recipe: to a couple of tablespoons of salt add a little herbal broth and three drops of olive (burdock, castor) oil. Massage the scalp with this composition, then rinse with shampoo. As a rinse, apply a decoction of onion peels (do not be afraid of the smell!), With the addition of a spoon of apple cider vinegar to shine the hair.

How to make hair thicker at home: mask recipes

Almost all industrial hair care products contain inscriptions on the presence of natural ingredients in their containers. It is not possible for us to check whether, for example, chamomile extract is in an expensive hair mask. So why not act for sure and use masks prepared with your own hands from really effective and natural products ?!

Masks are made from natural ingredients up to three times a week, shortly (usually 1 hour) before shampooing. Thick hair at home requires rubbing the mask into the roots, after which you need to cover your head with cellophane and a warm towel or scarf.

It is also better to take infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle, burdock, calendula, etc.) and / or a solution of apple cider vinegar as rinsing agents.

How to make hair thicker at home using natural masks

Herbal mask with essential oils and apple cider vinegar

Take 10 grams of sage, mint, basil and rosemary, add a few drops of essential oils of mint and lavender, and pour the mixture with 100 ml of apple cider vinegar. The mixture should stand in a tightly closed glass dish for at least three weeks, after which you can rub the mask into the roots shortly before washing your hair.

Pepper tincture with castor oil

The recipe is banal simple - 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical pepper, castor (almond) oil and anti-fall balm, mix, apply on parting and hold for up to one and a half hours. If the furnace becomes unbearably, you can wash it off earlier. Apply once a week for at least 2-3 months.

Mustard Gelatin Mask For Thick Hair

This version of the mask not only stimulates hair growth - gelatin also strengthens them along the entire length. Stir 10 grams of mustard powder with egg yolk. Dissolve a package of gelatin in 100 ml of barely warm water, leave to swell completely (up to 1 hour). Stir everything together and apply first to the partings and rub into the roots, after which distribute the residue along the length of the hair, collect it in a bun, cover with cellophane, wrap it with warm material and walk for a couple of hours. Rinse thoroughly.

Burdock wizard!

For centuries, a proven ingredient on the basis of which many cosmetic growth stimulant masks have been created. The folk recipe is as follows: thoroughly mix a tablespoon of honey and cognac with two tablespoons of burdock oil and egg yolk. Rub the mass thoroughly into the roots of the hair (not distributing along the length), and keep, wrapped up, a couple of hours. To make hair thicker, at home a burdock mask is made before each head wash (at least 1 time in 3 days).

Vitamin pharmacy mask

Mix in a glass container one ampoule of pharmacy vitamins:

• retinol (A);

• cyanocobalamin (B12);

• vitamin D;

• tocopherol acetate (E).

Add to the mixture 2 tablespoons burdock / castor / almond oil. Beat thoroughly with a brush and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it before applying the mask to the hair. Rub into the roots.

Thick hair at home: secrets and tricks

Visually, you can get thick hair at home using a properly selected hairstyle. Long loose straight thin thin hair is a rather unpleasant sight. Thin hair is easier to bring in a digestible look, if you make the hair shorter, not lower than the shoulders.

Asymmetry, cascading strands give visual density to the hair and volume. Twisting the ends slightly, or using a small “corrugation” at the roots of the hair, you can achieve a great look.

Hair looks great in a static hairstyle, even without combing and curling. Much depends on the shape of the face and hair color. But make sure that there are enough fixing agents (thin hair that has fallen from the styling will greatly spoil the picture).

Do not neglect auxiliary innovations - special powder for volume at the roots, or salon building. If the situation is catastrophic, then thick hair will become with the help of false hair - hairpieces, artificial braids and bangs, when styling with artificial strands.

How to make hair thicker at home: hairdresser tips

• To achieve visual density, weighting masks, balms and hair conditioners with the marking “smoothing” or “moisturizing” effect should be avoided. Thin hair will only get heavier and hang like icicles.

• Use “volume increase” shampoos with rice or wheat proteins to wash your hair. Trust only to trusted manufacturing companies, buy hair products in eco-cosmetics stores.

• Thoroughly wash detergent cosmetics from the scalp, otherwise their remnants will quickly make the hair oily and heavy.

• Try not to wash your hair daily, so as not to wash away the natural protection of the scalp and balance.

• Do not comb wet hair; use a hair dryer with an ionizer and a wooden comb to dry.

• When using a hairdryer, it is important to use the correct technique: first tilt your head and point the hairdryer from your neck until your hair is almost dry. Now it's time to work with the roots. Dry your hair by lifting and twisting it at the roots using a round comb.

The main goal, getting thick hair at home, is to achieve the so-called “undercoat” of thin hairs. This means that you are on the right track — soon they will become longer and stronger. The main thing is not to stop working. If the above manipulations are in vain, and the hair falls out, then you need to contact a trichologist.
