Aneurysm - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Aneurysm - a disease characterized by protrusion of the artery wall due to its extension or thinning. Vein aneurysm also occurs. There are four forms of this disease: aneurysm of the aorta, cerebral vessels, heart, peripheral vessels.

With intracranial or cerebral aneurysm of the brain, one of the arteries of the brain is affected. Rupture of aneurysm of this form leads to cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Aortic aneurysm is also called a stratification of aortic tissue caused by sagging blood. A breakthrough of all three layers of the aorta leads to profuse blood loss and, as a rule, death. Aneurysm of the peripheral vessels is associated with damage to the lower or upper extremities, carotid, visceral arteries, and so on.

Aneurysm of the heart occurs as a complication of myocardial infarction, injuries and myocarditis. According to the time of development, cardiac aneurysms are divided into: subacute, acute and chronic, in shape - bag-shaped, mushroom-shaped, diffuse.

Aneurysm - Causes

The causes of aneurysm are closely related to its form. So, congenital pathologies of blood vessels, genetic abnormalities, such as polycystic kidney disease, connective tissue disease, circulatory disorders (arteriovenous defect) are commonly referred to the causes of cerebral aneurysms. Among the acquired factors, head injuries, injuries, swelling, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, infections, diseases of the vascular system, smoking, deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels should be distinguished. Many of these causes also apply to other forms of aneurysm.

Aortic aneurysm occurs due to the following etiopathogenetic factors: atherosclerosis, hypertension, syphilis, congenital defects of the aorta, focal necrosis in infectious diseases, neuro-emotional and physical overstrain, trauma to the abdominal and chest cavity.

The main cause of heart aneurysm is myocardial infarction. At the site of scarring of the heart tissue, the muscle wall becomes thinner and, as a result, loses its ability to contract. Under the influence of blood, this area sticks out. So an aneurysm is formed. This form of aneurysm occurs most often in the area of ​​the interventricular septum. Also, the left ventricle is often affected.
Peripheral vascular aneurysm occurs due to trauma, hypertension, vascular erosion, atherosclerosis, and congenital abnormalities.

Aneurysm - Symptoms

Symptoms of any form of aneurysm are associated with a feeling of squeezing and tingling in the area of ​​its occurrence. Such sensations are a consequence of the pressure of the aneurysm on neighboring structures. A feeling of sharp pain is characteristic of a bursting aneurysm. Often, aneurysms are asymptomatic. In medical practice, they are detected by chance, during x-ray or ultrasound examination.

Aneurysm - Diagnosis

Diagnosis of aortic aneurysm consists of an instrumental examination program: a study of lipid metabolism, ECG, Wassermann reaction, aortography, X-ray or ultrasound examination.

The most effective way to diagnose brain aneurysm remains an angiographic study of blood vessels.

Aneurysm of the heart is identified by ECG, echocardiography (echocardiography) and ultrasound of the heart. An x-ray of the chest, in this case, will allow you to see the aneurysm located on the front wall of the ventricle (left).

Peripheral vascular aneurysm is confirmed by ultrasound dopplerography, angiography and computed x-ray tomography.

Aneurysm - treatment and prevention

Treatment of peripheral vascular aneurysm involves surgical intervention to prevent rupture of it, as well as thromboembolism.

Treatment for aneurysm of the heart involves strict bed rest. At the initial stage of aneurysm, drugs are prescribed that reduce blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of arrhythmias. With the progressive development of cardiac aneurysm, accompanied by heart failure, surgical intervention is indicated.

Treatment of aortic aneurysm also depends on the degree of its localization and danger. You can control the increase in aneurysm by taking medications that lower blood pressure. In severe cases, open or endovascular surgery is indicated.

The definition of aneurysm of the brain, in itself, is an indication for its treatment. In the case of this form, only surgical treatment is acceptable. During the operation, the aneurysm is disconnected from the message with the vessel.

The prevention of any form of aneurysm should include compliance with simple rules:
- rejection of bad habits;
- physical activity, proper nutrition;
- reduction to a minimum of psychoemotional stress;
- regular examination;
- legibility in sexual relations.


Watch the video: Brain Aneurysms: The Basics - Dr. Geoffrey Colby. UCLA Neurosurgery (July 2024).