The effectiveness of the Russian facial massage is proven by many years of practice. How to do a Russian facial massage - the right technique


Russian face massage is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures.

Kneading and stroking tissues stimulates blood flow, tones muscles, makes tissues stronger, and skin smoother, fresher and more elastic.

For stimulation of the subcutaneous tissues and facial nerves, stroking is perfectly suited.

Due to the improved blood flow, cell metabolism is activated.

Massage has a stimulating effect on the acupuncture points that are on the face.

As a result of their stimulation, the entire body is completely healed.

Regular massage is a guarantee of youth and health of your skin..

Most often, experts use a multicomponent complex. It involves a lot of different manipulations, alternating which, the body will not get used to the load. From this procedure becomes even more effective.

In the course of work, all problems of the nasolabial folds and the skin around the eyes are solved. It turns out the effects on static and facial wrinkles. Russian facial massage restores tissue elasticity and muscle tone.

Russian facial massage: do or not do

Russian massage technique helps to solve the problem of biological aging of the skin, as well as prevent its early aging. Skin elasticity increases, the contour of the face and the relief of the fabric are leveled. However, not everyone can do this massage for health reasons.

Russian massage is recommended in the case of:

• swelling of the skin;

• reduced elasticity, muscle tone, the appearance of wrinkles and folds;

• deformation of the oval face;

• sagging of cheeks and chin;

• excessive oily skin;

• dryness, dehydration of the décolleté and face.

Any facial massage is prohibited:

• if there are inflammatory processes;

• hypertension;

• inflammation of the facial or trigeminal nerve;

• thyroid disease;

• enlarged lymph nodes;

• open wounds;

• fungal skin diseases;

• after the procedures of botox injection and mesotherapy.

Russian facial massage with your own hands

This type of massage is very original. This procedure is effective not only due to the mechanical impact of the fingers on the skin. The visible result is enhanced by rubbing, ointments and even food. For example, traditional healers recommend rubbing the forehead and the back of the head with vinegar, oil of lemon balm and mint. The ancient healers believed that the skin is the "window" of our body. Through it all ills come and go.

It is said that self-massage of the head helps with headaches, dizziness, baldness. It should be done lying down. To do this, put the fingertips on the forehead, press down a little and start rotating the skin of the forehead clockwise and against it. In this case, the fingers should not slide. In the process of self-massage, you should do exactly the rotational movements of the skin on the bone. After a couple of impacts, you need to move the fingers to the temples and continue. After that, just as you need to massage the crown line - the top of the ears, the crown - the back of the head. In the scalp, finger massage should be finished like this. Fingers folded into the lock, palm pressed tightly to the head and move them in a horizontal plane.

As for the face, the Russian cosmetic face massage is in its method close to the classic version. The technical part involves the impact on the skin by kneading, vibrating, stroking, rubbing.

How to do Russian facial massage: types, techniques, training

There are three main subspecies of facial massage:

• classic;

• plastic;

• plucked.

Let us examine their main characteristics and features.

Classic massage

Movement - stroking, a little rubbing. For carrying use special oil or fat cream. The procedure is effective at any age. It restores fat, hydraulic balance and skin tone, it literally shines. As a result, fine wrinkles disappear.


Here it is necessary to neglect the oil base or cream. All movements must be strong, with significant pressure. As a rule, such a massage is indicated for people over the age of 35-40 years. It allows you to eliminate puffiness, visible wrinkles and age spots. The procedure works even if the skin is very oily. As a result, the blood flow improves and the sebaceous glands work. The skin becomes less dull, dull and flabby. The face noticeably pulls up.


For holding need talc. All movements are strong and rough, even vibrating. This type of massage reduces acne, rashes and scars. The skin is strongly grabbed with fingers, knead and clean.

In addition to the above-mentioned types, modern clinics can offer lymphatic drainage, vacuum, sculptural massages using modern technology. The cosmetic effect of these procedures is noticeable almost immediately.

Preparing the face for a massage

Before you start a massage, you must perform the following steps:

• sit comfortably in a comfortable chair or on a chair;

• get rid of decorative cosmetics and cleanse the face with a scrub;

• steam the skin with a hot towel;

• Apply an oil or cream suitable for the skin type.

How to do?

Russian facial massage should be performed using creams, oils, talcum. They need to be applied to the skin ten minutes before the procedure. The application should occur clearly on specific lines. The fingers of the massage therapist move clockwise in the direction of blood circulation. It is forbidden to painfully crush, tap, roughly compress or collect the delicate skin of the face in tight folds.

Fundamental techniques for Russian facial massage:

• smoothing for five minutes;

• kneading and tapping;

• vibration;

• stroking again.

Each action should be carried out within 10-15 minutes five times. Do not touch the area around the eyes. Course - 10 procedures.

How to do a Russian facial massage: the right technique, the sequence of actions

If you plan to do a Russian cosmetic face massage at home, it is important to learn the technique of movements. A competent approach to the procedure will avoid harming the skin, and get the desired result.

When performing massage at home, follow these rules:

1. Do not forget about pre-cleaning the skin with a tonic and scrub. After cleaning, apply the cream on your face according to your skin type.

2. Be sure to rinse your hands thoroughly before making a facial cosmetic massage in Russian.

3. All finger action should be soft and stroking.

4. First of all, you should use your fingers to massage the forehead from the nose to the temples on the forehead, then from the nose to the corners of the eyes. Observe the sequence: spend on the lower and upper eyelids.

5. Chin should be massaged on the cheekbones from the middle to the earlobes.

6. Nose to massage from the nose - to the wings.

The whole procedure of home Russian massage should take no more than 10-15 minutes. Do not overdo it: all movements should be soft, gentle and smooth.

When will the effect?

If you follow all the rules, after a couple of sessions you will see improvements. The skin will become more smooth, toned and elastic. Pores shrink, sebaceous glands will be less active to release fat. The second chin will start to fade, just like pigment spots, black spots and pimples. Oval face tightened, wrinkles disappear. Aging will slow down.

It is important to know! In some individuals, Russian facial massage can cause complications (skin tingling, inflammation, facial flushing, allergies to massage cream or oil).

Warm up

Before you begin to do a Russian facial massage, the skin should be slightly prepared so as not to injure the tissue. For these purposes, you should thoroughly warm up the muscles. Under the heating should be understood a smooth point pressure. All movement should be smooth, unhurried, to relax the muscles. You need to start from the eyebrows and move smoothly down vertically to the lips. Pay special attention to the massage points.

Where to look for massage points:

• centered under the lower lip on the chin;

• near the corners of the lips;

• in the center of the nasolabial fold;

• at the edges near the nostrils;

• under the cheekbones;

• near the corners of the eyes;

• at the temples;

• in the center of the forehead;

• in the center of each eyebrow;

• between the eyebrows.

After the face is warmed up and relaxed, you can begin the massage.

How to do Russian facial massage: professional advice

Begin with chin. First, with the back of your hand you need to pat it under your chin. It will relieve the second chin. After that, you need to proceed directly to the chin. All movements in the massage are circular. Move from the center to the edge along the contour of the face.

Massage moves bottom-up. Then go cheeks, cheekbones, temples, forehead. Also do not forget about the area around the eyes and nasolabial fold. Lips massage along the contour. Massage should be done around the eye orbits. It is important not to press on the eyeballs. Direction - from the nose to the temple.

Do not forget about the nose massage. Should move from the center to the nostrils.

During the procedure, special attention should be paid to the neck. With age, it will lose its freshness and elasticity. Neck massage lines should be held vertically - from top to bottom.

For more relaxation, create the right atmosphere. To this end, buy candles, aroma sticks, light aroma oil, turn on soft music or sounds of nature. Lighting should be muted.

It is recommended to pre-wash your face, apply massage oil or cream along massage lines. Oil or cream should be rubbed with massaging movements. Do not forget that to be beautiful, one massage is not enough. Fitness, sports, yoga, Pilates perfectly fix massage effect.

In the process of self-massage, you should slightly push the chin forward and slightly open the mouth. In this position, the skin is the most immobile and not prone to stretching.

If in doubt and do not know what basis is better to choose for a massage, experts recommend the following. There is an opinion that in the case of dry skin it is better to take a cooled cream. For oily optimal olive oil with a little bit of acidifier in the form of lemon juice. Also for such purposes a combination of almond and castor oil in the ratio of one to one. However, the foundation for the massage is not so important. The main objective of the procedure is to make the skin smooth and even. And for this purpose, any vegetable oil or cream is suitable. Many people like argan, but if there is none, olive will do.

Russian facial massage is a wonderful procedure that has helped many women look better, more spectacular and fresh. But the most effective procedure for improving the appearance of the face is still a smile. After all, there is no prettier woman, whose eyes glow with happiness, and the corners of her lips are directed upward every second. Smile, you have it to face!


Watch the video: Before and After Facial Cupping - Nurse Jamie on E! News (July 2024).