Will it make delicious jelly with gelatin? Unique and simple recipes jelly with gelatin: beef, vegetable, chicken


Jelly with gelatin - a unique dish for the holiday table.

Many housewives do not know how to cook this delicacy.

It is believed that for its preparation requires a lot of trouble and time.

Chicken with gelatin: general principles

For jelly with gelatin can be used any kind of meat, vegetables, fish. It is necessary to choose the main ingredient. Use better fresh than frozen food.

If the meat will be with the skin, it will positively affect the freezing of the broth. Sizes of meat slices for jelly with gelatin can be different. The drumstick and brisket can be divided into several parts, and the large bone should be left entirely.

Meat before cooking need soak in clean cold water, to rid the product of blood residues. Next, the meat pieces must be washed, put in a saucepan and start cooking.

The fluid level should be several centimeters above meat level. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a large amount of water contributes to poor freezing of the broth. To jelly with gelatin turned out transparent, do not allow boiling boiling boiling. Boil the fragrant liquid mixture should be about 6 hours, then the result will please.

After 3.5 hours has passed since the beginning of boiling, you can add vegetables to the boiling mass. Salt in broth also need to pour in a few hours. After all, when the liquid boils away, the broth becomes concentrated, so there is a chance to spoil the desired taste of the dish.

To surprise the bouquet of aromas, laurel leaves, peppers and other spices should be added. 20 minutes before the end of cooking jelly.

Take the meat out of the container, hand-pick, separate from the bones. And strain the broth through a thin cloth, removing vegetables and spices. In a separate vessel dissolve the gelatin and add to the broth. Stir the liquid mass well.

Put greens, slices of vegetables and meat on the bottom of prepared molds. Pour the ingredients into fragrant broth. Send the container to the refrigerator to set the broth for 5 hours.

Aspic from chicken and beef with gelatin


beef shank - 520 g

chicken - 430 g

onion - 60 g

carrots - 90 g

gelatin sheet - 22 g

garlic cloves - 25 g

water - 2.4 l

Laurel leaves - 3 g


chopped black pepper - optional

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken and beef.

2. Place in a saucepan. Pour cool water.

3. Cover the container with a lid.

4. Bring its contents to a boil. Rid of foam.

5. Peel the onion and carrot from the top layer. Rinse the vegetables under water.

6. Add to meat.

7. Cover the pan with a lid. Reduce heat.

8. Sprinkle the broth with salt. Spice up. Cook for 25 minutes.

9. Take out the chicken.

10. Boil the broth for another 180 minutes.

11. Put a bay leaf.

12. Remove the meat from the broth.

13. Remove pan from heat.

14. Boiled onions and carrots remove.

15. Strain the broth using cheesecloth.

16. Place gelatin in a bowl.

17. Pour in cold water.

18. Leave for 8 minutes.

19. Remove the gelatin from the liquid. Send in hot broth. Stir until dissolved.

20. Rid meat from bones, skins, fat and tendons.

21. Cut the flesh into small pieces. Spread out on deep plates.

22. Garlic rid of scales. Grind a convenient way. Lay out on the plates.

23. Pour broth.

24. Send plates with aspic in the fridge.

25. Serve a dish for a snack with horseradish.

Delicious rabbit jelly with gelatin


Slices of sweet peppers - 75 g

onion - 110 g

rabbit meat - 1.9 kg

allspice peas - 8 g

bay leaf - 4 g

dried parsley root - 40 g

gelatin - 30 g

carrots - 200 g

Cooking method

1. Divide the carcass of a rabbit into 8 parts.

2. Fold them into a deep container.

3. Add the onion, chopped into rings.

4. Put the carrot slices, peppers and parsley root.

5. Pour the required amount of salt.

6. Pour in cold water.

7. Put the container with the ingredients on the stove.

8. Wait until the mixture boils. Remove the foam.

9. Add spices.

10. Cook the dish on low heat for 2.5 hours.

11. 45 minutes before the end of cooking gelatin soak in water.

12. Remove the meat. To cool. Disassemble, get rid of the bones.

13. Pour gelatin into broth. Put the container with the broth on the stove.

14. Dissolve gelatin. Broth does not boil.

15. Meat decomposed into containers in the desired quantity.

16. Pour broth through a strainer.

17. Put to cool.

18. Clean in a cold place.

19. Serve with horseradish, fresh black bread and boiled potatoes with dill.

Vegetable jelly with gelatin


vegetable broth - 485 ml

fleshy tomatoes - 220 g

chopped greens - 26 g

basil - 15 g

cucumbers - 80 g

gelatin granules - 14 g

vinegar - 35 ml

Cooking method

1. Cut the tomatoes into circles.

2. Put on a dish.

3. Sprinkle with salt.

4. Pepper.

5. Add chopped greens. Mix.

6. Posting basil.

7. Soak the gelatin granules.

8. Pour vinegar into hot broth. Dissolve the gelatin in it.

9. Mix the broth with tomatoes.

10. Add pieces of cucumber to the rest of the broth.

11. Spread the dish in molds.

12. Cool in a cold place.

13. Serve vegetable jelly with gelatin for dinner.

Aspic from chicken with gelatin


domestic chicken - 1.8 kg

onion - 140 g

black peppercorns - 10 g

animal gelatin - 12 g

quail eggs - 8 pcs.

garlic heads - 70 g

parsley - 110 g

Cooking method

1. Pluck, gut and wash the chicken.

2. Cut into pieces.

3. Put in the goose.

4. Pour water.

5. Put the stove on the fire.

6. Bring the liquid to a boil.

7. Reduce heat.

8. Remove the foam using a skimmer.

9. Remove the husks from the bow.

10. Add to pan.

11. Pour the peppercorns.

12. Boil the broth for 4 hours.

13. Soak gelatin in a glass with 120 ml of warm water.

14. Leave to swell for 180 minutes.

15. Eggs boil hard boiled.

16. Separate the garlic. Clear. Crush.

17. Rinse parsley. Disassemble the twigs.

18. When chicken meat has already cooked, remove it with a skimmer. Cool it down.

19. Throw away the bow.

20. Strain the broth using a gauze pad.

21. Add dissolved gelatin.

22. Mix the mixture well.

23. Fork to separate bones from meat.

24. Chop the meat pieces finely.

25. Arrange the meat in plates.

26. Sprinkle with garlic.

27. Cut eggs into figurines. Decorate the meat on top.

28. Put a sprig of greens.

29. Pour the mixture of gelatin with broth.

30. Allow to cool. Send to the refrigerator.

31. Decorate the dish with lemon slices.

32. Serve with mustard.

33. Eat cold jelly with gelatin.

Jellied beef with gelatin


mustard - 16 g

salt - 25 g

offal - 1900 g

beef - 380 g

egg - 1 pc.

peeled carrots - 245 g

gelatin in powder form - 11 g

peeled onion - 140 g

parsley root - 85 g

chives - 40 g

bay leaf - 4 g

peppercorns - 5 g

Cooking method

1. Chop finely lean parts of beef carcass.

2. Soak offal and stones in water.

3. Cook at low boil for 4 hours, constantly removing fat.

4. After 2 hours, put the meat in the broth.

5. 50 minutes before the end of cooking pour spices.

6. Posting vegetables.

7. Remove offal and meat from the pan. Leave to cool.

8. Remove bones. Pulp chopped chop. Send to strained broth.

9. Sprinkle with salt.

10. At the end of cooking, add garlic.

11. Pour gelatin solution. Stir the mixture.

12. Cool the finished jelly with gelatin.

13. In the molds put pieces of boiled eggs and slices in the form of stars from vegetables.

14. To pour broth with meat in forms.

15. Serve the dish with pickles.

Seafood jellied with gelatin


canned salmon - 270 g

crab meat - 190 g

pink salmon - 225 g

gelatin - 50 g

small pickled cucumbers - 45 g

parsley (greens) - 15 g

green peas - 80 g

dry white wine - 135 ml

boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

boiled carrots - 60 g

green onions - optional

mayonnaise - 30 g

red bell pepper without stem and seed - 120 g

salt - pinch

mustard - 14 g

Cooking method

1. Chop green onions and parsley with medium sized pieces.

2. Salt.

3. Sprinkle with pepper.

4. Add mustard. Mash the mixture.

5. Cut cucumbers, sweet peppers and carrots into small cubes.

6. Eggs rid of the shell. Grind straw.

7. Cut the crab meat into rectangular slices.

8. Mix the ingredients.

9. Red fish disassembled into small pieces.

10. Soak gelatin in clean water. To sustain 25 minutes. Drain the liquid mass.

11. Put the swollen gelatin in a pot of boiling water. Dissolve.

12. Cool. Add liquid from under the red fish.

13. Pour the wine.

14. Mix the chopped ingredients with mayonnaise.

15. Add the mixture with gelatin.

16. Put the mass in the form.

17. Put in the fridge.

18. Before serving, lower the mold into a container with hot water for 25 seconds.

19. Cover with a dish. Turn over. Remove the form.

20. Delicious aspic with seafood gelatin is ready to eat.

Jelly with Gelatin: Tricks and Tips

  • To make jelly with gelatin transparent, you need to boil the dish over low heat.

  • It is recommended to pour broth for freezing only after cooling.

  • Boiled carrots can be used to decorate jelly with gelatin.

  • Gelatin solution must be introduced into the boiling broth in a thin continuous stream. The liquid mixture should be stirred to avoid the formation of lumps.

  • Care should be taken to ensure that gelatin does not stick to the bottom of the container during cooking.

  • A large amount of the gelling ingredient will spoil the dish, the jelly with gelatin will turn into a rubber mass.

  • Soak gelatin in powder takes about an hour.

  • To understand how much gelatin is worth adding for normal solidification, it is recommended to try the mixture. Spoon melted gelatin should be put in a container with a small amount of broth and dip it in your fingers. If they are disconnected with little effort, there’s enough in the brawn.

  • Meat with bones is better not to chop, and cut. When chopping, the bones are finely crushed, then come across in a dish.

  • To jelly with gelatin had a unique taste, it is better to use not one type of meat, but meat cuts.


Watch the video: Beef Aspic. How to Cook Beef Jelly. Boiled Ham Recipe. (June 2024).