The riddle of peanuts: beneficial or harmful to the body? Peanuts for children, pregnant women, its calorie content and properties


Peanuts - the most controversial treat.

Its nutritional value brings many health benefits, but at the same time, peanuts are a very dangerous product.

Peanuts: composition, calories, how to apply

Peanuts are the favorite nuts of adults and children. But despite this name, he really is not a nut.

It is an annual herbaceous plant in the legume family, along with beans and peas. Grows in South America, Mexico and Central America.

Currently, it is grown all over the world in a climate that is favorable for growth: long warm periods and a lot of rain.

Peanuts grow in a very fascinating manner. From the very beginning it is an overhead flower. But it blooms one day, during which peanut flowers should be pollinated. At the end of pollination, peanut ovaries burrow into the ground, where the so-called peanuts are essentially ripening. I.e peanut fruits grow underground, unlike nuts that grow on trees. The fruit pod contains two or three oval-shaped kernels. Their size depends on the type of variety.

Peanuts contain a high percentage of calories: 551 kcal per 100 grams.

Protein - 25 g

Fats - 48 g

Carbohydrates - 21g

Dietary fiber - 9 g

Calcium - 7.1 mg

Potassium -203 mg

Magnesium - 49.3 mg

Peanuts have a rich, buttery and nutty flavor.

In most recipes, it is classified as a nut because in the kitchen it benefits like a nut and not like other legumes such as lentils and beans.

Peanuts play a vital nutritional role and bring beneficial properties because it contains large amount of protein and healthy fats. The nutritional value may vary depending on the form in which the product is consumed. Peanuts can be found for sale whole or they are poured into food, or included in various dishes.

Shelled nuts can be eaten fresh or fried. Salted peanuts are often sold in bags or jars.

Peanut butterobtained from this bean is used for cooking, it is ideal for frying.

Also, this oil is part of the bars. And do not forget about its creamy taste!

Peanuts: not only tasty, but also beneficial for the body

1. Heart. Peanuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that help keep your heart healthy. By their qualities, they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and the polyphenols included in their composition reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, peanuts can be beneficial for the body by ensuring the availability of resveratrol (the king of antioxidants). It is he who contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and, among other things, slows down the aging of the body. In addition to this, peanuts have a number of other nutrients that are good for your health.

Practical tip: To reduce the risk of heart disease and coronary heart disease, enjoy a handful of peanuts or other nuts at least 4 times a week.

2. Proteins. They are essential for the health of our cells, which constantly require replacement and renewal. The beneficial properties of peanuts include the fact that it is an extremely high source of vegetable protein. It should be regularly included in the diet of children, vegetarians and people who have a protein deficiency.

3. Antioxidants. Peanuts contain high concentrations of antioxidants, which not only protect the heart, but also inhibit the growth of infection.

4. Minerals. A rich source of minerals such as magnesium (involved in the formation of healthy bones), phosphorus (involved in the formation of bones and strengthen teeth), potassium (regulates blood pressure and heart rate), zinc (maintaining the health of the immune system), calcium (the main element for the skeleton , teeth, nails), sodium (participates in metabolic processes), etc., so necessary for our body to function properly. A sufficient supply of these minerals ensures a healthy heart and a minimal risk of mineral deficient diseases.

5. Vitamins important for overall growth and development. They provide vital health for cells and tissues, as well as for fighting infections, etc., which in turn ensures the smooth operation of our organs. Peanuts provide our body with the necessary vitamins, which also help in regulating the metabolism, turning fats and carbohydrates into energy, and also help in the formation of bone tissue. It is a good source of vitamin E, protein and manganese. Being a good source of folate (a vitamin B group necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems), peanuts reduce the incidence of birth defects and the conditions associated with anemia.

6. Protection against Alzheimer's and age-related decline in cognitive (cognitive) abilities. Studies in neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry show that this is facilitated by regular consumption of foods containing niacin (a vitamin that controls cholesterol), such as peanuts.

Peanuts: Caution with side effects. They do harm

1. Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to gas formation, heartburn and the development of food allergies.

2. Peanut allergy is perhaps the most serious food allergy. Allergic reactions can actually be life threatening. If you suspect that you are prone to this ailment, get tested by an allergist.

Most people who have peanut allergy, will experience a reaction within a few minutes after drinking it. It usually begins with tingling in the mouth and subsequent swelling of the face, throat and mouth. This can lead to difficulty breathing, an asthma attack, anaphylactic shock. Less severe reactions include rash, urticaria, and upset stomach. This allergy is so serious that even a small amount of peanut product can cause a serious allergic reaction.

3. Many people avoid eating peanuts, for fear of weight gain. In fact, such fears are groundless. Now nutritionists recommend peanut diets, as studies in this area show that peanuts, despite their calorie content, contribute to weight loss. The proteins and fibers that make up its composition are beneficial in saturating the body, reducing hunger. You can eat a small number of nuts, satiated for several hours. With this application, the stomach decreases, which contributes to weight loss.

Pregnant and lactating mothers: benefit or harm?

When answering this question, we must first take into account whether a woman suffers from allergic reactions caused by the use of this product. If there is even the slightest risk, then, of course, you should not use it. Indeed, during pregnancy, a young girl should take care not only of her health, but also of the baby’s health. For a long time it was believed that the use of peanuts by the mother during pregnancy can already cause the appearance of an allergic reaction in the baby. However, later studies have shown that this is not so. You also need to consider the factor of whether there are allergic people in the family. In this case, the risk increases several times. The same warnings apply during the period of feeding the baby. If you want to pamper yourself, then, as a general rule, start with a very small number of nuts and monitor the state of the body of your child. At the first alarming symptoms, immediately eliminate them from your diet.

And if there are no contraindications, then with pleasure use this nutritious and vitamin-rich product. Very often during pregnancy, a woman gains weight significantly. With its nutritional properties, peanuts will remove hunger without gaining too much. Its beneficial properties are especially high during lactation. Since it is high in protein, peanuts increase the fat content of milk. Also, the use of peanuts will saturate the body of the mother with vitamins C (a powerful antioxidant, ideal for the functioning of connective and bone tissue), B1, B6 (relieves toxicosis and acts as a diuretic) and B9 (folic acid, which helps prevent pathologies of fetal development).

Practical tip: eat roasted nuts, as the main allergen is in its husk.

Peanuts for kids: a healthy treat or a bad product

Peanuts are popular among people of all ages and, above all, among our children. But pediatricians and nutritionists do not recommend starting an acquaintance with him too soon. Peanuts are not easily digestible; they are also high allergens.

Although this is an individual issue, it is better to wait until the child is 3-4 years old. At this age, the daily allowance should not exceed 10 nuts per day.

If the baby was diagnosed with peanut allergy, then he has every chance of developing it. But most children and adults, upon detection, are allergic to life.

In addition to the beneficial properties listed above, thiamine (vitamin B1) and riboflavin (vitamin B2) found in peanuts improve digestion and promote the growth of children. So the benefits of peanuts for your baby’s health are obvious.

Practical tip: Be very careful about the appearance of peanuts. They should be fresh, not contain signs of moldiness.

The surface of the grains should be free from defects, plaque, cracks, there should be no rotten smell.

Do not let various groundless fears stop you from enjoying the delicious taste of peanuts, while receiving many health benefits.


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