70% of Spanish women and 43% of Russian women are ready for plastic surgery


In different countries, people have different attitudes to plastic surgery, especially when it comes to surgical intervention in the appearance of a man.

The European dating service asked its clients the question: is plastic surgery acceptable for them? More than three thousand citizens from Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and Sweden answered the question.

Russians turned out to be the most conservative and old-fashioned. Among Russian men, only 12% consider it acceptable to correct their not quite attractive features.

In Europe, rates are twice as high. The champions are the Spaniards. 37% of them would like to change something in their appearance with the help of a plastic surgeon. But they can not keep up with their ladies. In an effort to become irresistible, 70% of Spanish women would easily fall under the knife.

In this respect, Russian women are still far from European women, but unlike their men, they showed great loyalty to change. 43% of them answered the question positively.

But in Europe, it turns out, there are women, even more conservative than our compatriots. Only one third of Italian ladies are ready for a dialogue with a plastic surgeon.

On the question of what kind of plastic surgery they would apply to the plastic surgery clinic, men and women also answered differently.

Women in the first place facelift. About her dream more than half of the ladies who took part in the survey. Liposuction is on the second place, but surgical bust enlargement is only on the third.

In men, the most "sore" place is the shape of the nose, which does not always correspond to their ideas of the human profile. 38% of them would like to correct the shape of the nose. 34% dream of a facelift, 15% - a thick head of hair.

And yet, despite some differences of opinion, more and more people are ready for changes in appearance.


Watch the video: Watch This Life-Changing Lipoma Removal (July 2024).