The dough on sour cream impresses with its tenderness! The best recipes for sour cream dough for buns, cookies, pies, pizza, bagels


Sour cream is the product with which you can knead any dough.

Be it yeast, shortbread, fresh.

There are many recipes for cakes on sour cream and even the basis for pizza can be prepared on it.

Due to its high fat content, the product can simultaneously replace milk and butter.

Why bake sour cream dough?

Sour cream dough - general principles of preparation

For baking, you can use absolutely any sour cream: fatty, fat-free, sweet, sour. Even a stagnant product in the refrigerator or a frozen one will do. Sour cream does not require preliminary preparation, only for yeast dough it is advisable to remove it from the refrigerator in advance to keep it warm.

What can be added to sour cream dough:

• wheat flour;

• salt, sugar;

• yeast, ripper or soda;

• butter, margarine;

• vanillin, cocoa;

• eggs;

• other dairy products.

The process of kneading sour cream dough is no different from any other. If it is cooked with yeast, it is kept warm. Fresh and sandy masses are cooled, and cake cakes like biscuits are baked immediately after mixing the products.

Recipe 1: Sour Cream Dough for Buns

Very quick and easy sour cream dough for buns. It takes only 10 minutes to prepare. Buns are baked in just half an hour. In this situation, you can pamper your family at least every day! These buns can be made with different fillings and toppings.


• 300 grams of flour;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 1 egg;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 300 ml sour cream;

• 5 g of baking powder.


1. Flour needs to be sifted with a baking powder, it is possible just on a table or in a large bowl. In the center we make a hole.

2. Separately, mix sour cream with salt, pour sugar and pour a spoonful of oil. Shake to dissolve the grains. This is convenient to do with a whisk or a table fork.

3. Pour the sour cream into the flour mixture, quickly knead the dough.

4. Divide it into 12-15 parts and immediately sculpt the buns. We attach any shape: round, in the form of bagels, buns. You can add raisins, poppy seeds, put the filling. Spread the buns on a baking sheet.

5. Shake the egg, grease our products, you can sprinkle something in the oven! We bake up to 30 minutes, set 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: Sour Cream Dough for Cookies

This sour cream dough is ideal for baking soft and airy cookies. From these ingredients, two large baking sheets are obtained. The basic recipe, if desired, you can add poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, chocolate or coconut flakes to it.


• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of butter;

• 120 grams of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 bag of ripper;

• 450 g flour;

• a pinch of salt.


1. Leave the oil in warm beforehand so that it softens. Or we put the product in a bowl and put it in the microwave for a defrost program. Instead of butter, you can take margarine for baking.

2. Beat sugar and eggs until light foam. Add salt, dissolve.

3. Put sour cream and softened butter, beat together until smooth.

4. Add flour mixed with baking powder and make the dough. Long kneading is not necessary, the mass should be light and lush, not jammed.

5. Put in a bag and put away in the cold. Hold for 2 hours.

6. Roll out a layer on a powder-dusted table. Thickness 5 millimeters.

7. We cut out cookies of any shape, you can use special cuttings.

8. Put on a baking sheet, if desired, grease with an egg or just water and sprinkle with sugar, poppy seeds.

9. Bake cookies until rosy in about 15 minutes.

Recipe 3: Sour Cream Dough for Unsweetened Pies

The basic recipe for sour cream dough from which you can cook pies with savory fillings. It can be fried cabbage, mashed potatoes, meat products, mushrooms or a mixture of several products.


• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 150 grams of butter;

• 1 egg;

• ¼ tablespoons of salt;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 1 bag of cultivator.


1. Combine the flour with salt and a cultivator.

2. Melt the butter, but do not heat much. Add the egg, sour cream, sugar and mix.

3. Combine the dry mixture with the liquid mass, knead the dough and remove to cool for an hour.

4. We take out of the refrigerator, separate a third and remove to the side. Of the most part, we roll out the layer, put it in the form, make the sides.

5. Spread any filling.

6. From the rest of the dough we roll out a long strip, cut into several bundles and twist the top of the pie with a wire rack. Sent to the oven. With the finished filling, the cake is baked for about 35-40 minutes, with more raw foods.

Recipe 4: Pizza Dough with Sour Cream

The dough on sour cream for pizza is tender, loose and airy. It is combined with any fillings from vegetables to meat and seafood. Yeast recipe.


• 450 g flour;

• 180 g sour cream;

• 150 ml of water;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• 1.5 tsp dry yeast.


1. Heat the ox, dissolve the yeast, sugar and add 50 grams of flour per eye. Stir and leave the dough for 20 minutes.

2. Put salt, sour cream and vegetable oil, mix.

3. Add the remaining flour, knead the mass.

4. Cover the dough with a napkin and leave it on the table for 40 minutes. During this time, it will increase in size, the bun will become smooth and beautiful.

5. You can bake pizza! We divide the mass into the right amount, thinly roll the cakes and you can lay out the filling.

Recipe 5: Sour Cream Dough for Sweet Cakes

Sour cream dough on soda for sweet pies with fruits and berries. It goes well with apple filling, pear, but you can put any jam or mashed potatoes. Suitable for closed cakes or partially open, but small pieces can also be molded.


• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 30 grams of oil;

• a pinch of salt;

• 0.5 tsp soda.


1. Stir the eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt.

2. Add sour cream and butter. You can use vegetable, creamy and even margarine, but of high quality.

3. Add the baking soda to table vinegar.

4. Add the flour, knead the dough. The mass should be soft, but not liquid, keep the shape.

5. You can make a pie right away or put the dough in the refrigerator. It is perfectly stored there, so you can knead it in the evening, and in the morning please the household with fresh pastries.

Recipe 6: Dough with Sour Cream for Cake

Another basic dough on sour cream, this time for a cake. More precisely, for the preparation of cakes. You can make different cakes from them, varying with fillings, creams and decoration.


• 4 eggs;

• 2.5 cups sour cream;

• 1 bag of ripper;

• about three glasses of flour;

• 280 grams of sugar.

If desired, you can add vanillin, cocoa, cinnamon.


1. Combine the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 5 minutes. During this time, the mass will increase at least twice, turn white and become magnificent.

2. Add the sour cream. Mix gently.

3. Sift the cultivator with flour, put into the dough. If cocoa, vanilla or cinnamon is added, they must also be combined with flour for even distribution.

4. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet or in a mold. It is advisable not to make a thick layer, since this is not a biscuit, the cake is juicy and it will be difficult to divide it into 2 pieces. It is easier to immediately distribute the dough into 2 forms or a baking sheet.

5. Bake the cakes until fully cooked for about half an hour. Set the oven to 180 ° C.

Recipe 7: Sour Cream Dough for Chicken and Other Unsweetened Pies

Time-tested and always successful recipe for sour cream dough for a chicken coop. But you can also make any other pies with salted and spicy fillings from it: vegetable, meat, fish.


• 5 spoons of sour cream;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 50 grams of milk;

• salt;

• a pound of flour.


1. Shake the sour cream with milk, add the egg and beat everything together for a minute.

2. Put salt, soft butter and mix thoroughly.

3. We extinguish soda with sour water and vinegar. Pour into the dough.

4. Add the flour that you need to sift in advance and knead the cool dough. Flour can go more than normal if sour cream was liquid or the butter melted very much.

5. Roll the gingerbread man, put in a bag and remove for an hour in the cold. But if necessary, it can be stored there for 2 days, and in the freezer for several months.

6. After that, we get out and prepare a kurnik with any filling.

Recipe 8: Sour Cream Dough for Bagels

From this test on sour cream, you can cook tender and soft bagels with jam, condensed milk, chocolate. Have you tried bagels with marmalade? Be sure to do it! Just do not put large pieces inside so that the filling does not leak.


• 250 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 150 grams of margarine;

• 1 egg;

• 3 cups flour.


1. Combine the flour with margarine and chop into crumbs. Not everyone succeeds in cleverly and efficiently making it with a knife, for this a certain skill is needed. But in this case, you can simply rub the mass with your hands.

2. Stir the sour cream with sugar, let stand to dissolve and send to flour.

3. Add the egg and you can knead the dough! The mass should keep its shape, but not be too steep. With light pressure with your finger, a pit should appear.

4. We use immediately, but if necessary, can be done in advance and held in the refrigerator until the right time. Roll out, sculpt bagels and bake. You can sprinkle them with sugar. From the same test you can make cookies if the filling has suddenly ended.

Recipe 9: Yeast dough with sour cream for pies, cheesecakes

Yeast version of sour cream dough for cooking delicious cheesecakes and pies in the oven.


• 1 spoon of yeast;

• 2 glasses of water;

• 1 cup sour cream;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 kg of flour.


1. Mix the yeast with half the flour, add warm water and leave for half an hour.

2. In a separate cup, beat the eggs with salt, add sour cream and sugar, stir.

3. Combine both masses, add the remaining flour, make the dough.

4. Roll up the bun, cover and leave for 50 minutes warm.

5. We get out and prepare sweet pastries with different fillings!

Sour cream dough - useful tips and tricks

• Sifting flour - an indispensable process that must be done before kneading the dough. An oxygen-enriched product will make the pastries more tender and help the yeast rise.

• Cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, milk powder, starch and other bulk products must be mixed with flour before laying, with a small portion. This will prevent lumps, and kneading will take much less time.

• If you add a spoonful of water, a pinch of sugar and beat well in the egg for lubrication, the pastries will acquire a beautiful color and luster.

• If you have a bread machine, you can simply add all the ingredients, choose the right program and the assistant will do everything for you. It is especially suitable for yeast types of dough.


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