Kefir - "gift of heaven": benefit or harm? Calorie kefir, proven scientific evidence on the benefits and harms of this product


A useful fermented milk product, kefir, was officially considered a medicine one century ago.

Kefir came to us from the North Caucasus, where the locals nicknamed this drink "gift of heaven"kept the kefir recipe in strict secrecy.

Nicknamed the “gift of heaven” this drink due to the positive impact on the life expectancy and health of the mountaineers.

After a while it became known that kefir is made by fermenting milk.

Easy to prepare and containing a storehouse of useful properties, is kefir useful for the human body?

Calorie kefir, the composition of this fermented milk miracle

It is impossible to cook kefir without the use of kefir "fungus". The composition of kefir includes two dozen types of microorganisms. Among them are lactic acid bacilli and streptococci, acetic yeast and bacteria. Kefir is produced by alcoholic and fermented milk fermentation; therefore, ethyl alcohol is present in the composition of this drink in an amount from 0.07% to 0.88%. This percentage depends on the duration of the preparation of the product. Kefir is one-day, two-day and three-day, and the longer it ripens, the higher the content of alcohol and acid in this product.

The composition of this healthy sour-milk drink includes:

1. milk protein

2. organic acids

3. fatty acids

4. natural sugars

5. proteins (2.8g in 100ml of fatty kefir and 3g in 100ml of nonfat)

6. fats (3.2gr in 100ml fat yogurt, no fat in a non-fat drink)

7. carbohydrates (4.1g in 100ml fat yogurt, and in nonfat 3.8g in 100ml)

8. vitamins (A, H, PP, C and B vitamins)

9. beta carotene

10. amino acids

The calorie content of kefir is equal to 30kcal per 100ml nonfat product, which means that kefir is not forbidden to drink while losing weight. The calorie content of fatty kefir is almost twice as much - 56kcal per 100ml. In addition to acids and vitamins, the composition of kefir includes minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chromium, iron, iodine and others.

The use of kefir

First of all, kefir is a nutritious product containing minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Easy digestibility and low calorie kefir allowed him to become staple of a popular diet. Kefir diet gives positive results for the month. You can replace kefir with one meal, or make a fasting day, eating only this sour-milk product. In addition, kefir is used as a therapeutic agent, positively affecting human health. This dairy product used in baby food.

In addition to direct use, kefir is used and for cosmetic purposes. Since ancient times, the positive effect of this product on the beauty and health of hair is known. Regular kefir masks will help to give hair shine, make them stronger and thicker. And with the appearance of redness, rashes and itching on the skin, lotions with kefir will help.

But what else is the use of kefir for the human body?

Useful properties of kefir have been known since time immemorial. Kefir has a positive effect on human health, especially:

1. On the digestive systemat. Helps restore intestinal microflora and overcome digestive problems. One-day kefir weakens, and two-day and three-day - strengthens. It is recommended to use this product for dysbiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

2. To the endocrine system. This dairy product helps regulate blood glucose levels;

3. On the immune system. Kefir helps increase immunity, positively affecting the work of white blood cells;

4. For metabolism. Recommended for use by people with diabetes. In addition, kefir removes excess fluid and wastes from the body, preventing the deposition of fats;

5. To the nervous system. Kefir has a calming effect on the body, normalizes sleep, and helps overcome chronic fatigue;

6. On vision and skin condition. Vitamin A contained in kefir improves vision, helps to prevent the appearance of color perception disorders and reduced visibility in the dark, and improves skin elasticity;

7. On the skeletal system. Due to its calcium content, kefir strengthens the skeleton. Indicated for use in osteoporosis and conditions that increase the risk of this disease (menopause in women);

8. On the cardiovascular system. People with heart disease need to eat easily digestible food and refuse heavy, so as not to create an additional burden on the heart. Kefir is an easily digestible product, therefore it is approved for use by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The proven use of kefir in the recovery period after operations or diseases. This dairy product is recommended for use by people who are overweight or allergic to foods, people suffering from rickets, anemia or tuberculosis. Do not be afraid to use kefir with lactose intolerance, as kefir - a catalyst that helps the absorption of lactose.

The benefits of kefir have been proven by scientific research, not for nothing that it was used in ancient times in the treatment of many diseases. But this dairy product has a number of contraindications, which are worth knowing.

What harm can the use of kefir bring?

Kefir has very few contraindications. The use of this fermented milk product is not recommended. people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tractsuch as ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis (with high acidity). With diseases of the duodenum, kefir is also contraindicated.

A low alcohol content in kefir can play a trick on the driver. Although kefir is not an alcoholic drink, you should not drive after eating kefir. Breathalyzer will showthat the driver drank alcohol, and the driver will have to say goodbye to rights.

We must not forget about the laxative effect of kefir. If a person has frequent cases of indigestion, then the use of kefir is better to reduce.

Before negotiations and exams, you should abandon this sour-milk drink. After eating kefir, a person relaxes and becomes unassembled.

Kefir for children: useful or harmful?

Due to the content of ethyl alcohol, the question arises: is it possible to give kefir to children? Kefir is able to harm the health of the baby: for an immature digestive system it is a heavy product. Kefir differs in amino acid composition from breast milk, contains casein, which just complicates the absorption of this product. Kefir is given to infants from 7-8 months, when the digestive system is already capable of digesting this product.

The storage conditions of this fermented milk product must not be violated in order to prevent an increase in the amount of alcohol in kefir. If storage standards are violated, kefir should not be given to a child to drink.

The benefits of kefir are undeniable in relation to the child's body. Kefir in the baby’s diet should be administered carefully, with one teaspoon, gradually increasing to 150-200 ml per day. The introduction of kefir in the diet of a child will positively affect the work of his digestive system. Digestion will accelerate, appetite will improve. Kefir prevents the development of intestinal infections by killing pathogenic bacteria. This dairy product does not cause allergic reactions. A positive effect on the baby's immunity is noted - kefir enhances the body's defenses. The use of kefir helps improve the baby's sleep and relieve stress.

With rickets and anemia, kefir helps accelerate recovery. This fermented milk drink is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the health of the child.

What is the benefit of eating kefir at night?

Girls who want to lose weight are confident that eating this popular dairy product at night will help achieve this goal. And in this they are right. If you use a glass of kefir instead of food at night, then the feeling of hunger will disappear, without unnecessary strain on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir is easy to digest during the night.

In addition, the calcium contained in kefir is better absorbed by the body in the dark.

People suffering from insomnia prefer to use kefir just before bedtime, as it has a calming and hypnotic effect. Supporters of the evening use of kefir recommend drinking this fermented milk product not cold, but aged at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Is kefir fasting beneficial?

The health benefits of kefir are undeniable. But what is the best way to use this product to enhance the healing effect? It is recommended that people suffering from dysbiosis and gastrointestinal diseases drink kefir on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before eating, in small doses. Kefir gently envelops the stomach, is quickly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

There is a special diet based on the use of kefir on an empty stomach with buckwheat.

2 tablespoons of peeled and washed buckwheat is poured overnight with one glass of kefir, and in the morning the diet dish is ready. During the night, the croup is soaked in kefir and becomes nonrigid. After 2 weeks of eating such breakfasts, a positive effect will be noticeable both on the figure and on well-being. For a greater effect, you can arrange a fasting day on kefir and buckwheat.

Daily use of kefir will bring great benefits to human health. But with the use of this dairy product, do not overdo it so as not to provoke negative consequences.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: What is kefir? (June 2024).