Home-made pork sausage: recipes of experienced housewives, valuable tips. How to make homemade sausage: you need meat and patience!


If people did not like sausage, then they would not have been engaged in its production for more than two thousand years.

For some people, sausage making is work and business, for another it’s a hobby called “cooking”. And there are people who just want to be sure that it is this "stick" of sausage made from the best products, of the highest quality.

And the best way to be absolutely sure of this is to find out how home-made sausage is made, so that later cook it yourselfas you wish.

How to make homemade sausage - general technological principles

The trick is not great - to make home-made sausage from pork. From poultry, you can also cook so that any sausage workshop will envy. Yes, from any mincemeat you can cook homemade sausage!

Sausage is minced meat, in its various variations. After all, everyone knows how to cook cutlets and other minced meat dishes. For the sausage, just a shell is needed. You can use cling film, foil, jars, cupcake tins - anything! This is if you want to quickly and not to bother too long.

But I want the packaging to be like the factory one, and the taste to be like home.

Of course, a little troublesome is a matter, and not quite pleasant, but the result is worth it.

Just need to learn how to make a very clean natural film for home-made sausage, pork.

Preparation of a natural food film - a detailed description of the process

We must immediately warn: people are susceptible and impressionable, it is better not to read this part of the article, but to prepare an artificial food wrap and go on to study recipes for home-made pork sausages.

For those who understand that this is how it turns out sausage in a natural, considered the highest quality, shell, provide detailed instructions.

For 1 kilogram of sausage stuffing, approximately a meter of pig intestines is required. Prepare guts for sausages as follows:

Preliminary rinse guts under running water to clear from the most unpleasant segments. At the same time, you can put each gut on a special, rigid tube, so that it is convenient to fill the water inside.

In the next step the guts need soak several hours in a prepared, strong soda-salt solution. Try to ensure that the intestines are filled with this solution and in the interior, in addition to the fact that the surface of the intestines should also be completely immersed in the prepared liquid. For the solution, take 100 - 150 g of baking soda and rock salt per liter of water, and stir them until completely dissolved.

Due to the fact that they feed and contain pigs under different conditions, the time for cleaning the intestines in the solution can also be different. It’s better not to risk the smell of future sausages and keep not less than 12 hours.

The third stage of cleaning is scraping guts. If the exposure in the solution was carried out correctly, then the unpleasant odor should completely disappear. The mucus is scraped off easily by the blunt side of the knife. You begin to remove it from the surface of the intestine, and then turn the intestines inside out and do the same operation with the inside of the intestines.

After this, it remains to rinse the intestines again, fill them with water to check if there are any gaps in them through which the forcemeat will flow. If nevertheless there are minor damages, they can be repaired by bandaging the places of breaks with a thick thread, twine rope or making nodules from the intestines in these places.

The procedure is not a pleasant activity, so you can use medical gloves and a mask. If you are doing this procedure indoors, then take care of good ventilation. In extreme cases, peeled guts can be bought at the market, from pork sellers, along with meat.

Perfectly prepared intestines for home-made pork sausage - a transparent natural film, odorless, tearing.

The remaining actions are usually set out in recipes. You can try to make your own options.

Recipe 1. Home-made sausage, pork and liver


• Liver, pork 3 kg

• Manka 100 g

• Pulp, pork 1.5 kg

• Eggs 6 pcs.

• Milk, non-fat 0.7 l

• Onions and carrots - 0.5 kg each (net)

• Spices (including sodium nitrite)


For the liver all pork offal is used. Prepare the heart, lungs, liver - soak them in cold water (at least 6-8 hours), rinse and remove all veins, films, tubular tissues.

The pulp, in order to remove blood, must also be soaked in water. Soaking time will depend on the size of the pieces. The meat should acquire a pale pink shade, without blood splashes.

Cut the liver and pulp into small pieces and stew them with chopped vegetables. First, add some water to the stew, then the meat should be stewed in its own juice.

Steam the semolina with boiled milk and add one egg to it, stirring continuously. Spices can be added to meat, when stewed, or to the egg-milk mixture. After cooling, we combine both parts of the stuffing and interrupt very intensively with a blender, it is possible - in parts, if there is a lot of stuffing.

It remains to fill the natural film. To do this, it is convenient to use a sausage nozzle, often attached to modern models of electric meat grinders. Just do not rush. Some skill is needed here: in addition to the meat grinder pushing the forcemeat through the nozzle, it must also be further advanced with your hands so that it is distributed evenly in the shell without air and voids forming inside.

Next, you need to hang the sausage so that the mass inside the films is compacted under its own weight. Since for the liver all products were used in finished form, then after the semi-finished product is kept suspended for up to ten hours, it must be boiled again, but not for long, for reasons of product safety and absolute hygiene. Put the “wheels” in a small amount of boiling water and pasteurize them so that the sausage stuffing inside warms up well. Take out the prepared sausage, lay it on a linen napkin and let cool. Next - tasting and storage in the cold, if you do not eat all at once.

Recipe 2. How to make homemade pork sausage - black pudding

For a detailed description of the process of preparation and filling of sausage, see above, in the description of the general technological principles and in recipe No. 1. In this and in the following recipes there are secrets of making home-made sausage from pork.


• Blood, pork 3 l

• Milk 1.0 L

• Groats, buckwheat 210 g

• Lard, pork 0.5 kg

• Garlic 7 - 8 large cloves

• Fat or vegetable oil (for frying)

• Black pepper (ground) and salt - to taste


Boil buckwheat porridge: 210 g cereals / 450 ml of water. Porridge should be slightly undercooked. Do not salt it. Combine finely chopped lard, cooked porridge, milk, blood, and crushed garlic in one spacious dish. Use containers with an enamelled surface, remembering that blood sausage contains acid-containing milk.

We fill prepared intestines with the obtained minced meat solution, but not too tightly. During cooking, the minced meat will thicken and increase in volume - it is impossible to allow the intestines to burst, and the contents spilled into the pan. When cooking, keep the needle ready and remember the air bubbles that enter the mass when filling the shells. It's all! It remains to tie the intestines with stronger nodules and cook them in slowly boiling water, then fry them in a pan until crisp. And you can eat!

Tip for home-made sausage lovers made from pork:

To keep the pork, fried sausage in a natural shell for a long time, put the prepared, fried rings tightly in an enameled pan and pour them with melted pork fat. In the process of eating, to get the next ring, you do not need to melt the fat - just remove it from the surface with a knife or fork, take out the sausage and again, covering the pan with a lid, put it in a cool place. The fat prepared for storing sausages can then be used to prepare different dishes. Therefore, make sure that it does not turn yellow and does not deteriorate when exposed to heat.

Recipe 3. How to make homemade pork sausage - fried sausage with bacon

The recipe is designed for 4 kg of raw material weight. For this sausage, the best option is a natural shell. If anyone knows how to make homemade pork sausage in a film, then with great hope we will expect a story about such an experience.


• Pork pulp, non-greasy (any part of the carcass) 3 parts

• Pork fat 1 part

• Flour 200-250 g

• Salt, spices, garlic

• Natural casing 4 m


Peel the pork flesh (after soaking) from the films and cut into small cubes. In the same cubes we cut fat and add it to the meat, along with flour, garlic and spices. Stuffing should be knocked out so that it sticks together, and then it would be convenient for them to fill the shells. Fill the shell, boil the sausage rings, then fry it or smoke if there is a home smokehouse. In any case, meat - eat meat, and the sausage will be delicious, real, from natural products.

How to fill? According to the circumstances: someone manually, through the horn, the old-fashioned way, and someone using modern household appliances. It is important not to forget that during heat treatment, cooking, followed by frying or, possibly, even smoking, the shell should not break. Therefore, leave some space for expanding the sausage meat. The natural shell, on the contrary, is contracted by heat.

You can change the ratio of fat and pork pulp, if you prefer a safer sausage.

If after cooking you still smoked sausage, you’ll get a completely different look that tastes like the well-known “Krakow” or “Odessa”, moreover, of the highest grade.

Recipe 4. Home-made sausage, pork - Tongue ham


• Premium pork (tenderloin) 3 kg

• Beef or pork tongue 1.5 kg

• Cream, fatty 500-600 ml

• Egg melange (or eggs) - 140 g (or 6 eggs)

• Onions, carrots, parsley and celery roots, garlic

• Spices (to taste), sodium nitrite (optional) and gelatin (40g)


Peel the tongue and cook it separately. Then cut into beautiful, even cubes (0.5x05 cm). Grind the prepared tenderloin in a meat grinder, as for a regular minced meat. Also add, with gelatin diluted in them, spices and minced vegetables. Try to kill all this mass to such a consistency that it is not noticeable what it consists of.

Then fill the prepared shell. For ham sausage, an artificial film or foil is quite suitable. Fix the edges of the rings or loaves well, on one side make a loop so that the sausage hangs a little, and then cook it, as meat is usually cooked.

Recipe 5. How to make homemade sausage from the liver - Delicious paste


• Liver (calculation of products per 1 kg of any type of liver):

- beef

- pork

- chicken (turkey or other)

• Milk 250 ml - for any liver

• Butter:

- for beef liver - 180 g;

- for pork liver - 100 g;

- for poultry liver - 120 g;

• Onions and carrots - not more than 15% of the total mass of minced meat for any type of liver;

• Pulp of pork or poultry - 40% by weight of the liver

• Garlic, spicy roots, spices - to taste.

• Eggs - 1.5 pcs. per 1 kg of minced meat (total volume)


Prepared offal, liver, cut and stew, as usual, in butter, with the addition of milk and vegetables. You can use the liver of any kind individually, as well as in combination with another type. Boil pork pulp in spicy water, with spices, roots, bay leaf. Pork fillet should be slightly boiled. Combine boiled minced meat with stewed liver and vegetables. After cooling, grind, beat the eggs, mix. Add the garlic, eggs and continue to beat the paste until a smooth paste. If necessary, you can add butter to increase the fat content and softness, or milk if the minced meat is dry.

Form and cook the finished mass. It can be steamed because the minced meat needs only pasteurization. Make loaves of small diameter so that pasteurization time is reduced to 15-25 minutes. For the manufacture of this sausage, you can use an artificial shell.

Recipe 6. Home-made sausage, pork - "Cervelat", dried

If there is a desire to make a real, "elite sausage", then this recipe is a suitable case for a test of strength.


• Pork (loin) 2 kg

• Beef tenderloin 1.0 kg

• Fatty pork (brisket) 3.0 kg

Dried spices, ground - 1 tsp. :

• Garlic;

• Nutmeg;

• Fennel;

• White pepper;


• Sodium nitrite 100 mg

• Fructose 150 g


Such sausage is cooked much faster than boiled or fried. The main condition is very high-quality meat and the right conditions for ripening.

Let's start with them! Consider in advance where the sausage will be dried, if 50% humidity is required for ripening within 45 days, air temperature is 15 ° C, and the room must be ventilated. Yes, another important point: in this room no insects should get close to the sausage.

The rest of the cooking process consists in combining all the products and thoroughly grinding the minced meat. Its structure should be, like that of a real cervelat, grainy.

Another nuance is the shell. Ideally, it would be nice to use natural beef gut. But even parchment paper or cling film will do.

If mold appears on the surface of the natural shell during the drying process, it means that everything is going according to plan. Wipe the sausage with ordinary alcohol vinegar.

Home-made pork sausage - useful tips and tricks

• You can use milk powder or cream to make sausages. At the same time, it is better to breed dry mixtures with meat broth, and if the minced meat is sufficiently moist, then pour the dry preservative directly into the meat.

• Do not rush to add salt and spices until the minced meat reaches the desired consistency. If you still need to add spices, then in the same ready-made stuffing, add spices in a solution of water, milk, or meat broth. Use a small amount of liquid so that the stuffing does not become too liquid. After adding the spices, the mince must be again very carefully interrupted.

Successful experiments and delicious home-made sausages, made from pork and any meat, on the table!


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