Diseases of the umbilical wound of newborns


When the umbilical residue disappears in the newborn, the umbilical wound remains in its place. As a rule, in a week she heals, but in premature and weakened children, this healing process can be delayed and be accompanied by such painful manifestations:

- omphalitis (in a simple form - a weeping navel) - is an inflammation of the umbilical region;
- umbilical fungus - is an overgrowth of granulations in the navel, leading to the appearance of a mushroom tumor.

Symptoms of diseases of the umbilical wound of the newborn

About omphalitis in the form of a weeping navel, the wound does not heal well and gets wet. This process is accompanied by serous or purulent discharge, drying up to the state of crusts, after which they form small sores that can bleed.

There are more severe forms of omphalitis, when the inflammatory process affects the area around the navel and leads to redness and swelling of the skin in this area. Swollen skin begins to rise above the surface of the baby’s tummy, pus is released from the umbilical wound, it can bleed, and seals appear around it. This form of omphalitis is accompanied by fever, lethargy of the baby. He refuses a breast, often spits up, loses weight. This condition is dangerous with complications, therefore, it requires urgent hospitalization of the child.

With navel fungus, during prolonged healing, excessive development of granulation formations is observed, which protrude from the wound with a cone. The overall health of the baby, as a rule, does not inspire much concern. But for its treatment requires qualified medical advice.

Treatment of diseases of the umbilical wound of newborns

Treatment of omphalitis in the form of a weeping navel is a regular, up to 2 times a day, treatment of the navel with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. For subsequent drying, a 70 percent alcohol solution, a 1-2 percent alcohol solution of brilliant green, or a 3-5 percent solution of potassium permanganate are used. You can irradiate the navel with ultraviolet light.

Purulent discharge requires the application of a dressing with a hypertonic solution, and with intensive discharge, dressings with Vishnevsky ointment should be used. Violation of the general condition of the child requires hospitalization of the baby and treatment with antibiotics, vitamins, as well as strengthening the child's immune system with gamma globulin and blood transfusions.

Intoxication is removed intravenously by the drip of glucose solutions, saline solutions, blood substitutes, albumin, and antiseptic solutions. Symptomatic therapy may be individually prescribed (with the use of cardiac, diuretic, sedative, etc.).

The treatment of fungus consists in thorough processing of the navel and cauterization of granulations with a 5% solution of silver nitrate. In complex cases, surgery may be prescribed.

Prevention of umbilical wound diseases

To prevent painful manifestations of the umbilical wound, it is necessary to carry out its daily treatment until complete epithelization. The appearance of any changes that may be accompanied by bleeding and other secretions requires a consultation with a doctor.


Watch the video: Newborn Care - How Do I Take Care of the Umbilical Stump? (July 2024).