In Moscow, the outbreak of SARS and influenza


Leonid Pechatnikov, deputy mayor for social development in Moscow, states: a large-scale flu epidemic has been registered in the capital. “The epidemiological threshold has already been exceeded. In Moscow, the epidemic and we still do not see the situation changing for the better. There are a lot of cases, the burden on clinics and hospitals has increased significantly, ”he said.

The number of people with acute respiratory infection and influenza is growing rapidly. The incidence rate when compared with the figures for 2012 is higher by almost 14%.

In turn, metropolitan pharmacies have noted sharply increased sales of cough and flu drugs. Muscovites consume medicines by 60% more. Such a conclusion was made according to the results of statistical data, which Temur Shakaya announced, representative of Apteka A.V.E LLC

“Every day the use of anti-influenza drugs is growing by 30%. Pharmacy chains should have a three-month supply of these drugs in order to avoid a shortage of essential drugs, ”said Shakai.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that this year, despite overcoming the epidemiological threshold, the flu will not set in front of doctors insoluble tasks. It seems to do without unknown strains of influenza.


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