January 31: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on January 31st.


Holidays January 31

International Jeweler's Day

Ancient Greece is historically considered the birthplace of jewelry. Actually, this country was the inventor of stone carving. In addition, at the same time, gems were used in jewelry workshops. All products that were made by the then jewelers were elegant and beautiful. Jewelry masters worked with amber, emerald, pearls, diamonds, corals. At that time, pearls were used not only for jewelry, they decorated outerwear. Jewelry in Russia gained decent popularity at the moment when Kievan Rus and the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality were born. This happened around the 12th century. The best jewelers lived in large cities of the Russian territory. In Russia, it was believed that stones are a symbol of supreme power. Gemstones could be seen in gold or silver frames. Without fail, the stones were inserted into the crown, scepter, royal rod and power. In the royal pantries, things appeared with gems, and they lay with jewelry. This holiday is celebrated not only by Russian masters of jewelry. In Kazakhstan, this day is also very important, because there are also high-class jewelry workers. Kazakh jewelry fully and vividly reflects the ideals of the people, people's tastes and their most important values. In the Russian Federation, jewelry masters created jewelry for men and women, and in Kazakhstan, jewelers inlaid yurts, weapons and equipment, some details of the costume, as well as cutlery.


In the ninth century on the Shetland Islands, which are located near the Scottish coast, the Vikings landed, they became the pioneers in the history of the islands. This event is celebrated in the famous traditional Scottish holiday, which is called Aphelio, it is held in the city of Lerwick. Aphelio is celebrated annually and is considered the largest fiery European festival and one of the most unique festivals in the world. The population of Lerwick is making a model of a Viking ship that weighs 30 feet and has a dragon on its nose. On this day, it is customary to dress up as Vikings, light torches, march through the streets, and at the same time blow into military horns. This ship is carried through the whole city to the seashore. About 1000 colorfully dressed participants go for the squad, which consists of forty Vikings, and for their huge size by ship, to the place where they will light the fire. When evening comes, the torchlight procession, according to the old tradition of burial of dead soldiers, incinerates a Viking boat made of wood on the shore, 1000 burning torches fly and fall onto the ship. This sight is impressive. Such is the custom of the Vikings, which was adopted for the burial of warriors, as well as leaders. The Vikings very often raided Scottish land, which is why many of the traditional festivals for this area are characterized by imprints of Scandinavian culture. Nowadays, the Scots are very proud of this story, which is associated with all the famous Scandinavian pirates. The official date of the holiday of torches was recorded only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, on this day men returned from the Napoleonic Wars.

January 31 on the folk calendar

Afanasyev day, Athanasius the clematis

On this day, the memory of Athanasius is celebrated, he is considered the father of the Greek church. It is known that he was the archbishop of Alexandria in the fourth century. Athanasius was called the clematis because severe frosts always came on his day. People said that the frost of the lazy on the nose is enough, and always always takes off his hat in front of the agile people, so people tried to move more if there was a severe frost. There were many different sayings about frost on this day. Also, many folk signs were associated with this day. If Afanasyev’s day was a blizzard, then there will be no early spring; the opposite was always indicated by clear weather during the day. When the crows flew and circled in packs, it was believed that the frost would be even harsher. If the samovar was warming, and it was very buzzing, people knew that there would be frost. The peasants took the cold positively: it was believed that if the ground freezes in winter, there will be more harvest in summer. The peasants believed that on Afanasiev’s day witches fly out on the Sabbath and lose their head from crazy fun. Upon the return of the witch try in any way to harm people. To prevent this from happening, it was customary on this day to drive away the unclean from the houses. To do this, exactly at twelve o'clock in the morning, healers started talking pipes that came out of the stove, it was believed that it was through them that a witch could get into the house. Ordinary men themselves tried to drive the unclean, they took whips and shafts, walked with them around the village, pounded the walls of houses and barns.

Historical Events January 31

January 31, 1714 Kunstkamera created in St. Petersburg

When Tsar Peter I visited England and Holland, he was interested in an interesting museum - the “cabinet of kunshuts”. Upon his return to Russia, the tsar ordered the organization of a similar museum in St. Petersburg. For this venture, the first exhibits and outlandish samples were immediately purchased. Peter called such a museum a cabinet of rarities. By order of the king, the Kunstkamera was located in the premises of the Summer Palace. The day of the creation of the museum is considered to be January 31, 1714, on that very day Tsar Peter signed a decree establishing the museum of outlandish things. The museum’s collection was rapidly expanding, its fund was constantly replenished, with exhibits from all over the Russian state, as well exhibits came from abroad. At first, people were reluctant to go to the museum, then Peter I came up with interesting tricks, men visiting the Kunstkamera received refreshments in the form of a glass of vodka and a light snack, and women were treated to a cup of coffee and cookies. Time passed, and the museum expanded, and soon the museum exhibits became crowded in the original premises. Then the king ordered the construction of a new building for the Kunstkamera, the famous architects and engineers Mattarnovi, Gerbel, Zemtsov and Chiavery took up this task. Construction lasted a very long time, so that before the opening of the museum, Emperor Peter did not live. The completed project shocked residents and visitors of St. Petersburg; it was the most beautiful Kunstkamera museum in Europe. The construction machinery of the building and its high-quality finish made it possible not to do in the museum a major overhaul up to the present day. Currently, the Kunstkamera building is the state museum of anthropology.

January 31, 1729 first printed Arabic book published in Turkey

For the first time in Turkey, a book published in Arabic typographic font was published. The first book written in a new style was "Jauhari", which in translation means - an explanatory dictionary of the Turkish language. This dictionary has held the primacy of the most complete and high-quality informational directory of the Turkish language for over a thousand years. The dictionary was created at the end of the VIII century and was originally called "The Crown of Speech and the Correctness of the Arabic Language". The author of a unique dictionary, Abu Nasr Ismail, introduced forty thousand words into the dictionary, to which the normative rules of pure Arabic are assigned, the rules of the correct phonetic series and the correct spelling of words are also described. Soon, the Arabic dictionary was translated into Turkish, this complex and painstaking work was carried out by the outstanding cultural figure of Turkey, Ibrahim Muteferrik, who, in addition to literary activities, was engaged in the study of astronomy and philosophy. And at the court of the Sultan, Ibrahim served as a highly respected diplomat. In 1726, on January 31, the famous scientific and literary work was published, despite the fierce opposition of the Ottoman clergy. In an eastern country, completely saturated with Muslim culture and the Islamic religion, it was very difficult to engage in literary creativity, bypassing the opinion of the highest leadership, but Ibrahim succeeded in this and he forever went down in history as the founder of the literary Turkish language.

January 31, 1893 Coca-Cola official trademark appears

Coca-Cola has become a legendary brand these days. The drink itself appeared in 1886, then the chemist John Pemberton tested drugs that could effectively relieve pain. John took sugar syrup and caffeine as the basis for his new drug project, mixing them, he added a decoction of the coca plant to them, resulting in a drink with a brown tint and a sweet taste. In addition, the scientist discovered the stimulating properties of the resulting compound. Soon, a new drug was delivered to pharmacies, patented as a medicine for asthenia and mild depression. Any client of the pharmacy could buy this drink, for this it was enough to drop 5 cents into a special machine and the visitor received a glass of a healing stimulating drink. Later, the scientist finalized his "brainchild" and added carbon dioxide to the drink, then Coca-Cola became the classic drink that we can now buy in any store. The famous drink received the trademark 01/31/1893, founded the famous company, A. Kendler. A businessman bought a recipe for the famous drink from the widow of Pemberton. A little time will pass and Coca-Cola will conquer the whole world and become one of the most popular and favorite tonic drinks.

January 31, 1921 foundation MTUSI

Moscow Technical University of Informatics and Communications is the largest educational and scientific institution in Russia. The university employs almost 1000 teachers: associate professors, doctors of sciences, professors and academicians. Teachers of MTUCI have the highest level of professional training, many of them are laureates of state prizes and awards. At the university, foreign students from more than 80 countries of the world are also studying. The university began its history on January 31, 1921, then by the decision of the Glavprofob and Sovnarkom, the prototype of the current MTUCI, the Moscow Podbelsky Institute of Electrical Engineering and Communications, was formed. In 1938, the institute was connected to the Academy of Engineering and Technology, in this capacity the university existed until 1946, and then was renamed the MEIS. In 1988, the educational institution was significantly expanded and reformed by the three oldest universities in the country: MEIS, VZEIS and the Institute for Advanced Studies, combined into a powerful and authoritative higher education institution, which became known as the Moscow Institute of Communications. In 1992, by decree of the Moscow government, this university was renamed MTUCI. Today it is the most modern and prestigious educational institution in Russia, standing on a par with such famous universities as: Moscow State University, VGIK, MMU and others.

January 31, 1968 the formation of the dwarf state of Nauru

Nauru is perhaps the smallest state in the world, it is so small that there is nowhere to fit even the capital. In fact, Nauru is an island consisting of several villages, practically merged into one village. Unofficially, the capital of the country is the village of Meneng, but the government of the micro-state is located in the village of Yaren. The area of ​​the island state is a little more than 21 km2, and the country's population is only 11,000 people, for comparison - a small city in Russia or Ukraine. Independence, Nauru, gained on January 31st, 1968. Then England abandoned the protectorate over the island and allowed the Naurans to decide their own fate. Nauru is located almost at the equator, the nearest residential island, is three hundred kilometers from Nauru and belongs to the island republic of Kiribati. Nauru is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, in 1999, a small republic was admitted to the United Nations. Nauru is a member of a number of interstate and regional organizations. The diplomatic relations of the USSR and Nauru were officially established in 1987. Nauru Island is located in the west of the Pacific Ocean and is essentially an island of volcanic origin. The shape of the island is oval, its length is 5.6 km, and its width is 4 km, the coastline stretches for 19 kilometers. The highest landscape point of the island is Aivo Hill, its height is about 70 m. The coastal underwater shelf is very short and does not exceed 1 kilometer from the coast, then the ocean floor abruptly breaks to a depth of more than 1000 meters. The island’s economy, previously thriving on phosphate mining, is now in crisis, and the Nauru government is looking for new ways to revive the island’s economy.

Born on January 31

Vanga (1911-1996), the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant

Vanga was born so weak and frail that her parents did not think that the girl would survive. However, the great Vanga not only survived, she passed, difficult life tests and became the greatest clairvoyant of the XX century. The great clairvoyant is the pride of the Bulgarian people. Vangelia (Vanga), was born on January 31, 1911 in the town of Strumica, in Macedonia. In World War I, Vangelei’s father was drafted into the Bulgarian people's army, his mother died early, Vanga was not even five years old. The father who returned from the war married again and took his daughter to his new family. At age 12, Vanga walked in the field - suddenly a strong storm arose, the wind lifted the girl and carried it several hundred meters to the side. When they found Wangeley, she was in a state of shock, her eyes were clogged with sand and dust. Over time, the girl’s vision began to deteriorate, the treatment did not help her, so her father did not have the necessary funds to perform the operation. Four years later, Wageley was completely blind and sent to study at a boarding school for blind children. Her unusual abilities did not appear immediately, but developed as if gradually and especially intensified during the Second World War. She began to predict people their fate, and even began to treat those who questioned with herbs. The fame of Wang spread at the speed of sound. Scientists who have watched her work for decades, have come to the conclusion that 80% of her predictions were not a random fact, but a parapsychological phenomenon. They say that Hitler himself came to her and she predicted his death in the east, but the dictator did not want to hear about his losses and, furious with her prediction, left Wang. She accurately predicted the date of Stalin's death and the death of President Kennedy. She foresaw Nixon's victory in the elections in America. In the fifty-five years of her work, she has received more than one million people.

Vera Glagoleva (1956 ...), Soviet and Russian actress

Vera Glagoleva was born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow in an educated, exemplary family. She never dreamed or thought she would become an actress. Vera has no special acting education. From a young age, she loved sports and was engaged in archery, and rose to the rank of master of sports in archery. First starred in the movie, in the movie "To the End of the Night." In 1974, Vera graduated from high school and married director Rodion Nakhapetov. The husband shot his wife in his films: "Enemies", "About You ...", "Do not shoot at white swans." She also starred in other directors, in A. Efros and S. Aranovich and others. By the beginning of the 80s, Glagoleva had already become a famous actress - she starred in more than 30 films. She played self-sufficient and strong-willed women. Having no acting education, Glagoleva so organically and talentedly played in films that many experienced actors could envy her skill. In 1996, Vera Vitalievna was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.Vera Vitalievna raised three daughters, she is now in her second marriage, is engaged in charity work and sometimes acts in films.

Nadia Rusheva (1952-1969), famous young artist

Nadia Rusheva was born on January 31, 1952 in Mongolia, in a family of theater artists. Immediately after the birth of a daughter, the family returned to Moscow. Nadia began painting at the age of five. In the first grade, she drew over thirty drawings for a school theater performance over the evening. The first exhibition of her paintings and illustrations took place in 1964, when Nadia studied in the 5th grade. Soon, famous magazines began to order Nadia illustrations for various topics published in magazines. She was prophesied by the great future of a famous artist, but she dreamed of becoming a cartoon artist. She painted without sketches, her drawing began instantly, she already drew it in her mind, she could only transfer this image to the canvas. In subsequent years, Nadia organized more than fifteen large-scale exhibitions. Her paintings went around many cities of the USSR and traveled abroad. In 1969, the Lenfilm studio planned to make a documentary about the work of the young artist, but these plans did not materialize. On the morning of March 6, 1969, Nadia suddenly fainted, she was taken to a hospital, where she died a few hours later. Doctors said the cause of sudden death was a brain hemorrhage that occurred as a result of rupture of an arterial aneurysm in the brain. Nadia was only 17 years old and at such an age, such a pathology was more likely a rare event than an ordinary incident. Nadya was buried in Moscow at the Pokrovsky cemetery.

Tengiz Abuladze (1924-1994), Soviet film director

Tengiz Evgenievich Abuladze was born on January 31, 1924, in Georgia. From 1943 to 1946 he studied at the Theater Institute in Tbilisi. In 1953 he graduated from the directing department at VGIK. His teachers were: S.M. Eisenstein, L.V. Kuleshov, A. S. Khokhlova, A. P. Dovzhenko. Since 1953, Tengiz has been working as a full-time director of the Georgia-Film studio. His first film was the short film "Lourja Magdana", this work was noticed by the cinema community, and in 1956 the director received a prestigious award at the Cannes Film Festival. A sign of combining poetry with everyday life, the next well-known film by Abuladze "Alien Children" has already been noticed. In the film "I, Grandmother, Iliko and Illarion", Abuladze showed his true philosophical approach to making films. In the picture, Necklace for my beloved, the master combined the features of the Caucasian folk character and the philosophy of human civilization. The films “Prayer” and “Repentance” became the first works of the famous director directed against the totalitarian Soviet system. These paintings shocked the entire Soviet people, people were literally shocked by the truth about the totalitarian dictatorship in the USSR. These films brought closer the collapse of the "great power" and changed the worldview of Soviet man.

Theodore William Richards (1868-1928), an outstanding American chemist

Theodore Richards was born on 01/31/1868 in the United States. Theodore studied very well at school and graduated as an external student, several years earlier than his peers. At age 14, Theodore enters the second year of college. In 1885, he graduated with honors from college and received a bachelor's degree in chemical and biological sciences. After college, Theodore enters Harvard University and soon graduates with an external degree in chemistry. Then Richards began to engage in research activities. He was interested in the atomic mass of oxygen and hydrogen. To measure such microscopic values, the scientist created a number of instruments and devices designed for this purpose. Devices: calorimeter and nephelometer, allowed the scientist to accurately determine the atomic masses of the necessary elements. In the future, the scientist studies the thermodynamic properties of elements when exposed to low temperatures. In 1888, Theodore received a doctorate in Philosophy, for the scholarship he went on an internship in Germany. After returning to the United States, Richards teaches chemistry at Harvard University. In 1894, he became a university professor. From 1888 to 1923, Richards determined the exact atomic masses of 25 chemical elements. In 1915, the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for outstanding discoveries in the field of chemistry.

Birthday January 31

Vladimir, Emelyan, Ksenia, Maria, Nikolay


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).