17% of women cheating on husbands constantly or sometimes


Treason has always been considered the exclusive right of the male population of the planet. The heated debate of the female half of humanity about whether it is worth forgiving a man has not ceased so far. The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out what Russians think about female infidelity, and conducted a social poll, "Do you often cheat on your man?"

The vast majority of women, 64.1%, strongly replied: "Never! I am faithful!" In support of their opinion, the Russians brought such arguments as: “I do not change, I do not want and do not know how,” “Apart from my man, no one cares as a sexual object”, “Relationships are more valuable than sex” and “If I have a husband or a regular partner, I’m disconnected the perception of strangers. "

11.7% of the fair sex admitted that they had cheated on their husband only once. Basically, this happened with those who found out about the betrayal by the beloved man and decided in this way to take revenge on him. “I can change in response to his betrayal, then I’ll come, I’ll tell you everything in detail and immediately file for a divorce,” said one of the women and in her own words expressed the opinion of the majority of women belonging to the category of “disposable” traitors.

9.2% of Russians admitted that “sometimes happens” and motivated their behavior with the same betrayal of husbands and boyfriends. Women called their betrayal a "quiet revenge", which allows them to think that they are no worse than those with whom they are cheating. Such betrayals give them confidence in themselves and their irresistibility.

7.9% of respondents answered the question of the portal "Women's Opinion": "I am constantly changing." Such women included those who do not receive sexual satisfaction from husbands, have not loved them for a long time, and live together for only some important reason. Constant quarrels or complete indifference reign in the families of these ladies. One of the reasons why divorce is undesirable was young children.

7.1% of women said: "I would like to, but there is no such possibility." These representatives of the fairer sex were obviously cunning, because if you want, you can always find the opportunity, since they have freedom of movement, and therefore the opportunity to get acquainted with a strange man.

According to the results of the survey, it can be concluded that only 17% of women cheat on their husbands constantly or sometimes, and the men themselves are to blame.

The survey involved 5210 people. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 189 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: DAMtv - Tập 6 - Chuyện Thần Tiên Ở Xứ Sở ÔDAM - OFFICIAL (June 2024).