The diet of Marina Afrikantova: is it a slimming or successful work of a surgeon? What diet followed Marina Afrikantova, the menu by day


More and more new diets (ways of losing weight) arise after losing weight of another TV or movie star.

No exception and diet of marina afrikantova, participants of the popular reality show "House 2".

Arriving at the project in the form of a plump girl with puffy cheeks, Marina Afrikantova soon left her "household" for a short while, and on her return struck them and permanent viewers with a much thinner figure.

The chic look of the body was complemented by the absence of the usual plump cheeks, which led to the guesswork of the whole country about the African plastic surgery performed.

Afrikanthian weight loss myths

Manufacturers of all kinds of “slimming products” quickly picked up the news about Marina who was built, and each of them now claims that it was his “amazing method” that had such a strong effect.

According to information from the Internet, Afrikantov, without even knowing recommends:

• herbal spray for weight loss;

• chocolate slim;

• soda baths;

• green coffee;

• monastic tea;

• Goji berries;

• chia seeds;

• magnetic earrings.

This is only a small part of the "magic" ways of losing weight, which are attributed to Marina. But in fact, she did not try any of these methods on herself, and, according to her, her adherence to the strict diet of Marina Afrikantova helped her lose weight.

Detractors also helped spread rumors about serious plastic surgery, not believing that after the diet, Marina’s cheeks could fall and her lips would grow. And they say that the work was not done very well.

But Afrikantova has not yet confirmed these guesses, and says that only control over her eating behavior can affect her appearance so much.

Unsuccessful weight loss attempts

Marina tried many diets, but none of them gave the desired effect - the girl lost a maximum of 5 kilograms of excess weight.

Diets that Afrikantov tried:

• buckwheat,

• cabbage;

• Hollywood;

• Japanese;

• Brazilian.

These are only basic diets that have been unsuccessful.

In the end, the method described below has helped to lose weight by more than 20 kilograms.

The history of weight loss and diet of Marina Afrikantova

Constant quarrels and misunderstandings with your beloved guy led to depression and rapid weight gain. Monodiets did not help. The former beauty queen was forced to take drastic measures. In her case, it was a lifestyle change. Since Afrikantova herself prefers not to share the full method of losing weight with all, according to the stories of friends and publications in the media, we have compiled only an approximate list of actions that led to a good result (about 25 kilograms of dropped weight).

The diet of Marina Afrikantova consisted in a hard restriction of daily calorie intake, a total ban on certain foods and diet. That is, by and large, the essence of losing weight in reducing the energy value of food entering the body, and a parallel increase in energy consumption.

What prohibits diet:

• bakery products, especially baking;

• flour products (including macaroni);

• sweet pastry;

• foods rich in fats;

• carbonated drinks.

Diet lasts no more than 21 days. Due to severe restrictions it may be necessary to take multivitamin preparations in order to ensure the vital needs of the body.

Nutrition on the African diet

You can use the following diet throughout the diet, but many hard to follow these recommendations, in this case, you can eat on a vegetable or fruit between the main meals.

First day:

• breakfast - tea with honey, low-fat cottage cheese;

• lunch - grated apple with lemon juice;

• dinner - stewed lean beef with vegetables.

Second day:

• breakfast - a piece of low-fat cheese and coffee;

• lunch - 100 grams of boiled fish and a cup of fish broth;

• dinner - half a liter of kefir, an apple.

The third day:

• breakfast - muesli with kefir or freshly squeezed fruit juice;

• lunch - tomato juice with a slice of black bread;

• dinner - 100 grams of boiled chicken meat.

Fourth day:

• breakfast - oatmeal with honey;

• lunch - vegetables and 2 pieces of boiled chicken without fat;

• dinner - yogurt (kefir) and pear.

Fifth day:

• breakfast - black bread and cheese sandwich;

• lunch - light vegetable soup, some fresh vegetables;

• dinner - cucumber and tomato with a slice of cheese.

Sixth day:

• breakfast - tomato and cucumber;

• lunch - chicken broth, a slice of black bread;

• dinner - a salad of carrots, cabbage and cucumbers.

Seventh day:

• breakfast - two apples and a glass of fresh fruit from your favorite fruit;

• lunch - vinaigrette and fruit juice (without sugar);

• dinner - two boiled eggs, half a liter of kefir.

Repeat the above menu, according to the method, you need three times. One time period of diet must not exceed three weeks. You can again "go" on a diet not earlier than in a month, otherwise the probability of gastrointestinal diseases is high.

The daily caloric intake of food consumed by Afrikantova was from 500 to 1000 kcalthat is catastrophically small. Weight loss in this mode is inevitable even without increasing physical exertion, with the weight initially going to be muscular, and the adipose tissue will begin to "melt" much later. You can “die up” to “skin and bones”, only the harm done to the female body, while it will be just as catastrophic.

As for physical exercises, Marina Afrikantova was engaged daily for 20–25 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (running or walking at an intense pace).

The girl claims that the most difficult days are the first when the desire to eat is very strong, but from the second week it becomes much easier, and you are not so hungry anymore.

How to get out of the diet of Marina Afrikantova

As in a number of other diets for weight loss, and in the general advice of doctors and nutritionists, there is a basic requirement in the above diet: drink at least one and a half liters of water or herbal decoctions a day. Whether the result is fixed depends only on the specific slimming person. If you keep your appetite under control and do not allow yourself fatty foods, pastries and alcohol, then dropped pounds will not return.

One of the guarantees of a successful diet is the correct way out of it. Three weeks of constant feeling of hunger somewhat changed the body's response to food consumption. If you "present" a cake to him, you can be sure that all the weight of the cake you eat will remain in the form of fat around the waist, hips and other places that are not at all welcome to him. It is necessary to add caloric intake to the diet quite a bit, and let the body get used to the new volume. Giving an additional 200 kcal per day, follow the reaction for a couple of weeks - if the weight has not increased, then you can add more. As soon as you see the weight on the scales, remove 100 kcal from the diet, wait a couple more weeks and watch.

Note: under 150 kcal is meant a small piece of bread with a thin layer of butter, or a plate of porridge without butter, or 300 grams of boiled potatoes with a teaspoon of butter, or other products that need to be administered every day, one at a time.

It is necessary to continue such control until the body enters a stable mode of consumption of energy obtained from food. The duration of this process is unknown, and depends on gender, age and state of health.

The recommendations of doctors on the diet Afrikantova

In winter, on the low-calorie diet of Marina Afrikantova, no doctor recommends “sit down”, especially before the New Year: first, the venture is almost doomed to fail due to the upcoming holidays, and secondly, it is dangerous to health. In the cold season to eat more than in summer, for a person is normal, even necessary - the energy costs for heating are large. The best time of year for this diet is summer.

Doctors do not recommend such experiments to women during and after menopause, adolescents, pregnant women, during lactation, and patients with chronic diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract).

Physically active people should be approached with caution to the diet of Marina Afrikantova - there is a risk of starvation from hunger directly on the treadmill.

What do the followers of the African diet

The recall of thinner girls confirms the effectiveness of the method, thanks to which they lose from 2 to 25 kg of excess weight per full cycle. Without physical exertion, the effect, of course, will not be so stunning, but it will for sure.

Advantage of diet - the presence of only healthy food, and flaw - too little of it.
